
Is there any cross-browser css-only sticky footer with W3C valid css and semantic X/HTML?

Is there any cross-browser css sticky footer with W3C valid css and semantic X/HTML? IE : 6,7,8 Firefox : All Version Safari: Windows, Mac and iPHONE Opera: Windows, Mobile and Mini Google Chrome : All Version Blackberry Browser ...

How to make styling and functioning of form elements get not to break in all browsers?

How to make styling and functioning of form elements identical in all browsers? <form> </form> <fieldset> </fieldset> <legend> </legend> <button> </button> <label> </label> <input type="button" /> <input type="checkbox" /> <input type="file" /> <input type="hidden" /> <input type="image" /> <input type="password" /> <input type="r...

Maximize site usability in different browsers

My site loads on most recent versions of IE fine, but on others and chrome/firefox not so well. Is there some cheatsheet that list issues of portability I can use to fix those quickly? I am only using jQuery and some ASP. Edit: OP's comment: I am using jquery to build a table on the fly, which contains results returned from an ajax r...

Can I get consistent CSS colors across browsers?

I'm testing a new site, and I have a div with background-color: #bbf6bb; That seems innocuous enough to me. And yet, on my MacBook Pro, the color looks very different in Firefox 3.6 vs. Safari 4. In Safari, it's the color I'd expect from the hex value: a pale green. In Firefox, there's a definite bluish tint, making the color turquois...

How can I get a single character to center identically in all browsers and operating systems?

I'm using CSS3 border-radius to create circular buttons on this site: However, due to font rendering differences between Mac and Windows (not between browsers), the centering of the button's text within its bounding circle is inconsistent. Buttons render properly in all CSS3 capable browsers in Windows, but not i...

2 div are coming horizontally in same in all except IE6? how to solve?

2 divs are coming horizontally in same in all except IE6? but in IE 6 second div is falling under first div. both div has fixed width and float:left this is code of container div #home2colContainer {margin-top:40px;overflow:hidden;width:1000px;} this is for first div #home2colLeftColContainer {float:left;margin-left:20px;width:675px...

Why Xhtml 1.1 goes into quirk mode?

i'm not using I'm only using this dtd as a first thing in a page? which has no problem to render strict mode. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""&gt; <html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns=""&gt; and checked quirks mode with this site http://vesa....

Is there any difference in major browsers' rendering across operating systems?

I have long believed that the only difference as far as the rendering of major browsers on different platforms is concerned is operating systems' underlying font-rendering technology, everything else relying upon the same libraries included with the browser. As far as my research takes me, this is something that front-end developers eit...

Can you explain this layout weirdness?

On this page: In both IE7 and FF, but not Chrome or IE6, the layout of this page is very odd. Everything is fine except that the page width is way off. It doesn't occur anywhere else in the site. The page uses XHTML Strict, CSS, and jQuery to get the parts to work. Any clues? Thanks very much fo...

looking for cross browser framework that supports old browsers

Hello all im looking for my application ( that is sort of CRM ) to build web based gui that support old browsers like IE 5 , is there any good client side cross browser framework that support old browsers ? i don't need something fancy with effects and animations Thanks ...

How to render all IE version with w3c box model?

How to render all IE version with w3c box model? ...

JsTestDriver easy appending of elements to the body via :DOC syntax?

I'm using js-test-driver to test my Javascript code on several browsers: TestCase("DropDownValueReplacerTestCase", { setUp:function() { console.log("BEGIN: setUp"); /*:DOC += <form id="bob"></form> */ console.log("END: setUp"); }, tearDown:function() { console.log("BEGIN: tearDown"); ...

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> Where it should be place in <head>to render doucment as IE7 properly in IE8?

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> Where it should be place in <head> to render document as IE7 properly in IE8? ...

Which css hacks for IE 6 and 7 are future proof?

Which css hacks for IE 6 and 7 are future proof? i mean if i use then then they would never create any problem and their patch will never be implemented? manage 2 css one for all and one for IE is time consuming and it adds one extra style sheet also. and if any hack can solve problem within main css then it's a timesaver and when multi...

Which browser plugin technology to use for cross platform design?

I mean ActiveX is IE only and dead, and so java applets are dead. Flash is still not present in mobile browsers, Mozilla is present only on 1 phone, so XPCOM is also not an option. How do you write a plugin that need access to file system, and do some other things, like unzip files, upload, download, etc. ...

Detecting if argument is Javascript HTML Element datatype

Hey all, I need a XB (Cross Browser) method of detecting if an argument is a HTML Element. Using the following code gives different results in different browsers:; // returns in FF "[object HTMLDivElement]"; // returns in IE "[object Object]"; The other method I found was: if(element.nodeType)...

JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)

Is there any way for detecting the paste event AND getting the pasted data? Let's say at least for MSIE and Gecko. MSIE has clipboardData.getData() but I did not find something similar for Mozilla/Gecko. I need this for cleaning text (removing all HTML) before it gets pasted into a rich text editor. Cleaning it afterwards works quite...

Jquery click registers in FIrefox, not in IE

what might be a reason for a simple click to register in firefox and not in IE? Edit: I should get points just for figuring out problem with such a bad question. ...

javascript cross browser scripting help

Hi Guys, I have a tiny function I use to only allow numeric input. It works great in IE, but I cannot get it to work in FireFox or Chrome. I have this js file loaded in my script tag of my HTML page. var numberOnly = function(evt) { var theEvent = evt || window.event; var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which; key = String....

Colour of photos in different bowsers?

Hey guys I've just put some photos up online and I noticed that they photos appear to be a different colour in Firefox and Safari to IE and Chrome... Any ideas on what the issue could be? Due the browsers interpreter colours spaces differently or something? Cheers Anthony ...