
Mysql trigger/events vs Cronjob

Hello, I have an auction website which let my users place an unlimited amount of autobiddings. To monitor these autobiddings something has to check the database every second. My question is if it is better to use mysql trigger events or to user a cronjob every minute that executes a 60 sec looping php script. If i use the mysql tr...

how to invoke ruby script containing system command with cron job?

I have a ruby script containing system command like, while I ran this script from shell, it works correctly, but when I added it to my cron job list, it doesn't work any more, the cron job is like: 10/* * * * * cd /home/hekin; /usr/bin/ruby my_script.rb any idea what's going wrong with what i've done? ...

Email using cron job

i have made app using google app engine in pythonof weekly Project and assessment report submitting... i want to check that on Friday who have submitted the report and who don't just send the scheduled notification mail that he haven't submitted the report in last week... ** but i dont want to send the notification mail on monday who ...

Cakephp Shell Cronjob Controller Action Media Temple Server

Hi All, I'm trying to create a cron job that will send a weekly newsletter. I tried creating a shell task following what Cakephp manual says. Then I go to the Media Temple Cron jobs and type in the following: php /home/#####/domains/ -app /home//#####//domains/ newslette...

cron in google app engine python

i have made app using google app engine in pythonof weekly Project and assessment report submitting... i want to check that on Friday who have submitted the report and who don't just send the scheduled notification mail that he haven't submitted the report in last week... ** but i dont want to send the notification mail on monday who h...

Advanced cron for a perl script

I have a Perl script that needs to run following an annual schedule with specific dates and times of when to start and stop. I don't believe crontab can handle this. Is there a Perl module (even a non-perl implementation would be fine) that can help me with this? If it helps, I m running this on a linux box. Also, the schedule has only ...

Magento - Layered Nav Refresh Timeout - Cron Issue - Prices Disappear

Hello This is a problem for certain Magento users. The cron is supposed to refresh the layered navigation and sometimes it times out. When it does so, the prices will disappear for products that require computed prices. Grouped products for example, have to find the cheapest product under the group and display it. This stops working due...

Cron on XAMPP (Mac OS)

Hi All, I have installed XAMPP server on my Mac OS, how to setup a cron job on it? My requirement is that i want to call a php script at regular intervals . Thanks ...

Wille php copy() work for a person viewing the site who has the site which i'm copying from blocked?

Say I use php copy(), to get a file from a site. And then a user who is using a proxy filtering service that has that site blocked, will the site still be able to copy that file for the user? If not, would a cron job be able to? And is the same for file_get_contents? Cheers ...

PHP loop acting as cronjob[ensure only one instance running]

Hello everybody, I have a multi part question for a php script file. I am creating this file that updates the database every second. There is no other modeling method, it has to be done every second. Now i am running CentOS and i am new to it. The first noob question is: How do i run a php file via SSH. I read it is just # php path...

Web based cron for free ..

Is there any free web based cron that can do scheduled jobs .... ...

How to install cron. Im a newbie

I want to run PHP scripts automatically. For that I googled and I came to know about CRON. But I dont know how to install and use it. Im using only PHP, CSS, HTML, and running on XAMP apache server on localhost. How to install. Help Me plz ...

Is there any way to automatically run PHP script on Hosting web server withour cron??

I had a script which sends sms alerts everyday. I want it to send automatically send sms by fetching message from database. Can I do it without cron. Is there any other solution. Plz help ...

PHP generate a crontab

I want to have a web interface to control when to call a PHP script. In this interface I want to be able to set certain times or ranges that a script will be called. This information will be stored in a DB. When I hit save I want to have it read all the scheduled times from the DB, then format it and write it to a crontab for a cron job....

execute conky with a cron job and bash

Hi, for my script in bash, I'd like to start conky if it's not running and pick a random wallpaper #! /bin/bash ## dependances : randomize-lines # otherwise wont work with cron export DISPLAY=0 while read line ; do echo $line | grep -vqe "^#" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then export $line; fi done < ~/.dbus/session-bus/$(cat /var/lib/dbus/machine...

Infrastructure for Running your Zend Queue Receiver

I have a simple messaging queue setup and running using the Zend_Queue object heirarchy. I'm using a Zend_Queue_Adapter_Db back-end. I'm interested in using this as a job queue, to schedule things for processing at a later time. They're jobs that don't need to happen immediately, but should happen sooner rather than later. Is there a...

How to set a cronjob in Godaddy server?

How to set a cronjob in Godaddy server. I set a cron in corn manager for a cron_z.php like this /web/cgi-bin/php5 "$HOME/html/ebaylatest/cron/cron_z.php and I got below massage in mail. what could be the error in this. /web/cgi-bin/php5: Symbol `client_errors' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking Status: 302 Mo...

cron that needs a display

I m trying to run a cron which involves opening a graphical program and thus needs a DISPLAY set. I have tried the following: * * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /opt/firefox/firefox -print .. It does not work and even if I try it on my console the above command does not work. It just sits there doing nothing. Now, the on...

php cron job every 10 minutes

Hi, I'm trying to run a cron job so that a php script will run every 10 minutes on my server. The script updates a database. Right now my crontab looks like: * /10 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/user/public_html/ However, the php script never seems to run. I've also tried reloading cron after updating the cr...

Execute PHP via cron - No Input file specified

I'm using the following command to execute a PHP file via cron php -q /home/seilings/public_html/dvd/cron/mailer.php The problem is that I Have a file that's included in the execution that determines which config to load.... such as the following: if (!strstr(getenv('HTTP_HOST'), ".com")) { $config["mode"] = "local"; } else { ...