
Proper encoding of href for in JavaScript

What is the proper cross-browser encoding for the href when using in JavaScript? First I was using var href = ""; var win =, name, 'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); IE8 opens:

JQUERY Autocomplete using PHP and cross-site problem

Hi, I am trying to load a series of cities/countries in a textbox to display using jquery autocomplete. To do this, I attach the autocomplete to the textbox and call a PHP routine called SEARCH.php. This works fine if SEARCH is on the same server. When I try to call search from a different server (in this case, an ASP server), I get a ...

I like this trick...but is it safe in JavaScript

The main issue I'm thinking about is whether assigning a variable in an if statement is safe and reliable across different browsers. If it is safe, I'd like to use it. Here it reads the querystring and if the querystring variable SN is either Twitter or Facebook then it enters the if and you can use the variable, if the querystring var...

Embedding WMP to play .mpg files cross browser

Hi all, I'm setting up a website which ultimately displays videos. The video files are all .mpg and requirements prevent me from converting these to another format such as flv. So far I have been playing around with Windows Media Player but have found that it doesn't play nice with non IE browsers. The problem which arises is that altho...

Major sites browser incompatibilities

Is there a site cataloging the different browser incompatibilities of major (Alexa top 100) sites? One client complained that one portion of the site wasn't rendering properly in IE6, even though that wasn't on our list of supported browsers. They said they doubt major sites like Amazon put out code that doesn't render properly in all ...

Cross Browser Font/Color Issues - Chrome/Safari

Hi, Hoping someone can assist as to what I maybe doing wrong as my css (style) for the website all looks fine in Firefox but in both Chrome and Safari, my fonts are coming out looking black color instead of the grey color as is, in Firefox. Can anyone pls assist as to why the fonts/color are different in Safari and Chrome - it looks li...

How do i achieve the following in HTML ?

I wish to have a page that has a fixed height (without scroll bars). Then underneath the header a fluid height div that does have a scroll bar(not the entire page). Also, the width is to be fluid on the entire page. This is illustrated below: What should i do in HTML so that it works in all browsers including IE6 ? EDIT: CODE CHANGE...

Which browsers have support for CSS :before { content: "x"; }

Which browsers have support for CSS :before { content: "x"; }? I could not find any information about this question. It seems that the CSS attribute content is quite unknown in the community although seemingly useful. ...

Why do browser vendors make their own css properties?

Why do browser vendors make their own css properties, even they know these properties will not pass the w3c validation before approved and added by w3c? What is the purpose? Is for their own testing, or for web developers, or to demonstrate browser capabilities to the world and to the W3C organizations and to CSS development team of W3C...

Check for Block Ads/Scripts (Browser Addons, Compatibility)

I'm conflicted. you guys decide if this should migrate to SU or not. I would like to test my site against popular browser ad ons. ATM i have tested against noscript and adblock plus for firefox. What other popular ad ons should i check compatibility with? By compatibility i mean to work as intent on browsers i support (opera, firefox,...

Multiple Browser Testing Tool

Hi guys: I would like to seek your suggestion for the tool faciliate the multiple-browser testing of web site. PS: ASP.NET is my current working environment. ...

How to Convert Table design to Div design keeping same cross browser compatible layout?

Is there any guidelines to convert Table design to Div design keeping same cross browser compatible layout? ...

how to enable iFrame designMode in a local webpage without using the localhost server?

The code... <html> <body> <iframe id="editableFrame"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> editableFrame.document.designMode="on"; </script> </body> </html> gets the iFrame editable only when run off a server(http://...)(online or from localhost). How do I get this working by simply o...

Cross-browser incompatibility, how to put the button "同意して、アカウントを作成します" back into the big box?

If you visit with Firefox, you will find that the button "同意して、アカウントを作成します" is out of the box; if you access this web page with IE, then there is no problem. How to fix this problem(put "同意して、アカウントを作成します" back into the box in Firefox)? ...

Custom HTTPHandler causing caching or session issues?

So i have a custom CMS running under .Net 3.5 written entirely in c#. The engine is optimized to render for mobile devices, but also server to normal web browsers. It also supports cookieless sessions. Great... I've chosen not to cache anything (including browser data) in order to control the rendering completely from data. This has bee...

Fieldset CSS: any way to get a consistent display between Chrome, Firefox and IE?

I'm trying to get the display of a fieldset the same across browsers. I've create a simple file: <style> fieldset { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 7px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 7px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 7px; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; border-radius: 3px; } ...

Simple bind not working in IE for Radiobutton in jQuery

Hi this works fine in Firefox, but not IE. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help in advance! $(document).ready(function(){ $("#radiodiv").buttonset(); $('#radio1').bind("click", function() { alert('Hello'); }); } <form> <div id="radiodiv"> <input type="radio" id="radio1" name="radio" checked="checked" /><label for=...

jQuery and XHTML layout problems in ie7

Hi there, I am back again with more layout problems on my up and coming website. I am able to achieve the proper animation, positioning and results with my layout / splash on every modern browser (excluding ie7 or older). I have an image in the center of the page, that is text-align: center'd, and pushed to a vertical center by having ...

The textblock in a circle.

Prompt how to solve a problem, please. I have a div containing text. It is necessary that the text was in a circle. From what to me to start to solve the given problem? Can be methods javascript (on a site it is connected jQuery)? P.S. The decision should be crossbrowser. ...

Can you drag and drop a URL with a large icon/graphic from a web page to you desktop?

Is there anyway to create a desktop icon (cross platform/browser) from a linked image on a page without some kind of executable? <a href=""&gt;&lt;img src="nice_icon.png" /></a> ...