
css debugging, cross-browser compatibility

There are two <div></div> tags. When it is browsed using Firefox, the effect is desirable. There is a gap between .steven and .john. However when it is browsed using IE, the effect is undesirable; .Steven and .john are connected together(There is no gap). How to solve this problem? .steven{ position: relative; width: 620px; ...

Animated PNG Status

Is animated PNG, whether APNG or MNG about to get cross browser soon? Does anyone know their status? Is Webkit or IE considering supporting them? Thanks. ...

CSS applying in Internet explorer 7 but not in firefox 3.5?

See Year's TAB 2009/2010 of this page in IE7 than firefox Tab's styling not applying in Firefox but applying in IE I want to apply same style (Which is showing in IE7) in FF too. Update: problem fixed now but through !important ...

iframe background image showing fine in Firefox but not in IE

Why IE not showing BG mage like firefox in Iframe? I do not have access of iframed page. any CSS or javascript solution ...

Can use of special characters in coding be a problem for users somehow?

I have a website with UTF-8 format on all pages. The website is in Swedish so there are three special characters... Using these characters in the code (values, ID:s, names etc) works fine on my computer and my browsers, but I wonder if it does work the same on all browsers? In other words, do you think this will be a problem? Thanks ...

Rails - How can I test in IE while developing under Mac OS X?

I've got my Rails application on Mac OS X and it's ready for IE compatibility testing. I've tried running the server and booting up VMware and pulling up the localhost:3000 with no luck. How can I test my Rails application on IE6-8 and Chrome without deploying it somewhere? ...

CSS Layout and IE 6

Looking back at Stackoverflow podcast with Litmus (Podcast 78). The podcast discussed briefly the browser incompatibilities and quirks, especially with IE6 (a claim echoed everywhere). Litmus solution is to render the page in all the different browsers and look for differences. However, I wonder how much incompatibility can be detecte... site mobile phone support

I need to make my site work well on a blackberry, i haven't put too much effort into getting this working yet, but i have a few questions which google is struggling with. I've read about detecting brower type and modifying the default behaviour of controls here How would I go about supplying a differant stylesheet to a specific...

Is there a software to test a website in all browsers?

hello i want a software which installs most known browsers including ie 6 , and let me test my website like i'm on a browser to fix my css and make it cross browser. i know the online tools which gives you screenshots but that's not enough for me. i need atlast to test it in IE 6/7/8 & Opera & Webkit is there any similar software? Th...

cross-browser tableborder-color resetting

Whats the best way to reset and then rewrite the tableborder-color for the most common browsers, let's say FF, Opera, Safari and Chrome so that it will look the same as in IE. IE: Firefox, etc: it seems that a browser selector is neccessary, because different browsers interpret the same hexadecimal values differently. ...

What are cons of global css reset * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }?

What are cons of global css reset * { margin: 0; padding: 0; }? What people prefer eric meyer css. This is eric mayer css html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup...

document.getElementsByTagName("*") Or document.all

document.getElementsByTagName("*") It works for IE/FF/Opera, But doesn't work for Chrom and Safari document.all works for IE/Chrom/Safari, But doesn't work for FF. How can I deal with it? Many thanks ...

2 Minor Crossbrowser CSS Issues. Background images not displaying in Google Chrome?

I am working on the redesign of my website In the sidebar however, I am having some issues making it look correct in Google Chrome. Issues are: Categories Title (h2 Background Image) - There is supposed to be a small little line to the right side of the word "Categories". Safari and Firefox show this, Chrome howev...

How to refresh parent page using javascript / in mozilla firefox browser

window.opener.location.reload(); is working fine with IE but not refreshing parent page in mozilla firefox browser.. please tell me how to refresh parent page in cross browser. i have got this function : Shared Sub CloseMyWindow() Dim tmpStr As String = "" tmpStr += "'','_parent','');window.close();" ...

CSS Cross-browser opacity from Javascript

I want to turn down the opacity on an element when a user performs an action. The current code I have is: document.getElementById('MyOpaqueElement').style.opacity = 0.3; // There are checks in the real code for NULL, etc. This works on Firefox, Safari, etc. IE8 has different ideas about opacity. I have read a couple of articles but ...

jQuery AJAX Fileupload crossbrowser support

I'm currently working on an AJAX file upload script, which works like a charm in Firefox but doesn't work in IE. this is the basic HTML I'm using: <form > <input type="file" name="FileFields" id="FileFields"/> <button type="button" onclick="uploadFile();" id="uploadButton">Upload</button> <ul id="files"/> ... other form...

Span doesn't align with h1 in ie6

I have inside a div, one h1 tag followed by a span tag which are one next to the other, but the span is floating to the right. It works in firefox, chrome, and internet explorer 7 and 8, but not in ie6. In ie6 the h1 tag is bigger for no reason, so the span tag stays bellow it. Heres the code: <div style="width: 740px; float:left...

animated board game for web - not Flash - what is possible?

What is the best cross-browser way to get a flat mouse coordinate input data and simple callback for mouse events for my rectangular game area on my web page, even when it has loads of larger and smaller images and text string overlaid haphazard onto it? And what is the best way to insert or remove a text string or semi-transparent imag...

What are cons to use sIFR, in terms of , development time, accessibility, speed and mobile devices?

What are cons to use sIFR, in terms of , development time, accessibility, speed and mobile devices? Some cons Which i know. Rendering speed of pages will be slow because of it use JavaScript and FLASH both sIFR text will not be shown in Iphone safari and blackberry. and if it will be shown in other mobile browsers then browsing will b...

jQuery awkward behaviour

I am trying to load a page throughout ajax, the whole page, and formating mine as it finds in the loaded one. Something of a practical exercise. The result of the ajax call is a string containing the page's html. To make it simple, I made an example, with a string containing something of a page itself. <html> <head> <title...