
PIL crop and paste problem: Cropping doesn't create a cropped image

I'm trying to crop an image and then paste the cropped image into the centre of another image. Ideally I'd like the cropped image to be smaller than the image its being pasted on so that there is a border around the pasted image but I don't know if that's possible. Here's what I've tried (along with the resulting error message): >>> i...

clipping an image objective-c

I created a Grid of Images. The frames of those images are squares-shaped(CGRects). Unfortunately the images fill-fits the square unproportionally. But I would like to "crop" or "mask" the given image. Which means my frames will show only parts of an image but proportionally correct. I tried contentModes of UIImageView but no luck. for(...

UIImage resize, crop and rotate with frame

I'm searching for library or just code snippet to provide function like resize, crop with frame and rotate image after user pick image from image picker. Something like on this video: (0:55). Maybe someone has the same issue? ...

PHP JPEG Crop : Loss of quality?

Hi all, I'm developing a web-to-print, poster printing application. I'm considering using PHP to crop user-uploaded images, and we will ultimately print the PHP-cropped image. My concern is there will be a difference in 'quality' between the original user uploaded image, and image after it is cropped by PHP. Will PHP affect the quali...

Shrink and Crop a UIPickerView in iOS4

How do you shrink a UIPickerView in iOS4? Nothing works for me: - Changing the frame value in the .xib as text - Setting the frame I can shrink using a transform, but I want to hide the background and see only 3 or 1 rows. Yes, this question has been asked before ..

PHP: crop with PNG and trans

Im having issue when a user uploads and try's to crop a PNG or transparent image( with .gif) I am getting: Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: in statusUpFunctions.php on line 100 Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): 'images/status/photo/1-6.jpg' is not a valid JPEG file in statusUpFunctions....