
Secured WTS folder access

On WTS I need to write a secured application which gets connected by different users but needs to use a single secured user credentials to access files on the server folders ...

oAuth, one client one token? or one client multiple tokens?

This question is with regards to oAuth. Does "resource owner" grant one token to a "client" with all the necessary access? or can the "resource owner" grant multiple tokens to the "clients" each with some access? The difference being upgrade the token's access? or just create another token with the added access? ...

Need help in reading the data from credentials xml file

Hi all, I want to read the username and password from credentials xml file. For successful login it should go to destination page or for invalid login it should display the invalid username or password. Suppose i have many no of username and password in credential.xml file, user can dynamically enter any of the combination username and p...

Passing Forms Auth User credentials to SQL Server database connection

My web app is using .NET 3.5 framework, VS 2008 with a SQL Server database. I am using Forms authentication and the generic login to validate user access to the aspx pages. Is there a way I can pass the user's form auth credentials (different from their Windows login) to the sql server connectionstring so that their database permission...

Glassfish JMS (flat-file) authentication

Hi all, Flat-file JMS authentication is easy to set up on Glassfish (see The problem is the client part. I am writing a standalone Java client to access my JMS ressources (ConnectionFactory and Destination) via JNDI. How to pass a username and a password to JMS from that client ...

Storing Credentials in Credential Manager Service

I have some credentials (username and a password), and I cannot figure out where to store them. I heard about an application storing credentials in the Windows Credential Service, so I looked into this option. It seemed ideal. Just store sensitive information in a Windows Service, and not have to worry about storing them in your own reg...

ChannelFactory Credentials + object is read only

Greetings, what is the problem that when I try to set credentials for my factory as follows: ChannelFactory<IWCFSeekService> factory = Factory; if (factory != null) { factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = CServiceCredentials.Instance.Username; _Channel = factory.CreateChannel(); } I get an exception that object is read-only....

Has anyone used the Win32 API function CredWrite in .NET?

I'm trying to use CredWrite, but get an ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER 87 (0x57) error. The intent is to have a secure place to save the user's password for my .net WPF application. And my code: public class CredMan { private const string TARGET_PREFIX = "myappname:"; public static void SavePassword(string username, string password)...

.net question - where are the DefaultCredentials stored/accessed from for a WinForms v3.5 app?

Hi, Where are the DefaultCredentials stored/accessed from for a WinForms v3.5 app? That is if I am using the settings for defaultProxy for my Winforms v3.5 application, and set a proxy server address here, exactly where does/can the username/password come from? Or in other words where does the framework source the "default credentials...

ValidateCredentials() returns FALSE on First Call but TRUE on Subsequent Calls

I'm using the following code to authenticate users on my web service: using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain)) { return context.ValidateCredentials(userName, password); } The obstacle I'm running into is that the first call to ValidateCredentials() is returning false but subsequent calls ...

Set Proxy Credential in Web Browser Control

I am working on a legacy code where an application uses AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser (NOT System.Windows.Forms.Control) to open up web pages and am extending it to take proxy into considerations. I have following example on to use InternetSetOption() to go through specified p...

DefaultNetworkCredentials or DefaultCredentials

Which one am I supposed to use when I need to supply a credential to a proxy (local or in Network)? What's the exact difference between these two? ...

WCF NetTcpBinding Security - how does it work?

Hi, encountered the following problems trying to work through the quagmire of settings in WCF... I created a WCF client server service using a NetTcp binding. I didn't make any changes to the security settings and when running on one machine it works very nicely. However, when I ran my client from another machine it complained that the ...

How do I pass credentials to a machine so I can use Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey() on it?

This .NET API works OK if I'm trying to open the Registry in a machine that's in the same domain as I am (and my logged-on user has admin rights on the target machine). It gets tricky if it's an out-of-domain machine with a different, local administrative user (of whom I do have the password). I tried to use WNetUseConnection() (which ...

Sharepoint isn't accepting new Credentials initially when switching users.

Hi all, I have a standard website (one webapplication and one site collection) with some custom pages and webparts. The issue I'm having is that when I try to switch users, using the "Sign In As a Different User" and entering new credentials (even for another site collection admin account), IE tries the account three times, and then i...

Sharepoint isn't accepting new Credentials initially when switching users.

Hi all, I have a standard website (one webapplication and one site collection) with some custom pages and webparts. The issue I'm having is that when I try to switch users, using the "Sign In As a Different User" and entering new credentials (even for another site collection admin account), IE tries the account three times, and then i...

Security in API authentication

We are in the process of revamping our server side API, and we need to manage security. Our current model requires that a credentials object (containing user, password, and pin) be included in each method invocation. Our development team, however, has decided that we should have session objects instead (which is fine by me), but the new ...

Storing SMTP credentials for a VB.Net application

sHi folk, I've been storing SQL connection strings in web.conf which is fine but now I need to store SMTP credentials somewhere protected. web.conf seems like the likeliest place since its protected but how can they be stored? I've added the details to my web.conf but amnot sure how to reference them <> <mailSettings> ...

Why do browsers use my saved password for all forms in the one site?

Is there a way to limit the url of saved credentials in browsers? For example, if I save a username and password for can I make it so that the rest of the forms in the site don't use these details?, etc... I'm aware of the autocomplete attribute bu...

Is it possible to store credentials for auotmatic Team Foundation Server login?

Is it possible to store the credentials that I use to connect to my Team Foundation Server directly in Visual Studio 2010? I would like to avoid to insert them at every VS launch. The problem is that the machine that host TFS is not in the domain and I am conneting using the credentials of a user created on that machine. Suppose that ...