
What is the difference between Popup , chromeless window, modal-window, lightbox, hover ad?

What is the difference between Popup , chromeless window, modal-window, lightbox, hover ad? Which is unblockable with default setting on any browser, more accessible with screen reader and even accessible if javascript disabled? ...

Drag'n'Drop and Paste detection with contentEditable or designMode enabled

Does anyone of you know a cross browser working way to detect paste or drag'n'drop inserts into an editable html document (with designMode or contentEditable enabled). Detecting paste works as long as the user uses the Ctrl-V shortcut as it generated key events, but if you use the browsers Edit->Paste no events are generated it seems. ...

Is there any pros to use HTML 5 doctype `<!DOCTYPE html>` even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag?

Is there any pros to use HTML 5 doctype <!DOCTYPE html> even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag? Is there any benefit to replace XHTML doctype with HTML 5 doctype even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag? or in new projects which i'm going to start? or it can create problems in any type of functionality if i 'm using any thing XML rel...

Why margin:2.5px does not work? How to solve this problem

Why margin:2.5px does not work? at one situation in my code i want to give margin:2.5px in IE6 conditional CSS to solve IE double margin and my default css has margin:5px but in IE6 css margin:2.5px and margin:2px creating same margin. then how to get same margin on both browser? This is code of default screen CSS #newsHeadline LI ...

Javascript function works with FF and Chrome, but not uncle Bill's browser ...

I have the following function, which I use (admitedly, as a hack, since I still havent understood javascript's bizzare variable scoping rules), to fetch all global variables with a known prefix, from within a script. The function works well with FF and Google Chrome (presumbaly it would work with all Moz derivative browsers). However, I...

Number of concurrent connections in Silverlight

Hi guys, Is there currently a way to programatically determine from within a Silverlight app the maximum number of concurrent connections that the browser will allow? I know I can do this on the server then pass it as a parameter, but I would like to know if its possible in Silverlight. This is for all versions of Silverlight including...

How To Create Cross Browser Custom Control

I'm goingto create an control which should be cross browser. and support some skin - multilanguage and rtl & ltr support. I want to know what should I consider and also looking for a good article ...

How do I view/set the transient message status bar in Firefox and Chrome?

Hi, I added a new transient status bar message to my HTML document (specifically the 5 links listed in the table, see code below) and it worked fine in IE but when I viewed the document in Firefox or Chrome the message did not appear. All that I saw was the URL link. Can someone show me how I can get the transient status bar message to s...

How to get consistence rendering of <p> paragraph text in all browsers?

How to get consistence rendering of paragraph text in all browsers? See IE 7 rendering like this and FF like this . which is ok to client How to get same result in both browsers, i mean FF rendering in IE? my client needs "non-executive" in same line in all browsers, Is <br /> only solution of this. Update : see all code for <p>...

Font looks different in IE than it does in Firefox and Chrome...why?

Hi, I am creating a website and the font looks different in IE (it's larger) than it is in Firefox and Chrome. Does anyone know why? And how do I fix it in IE? Here's my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""&...

How to set php web compatibility with different browser?

How to set php web compatibility with different browser? ...

jQuery .fadeIn turns content invisible in IE

Hi, I'm having some difficulty getting IE to behave. I have created a web page containing various hidden divs. These act as sub pages, when a nav item is clicked they fade in/out in a very basic lightbox manner. It works in Firefox & Safari but in IE (8) it fades in to about 60% then vanishes completely, also knocking out the backgroun...

jQuery DOM cross-browser updating problems

Hey there, I am running a jQuery animation driven splash / web page with (soon to be) hash and hijax driven links and pages. When proceeding through the splash to a specific page, every modern browser is capable of hijaxing links and applying the jQuery rollovers, etc. However, when going directly to a hashed link from an outside page ...

Rounded corners container IE6

Hello, I have the following HTML which I'm using to create a rounded container using a left image, a right image, a gradient for the background of the container itself, and a bottom image which in practice is normally a "shadow" I have the following html, it has inline styles defined because it is being generated from a .NET control but...

jQuery : Running script in the address bar

In most web browsers, you can execute JavaScript in the address bar (i.e. javascript:alert('Test'); Is it possible to execute jQuery in the address bar? ...

Suggested setup for cross-browser testing in a Windows XP VM on a Mac?

I have windows XP set up on a VM on my mac running only IE6. I used to use this: to test on IE7 and 8 but it requires that I have .Net framework installed on my VM, which I'd rather not do. Any suggestions for the optimal setup for cross-browser testing with a VM on a mac? ...

Height issue with IE6

I am not sure what is going on here but for some reason the top portion of my footer is getting twice the necessary height when rendered in IE6. I have posted an example at . Any insight would be a huge help. Thanks in advance, Ben ...

Embedding RealPlayer movies

Hi everyone, i need to embed a RealPlayer (yes, RealPlayer!) player in a webpage. I'm running into some cross-browser issues and all the stuff i'm Googling seems to be very outdated (Real's official documentation still refers to Netscape 4, for example). I got my player working with two tags, across all browsers. (Imagine the {url}, {...

Cross domain cookie reading/setting cross browsers

I know there are already a few threads available here on this subject but I want others' opinion on this. There are two ways to set/read the cross domain cookies: Creating IFrame on pointing to a page on which creates the cookie and pass that information by creating another IFrame on side pointing to, either us...

What is renowned as being the best IE PNG fix at the moment?

I've tried jquery.pngFix.js and pngfix.js and neither seem to cater for all issues. Any images that are anchored end up distorted with the former and the latter doesn't like positioned/repeating background images. Unfortunately the design I'm working on calls for PNGs to be used in the way I have done, so I'm not really sure where to g...