
Cross-browser method for getting width and height of a DIV?

This is my first post, so please go easy on me. I'm sure I'm doing everything wrong. However, I couldn't find any posts that answered the question above. I use jQuery. I'm trying to find a way to get the current width and height of a DIV element, even if they're set to "auto". I've found many ways to do this, but no method returns the s...

Which browser we should use to see HTML CSS rendering while making a site and why?

Firefox's Latest version IE7 IE6 IE 8 Which browser we should use to see HTML css rendering for always and why? Edit: My question is not on which browsers should i test site before go live. i will try to test on all possible. My question is which browser should i choose during layout development process and why? because while deve...

What are pros and cons to use external css in conditional comment over css hacks in same css?

What are pros and cons if i make 4 different css? main.css IE7.css ( in conditional comments) IE8.css ( in conditional comments) IE6.css ( in conditional comments) OR 1 css file for all main.css + including hack for IE6 + IE 7 + IE8(if needed) ...

images around div are mis-aligned in chrome, fine in firefox

So it works fine in firefox and IE, but in chrome the right image is all messed up, bleeding past the text. Is there something obvious that you guys can see? Here is my HTML: <a class="item" href=""><span>Text</span></a> And my CSS: a.item { color:#eeeeee; background:url(/images/right.gif) top right no-repeat; display:-moz-inline-b...

js not working on IE but working on inner.html want to convert in jquery format

Why this javascript working fine in Firefox but not in IE 6 and 7 ( haven't checked on IE8)? giving inner.html error. Can any jquery expert convert this whole code into jquery? as i'm already using jquery on same site for other things. function twoDecPlaces(theValue) { var nm = new Number( Math.round( theValue * 100 ) ) /100 ; var par...

Crossbrowser XmlDsig

I am building a web site where the user has to digitally sign a xml reciept to confirm that he recieved the package. I am currently doing this using a custom ActiveX control in IE. I was wondering if I could accomplish the same thing with/for other browsers. Is it even possible? ...

Vidéo not displayed on Mozilla and IE7, but works on chrome

Hi I have in my page a movie that i call with : <object width="500" height="405"><param value=";amp;hl=fr_FR&amp;amp;fs=1&amp;amp;color1=0x2b405b&amp;amp;color2=0x6b8ab6&amp;amp;border=1" name="movie"></object> In Chrome it is displayd, in IE and Mozilla, there is an error...How can i debug... ...

getElementById in Firefox iframe returns null but works in Safari/Chrome

I've two html files. One includes the other in an iframe. The iframe executes a getElementById on a previously created element. This works fine in Chrome/Safari but doesn't in Firefox/IE8, and I don't understand why. Firefox returns: null Safari returns: [object HTMLDivElement] index.html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01/...

How to Scroll an iFrame using javascript

I have several iFrames that load an external webpage, although only 1 appears at a time, hence all have the id="iFrame" I want to add to buttons (not the scrollbar) so the user can scroll down or up by pressing them, and I am trying to do this using javascript but so far I've been unsuccessful, I've read some posts here and tried those a...

Getting form data and sending it to a new tab in the browser

Hi am creating a small form where you can place postcodes to get directions, it then sends this data with the URL of Google maps with the postcode in it to show the directions. I was wondering is it possible to somehow get thenew URL i have into a new browser tab / window. The idea is that the user input the postcodes and then presses ...

jcarousel not appearing in Chrome, Safari, Opera

Hello here is the problematic page: The gallery displays in IE8 and Firefox, but not in Chrome, Opera or Safari. Let me explain : first of all, I'm not an expert in javascript, I have just copied a wordpress plugin code into the functions.php file and hacked away at it until it worked in Firefox. ...

html parsing error unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed

Is there anybody that can help me please? sorry my english... this is the php code that generate the error (only on Internet explorer 8, on firefox, opera and chrome working good): <!-- SHIPPING ADDRESS --> <h4 id='onCheckoutShipping'><?php echo JText::_("Indirizzo di spedizione") ?></h4> <?php $baseurl ...

CSS Problems, Only works in Firefox. Chrome and IE have problems?

I have this background, the css code is: body { background: #FFF url('images/bg.png') no-repeat bottom center; margin-bottom: -500px; width: 100%; height: 100%; color:#999; } The image is 400px height, and I would like to make it stick with bottom, apperantly, only works in firefox, in chrome and IE the background ...

Do all CSS background properties and their values works in IE6?

Does all CSS background properties and their values works in IE6? * background-attachment * background-position ...

Cross-Browser Method to Determine Vertical Scroll Percentage in Javascript

How can I find out what percentage of the vertical scrollbar a user has moved through at any given point? It's easy enough to trap the 'onscroll' event to fire when the user scrolls down the page, but how do I find out within that event how far they have scrolled? In this case, the percentage particularly is what's important. I'm not ...

Andy clarke's "Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS" vs Eric meyer "CSS Reset".

Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS CSS Code : /* -------------------------------------------------------------- Standardised Internet Explorer 6 stylesheet: Based on the work of: Mark Boulton: Eric Meyer: Cameron Mol...

Does placing order matter for IE conditional css and main css?

Should it always come after main css or place doesn't matter? For example: if DIV {width:500px} is specified in main.css and DIV {width:400px} is specfied in IEonly.css which is inside Conditional comment. Then is it must that, IEonly.css should come after main.css in source , or placement doesn't matter? ...

Cross-Platform Browser Communication Between Page and IFRAME (Same Domain)

For a specialized purpose with Aweber regarding a newsletter subscription, I have a page loading a nested IFRAME inside, and both reside on the same domain. (Many other stackoverflow posts talk about different domains, but this question deals only with the same domain.) I need a cross-platform way (including browsers as old as the dawn o...

jQuery .eq(x) returns different element in IE than in FF/Chrome

I am using the .eq() method to select a specific child element of a known element. It appears that the element indices are different in IE and in Chrome/FF, as .eq(2) returns different values depending on browser. (The element I'm looking for shows up as .eq(2) in FF/Chrome, but .eq(3) in IE) For example, alert($(this).parent().childre...

Crossbrowser JS...

Hi there all :) Made this nice little loop for hiding and showing div's, works as a charm in firefox and opera, but IE, safari and chrome say's no.... So my question is; why? function theme(nr){ document.getElementById(nr).style.display = "block"; for (i = 0;i <= 28; i++) { if (i != nr) { document.getElementById(i).style...