
Why the subtle cross-browser differences in Event Object.

The following declaration at the window level: var event; // for IE var event = "anything"; // for Chrome will destroy the event object as used here: <div onMouseOver = "alert(event.type);">Mouseover Div</div> Firefox does not seem phased by either declaration. I realize that declaring a variable with the name "eve...

Selecting the parent of a parent to find an uncle

I have this code working fine with FF and opera but not with safari and chrome. j(this).parent().parent().find(".box").load('test.html'); where (this) is for example the "a" in the following example html <div> <p><a href="#">clicky</a> to do ajax<p> <div class="box">loadhere</div> </div> if i do parent only once I'm at the p ...

How to show hidden message in IE6 also using jquery?

This site shows "Skip to content" or 3rd tab but this tab doesn't show in IE6, I already use jquery so i need jquery solution to show this tab in IE 6 also same like it works in IE 7 and firefox. I want to use same thing in my client site. ...

Why doesn't this small HTML/CSS snippet produce the expected results in IE?

You can save the code below and try it out. In firefox,it's full browser grey,but in IE(IE7 to be exact),it's not working. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <style text="text/css"> .overlay { ...

Printing Iframe content

Can any one tell me the complete cross browser solution to print the contents of iframe.I followed the following links.But it is not working in chrome 3.0 browser & IE8.It is printing the entire page.

What are most useful media="print" specfic ,cross browser compatible css properties?

What are the most useful media="print"-specific, cross-browser-compatible CSS properties? I think we have these 5 properties for print specific. page-break-before page-break-after page-break-inside widows orphans Pls explain when and where to use these? Which are cross browser compatible? and what are other common CSS properties ca...

wonderful world of crossbrowser css

I'm just beginning to learn about the differences between how css (and html) is rendered in internet explorer vs. firefox. Firefox Displays...............................IE Displays my html code <div id="navmenu"> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="welcome.html" target="content">Home</a></li> <li><a href=""...

Whar are equivalent cross-browser solutions for window.showModalDialog?

Whar are equivalent cross-browser solutions for window.showModalDialog? showModalDialog introduced in IE and FF 3. ...

Button not firing onClick below Panel controls in IE

Hi, I have a button which is not working when placed below two panels. If I move it above the panels, it works. It works either way in Firefox. It does not work in IE 8 The button runs this code protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { panelForm.Enabled = true; //input panel panelOutput.Visib...

Why @import is not advisable to link css?

Why @import is not advisable to link css? What @import can't do which can be done by <link> and does @import have any incompatibility with browsers? What in <Link> make it's advisable? And is there any specialty in @import which is useful? Should we always ,always use <link>? ...

How do i reduce cufon flickering on render?

Hiya, I'm working on a project using Cufon font replacement, and we're having a rather frustrating issue with a flicker when the content is rendered in the browse. You can see it as your browser around the site here. The effect is worst in internet explorer but also noticeable in all other browsers, any way to reduce this will be great...

Will deprecated elements be removed from future browsers?

What are cons to using deprecated elements if I don't care about validation and I use that DTD which supports them? Will deprecated elements will not be rendered by future browsers? Some online WYSIWYG editors (which we use in CMS) still give output in deprecated elements. Must I invest the time to change the output for a client? Sh...

chkControl.form element is null in mozilla why ?

I am using ajax to populate the multilevel checkboxes dynamically depending on the users selections. Like choosing one or more options from first checkbox group will update new checkbox list and so on. I am adding the checkboxes to div. All the checkboxes are arranged using the table structure inside the form element. Now to access chec...

Dynamic OnClick in IE, Safari, Firefox

I have the following bit of code. I'm trying to dynamically add drop-down options to a second drop-down based on the selection in a first drop-down. Both are generated through an Ajax call to a script that pulls the data from a database. Here is the relevant code. function setSub(doc) { // Setup some variables var sNode = docume...

Does SIFR work well cross-browser?

I have seen a few sites now that use SIFR, and I can see the benefits. I have (quickly) looked into other plugins similar, but SIFR seems to be quite good. So it good in terms of cross-browser compatibility? ...

sifr3 + safari4 osx page zoom

Hi - is there something in the implementation of Safari4 page zoom that trips up sifr3's width calculations? When I use the browser zoom feature [zoom text unselected] on the Official SIFR3 Demo ( on OSX Safari 4.0+, the replaced h1 text starts moving to the right and eventually the white ba...

[jQuery] webkit browsers are getting elements.width() wrong

I am trying to get the correct calculated width of an container. All the browsers are getting the calculated width correctly. (even IE) but surprisingly Chrome and webKit browsers are getting a wired number. I am trying to get the total width of the <li> including its border and padding + its margin-right. Then multiply that by the len...

IE8 Randomly does not show background images of my divs

I have this annoying problem driving me nuts, IE 8 randomly won't show background images of my divs. One minute it shows, then the next time it won't. Then I have to refresh the page 2-3 times for it to show. All my pages work fine on firefox, chrome. Has anyone faced a similar problem? Any solutions? ...

Custom scroll bar visualization with HTML/CSS/JavaScript

I am creating a highly specialized application where I want to experiment with a custom scroll bar. Ideally, I'd disable the built-in scroll-bar and draw my own. The page would look and feel like any other page, just that the scroll bar wouldn't be visible. The arrow keys, the scroll wheel, and any other mean of scrolling the page, shou...

Is it good to add min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height always in any type of layout fixed or liquid?

Is it good to add min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height always in any type of layout fixed or liquid? ...