
whenever gem minutely job. If minutely job takes more than one minute then what

I am plannning to use whenever gem which among other things will also run minutely rake task. If my rake task takes more than a minute then based on the output from whenever gem it seems like the second instance of the rake task will kick-in even though the first one is not quite finished. Will whenever gem will wait for the miutely tas...

How do I access an MVC function via a cron job?

Hi, I'm using CodeIgniter (a PHP framework) to build an app, and I have an every-minute job to run with the program, 24 hours a day. I currently have it set up as: and that executes the job I want, but cron doesn't visit the URL as a user, it executes a script as far as I know. Do I just write a script ...

Accessing SSH key from bash script running via a cron job

I've put this script together to updated a folder of forked Github repositories on a daily basis. It runs fine if I call it from a prompt, but I can' figure out how to make it utilize my id_rsa reliably when it is run as a cron job. the eval 'ssh-agent' is an attempt to do just that, but it doesn't seen to have any positive affect. #!/b...

Edit crontab programmatically and force the daemon to refresh

Hi, I'm trying to write a web frontend for Crontab in Ruby using the excellent CronEdit gem. I went through Dillon Cron's crontab source code and found that it updates a particular file so that the daemon will refresh the cron list during the next sweep. In man crontab for VixieCron, it says: Additionally, cron checks each minute to ...

Algorithm for computing the last time a cron expression should have triggered?

I ran into this date and time constraint problem earlier this week, and haven't really found any good approach for an algorithm. Each idea I get grinds to a halt with something like what if this is a leap year? or what if this is run on the night when we change to/from DST Input: A crontab expression (wikipedia on CRON format,Cron). F...

How can I send an auto-generated email every x-days with php mail(), without access to cron?

Hello, I am trying to send an email, via php's mail function to user's every 15 days to remind them of a particular item (no worries, nothing spam related). I unfortunately do not have access to cron, so I think I would need some sort of client side solution (is this correct?). A link to get me started or a general outline of what I n...

Getting started with cronjobs on a Mac.

I'm trying to get familiar with cron jobs, and I think I get the basic idea (scheduling, syntax, etc), But, I can't seem to get it right on my mac with Terminal - where exactly do I find the Crontab? How should I reference the paths to scripts? What I'm trying to do is hit a php script on a remote machine (http://...) - Is that possible...

Quartz job tunning

hello there is something i've realized with quartz when working.Say a cron is set to wake up every 2min with the expression 0 0/2 * * * ? . When you run the project at say 13:10:30, the first action happens at 13:12:00 and the second 13:14:00 and every 2min 0 second for the rest. Obviously between the startup of the project and the firs...

cron + evolution data server + msync returning libebook-WARNING

Ok, i got a working synchronisation between mobile and evolution using opensync and the lib-evo2 module. issueing msynctool --sync w880i --filter-objtype note --filter-objtype event --filter-objtype todo --conflict n directly works fine, in a script like this: #!/bin/bash eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax` export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRE...

How do you get a Cronjob executing a PHP script to run longer than 30 seconds.

Could you rewrite this into a cron that will run every day for longer than 30 seconds. Also, do i need to edit the .htaccess or php.ini file in the cron.php directory to say something. Over the browser it runs just fine for longer than 30 seconds, over the shell, it runs just fine too. But as a cron set task, it dies after 30 seconds. Im...

can php cron jobs access session variables/cookies?

hello, i am new to cron jobs and i have done much searching on this topic but i couldn't understand it fully. can cron jobs access cookies or session variables? thanks! ...

Automatically add date to .gif

Alright, What Im looking for is a script that would automatically add a date to a .gif, which I can run daily as a cron job. I don't know perl very well, but It seems that Perl & Gimp might be a way to get the job done. Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can create such a script thanks! ...

Automatic Database reads/write every second

I am making an auction website, which has an auto-bid system. This system lets people make biddings without having to be there. My question is how to implement such a system. I have made the php files and everything is ready, I've made a html page which refreshes every second. It works, but I'm wondering if there's a better solution. T...

Is there an equivalent to cron in Windows?

I want to know if there is an equivalent cron in Windows and how I can use it programmatically using PHP. ...

Batch Job Dependencies Using Open Source/Free Software

I run a large data warehouse plant where we have a lot of nightly jobs running concerruently however many have dependencies on a extract or data load process before they start. Currently we use an 'expensive scheduling system' to scehdule these at the moment. Is there any way you can setup job dependencies using an open source or free u...

Eval to variable failing (w/Crontab)

Here's a snippet of a bash script I'm writing to log CPU loads: #!/bin/bash # ... irrelevant nonsense ... cmd1="/usr/bin/mpstat -P ALL | egrep '(AM|PM)([[:space:]]+)(0)' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4" ldsys="$(echo $cmd1 | /bin/sh)" # ... irrelevant nonsense ... $ldsys is set properly when the script is executed conventionally from the ...

How to get the cron working when using Javan-whenever in Rails

I have setup my schedule.rb file as follows. set :cron_log, "/log/cron_log.log" if Rails.env.development? every 1.minute do runner "SomeModel.move_values" runner "SomeOtherModel.dispense" end end I also make it work in development mode by whenever --update-crontab trunk --set environment=development But my model methods...

Call a Kohana helper from cron (or any URL)

I need to call a Kohana helper (or any php MVC framework) from a Cron job. How can I do this? The server is Linux, so, I can only think of two possible solutions: 1- Open an URL from the cron job, which hits a controller and does what it has to do. 2- Call a Kohana controller without passing through the web server, but with the PHP CLI. ...

Run a PHP script every second using CLI

Hello, I have a dedicated server running Cent OS with a Parallel PLESK panel. I need to run a php script every second, that updates my database. These is no alternative way timewise, i have checked every method, it needs to be updated every second. I can find my script using the url:, and this ...

Running a php cron job - problem with execution time

Hello, I have a site where I download data from one site using cUrl a then generate a image from it, which is stored on the server and displayed on other websites. I've got everything working perfectly, except from a cron job. Whenever I run this script it stops after a while (it's more than 30 secs though, more like 2-3 minutes, it's...