
Loading XML into Document object in Google Chrome

I am unable to load an XML file into a JavaScript Document in Google Chrome with the following function: // load XML document based on whether the browser is IE or other browsers function loadXMLDocument(url) { var doc; if (window.ActiveXObject) // IE { doc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0"); doc.async ...

Javascript key code =/= char code

Hi! I'm binding on the keydown event with jQuery to allow some specific characters in a textbox. I'm trying to make my code cross browser and platform compliant. My main issue is that I can't find a way to map the received key code to a valid char code, especially for key code coming from the numeric pad (decimal separator, is it a coma...

Capturing a Full-Length Webpage Screenshot (with a plugin/addon) in multiple browsers?

I am trying to capture a screenshot of two versions of a website (one that's standards complaint and one that is not). I would use, but only one of the websites has a public url. Now I've already got full-length screenshots for IE and FF, but what can I do to get a full-length screenshot in Opera, Chrome and Safari? ...

Programmatically Bookmark Link with Javascript Cross-Browser

Is there a script out there that solves this problem? I would like to be able to say "onclick, save as bookmark". I have searched around a bit and found this one, but it doesn't work with Safari. Anyone have a solution for Safari? ...

javascript regExp compatibility in IE

^(?=[\w-%&?#=]+\d)(?=[\w-%&?#=]+[a-zA-Z])[\w-%&?#=]{8,12}$ Was meant to match the below conditions in a javascript based new-password check, Must contain minimum 8 to 20 characters, mandatorily including one letter and number May include only one of the following special characters: %,&, _, ?, #, =, - Cannot have any spaces With ab...

Web Application Testing Rig: What do you use? Any suggestions?

Hi guys, I have recently inherited testing responsibility on a web application. A lot of our testing is related to specific operating systems and browsers. Does anyone have suggestions on building a test rig? I am not talking about automated testing (that is a separate issue that I'm working on). This is more for confirming specific b...

jquery not updating DOM after $.getJSON in IE/Internet Explorer

I have a page that contains an element, <displayedimage>, that is not getting updated using jquery's document.ready/$.getJSON funcitonality in IE 6 and IE 8 (probably IE 7 too even though I haven't tested). This same piece of funcitonality works fine on XP Safari and OS X Safari, OS X Chrome, OS X Opera, etc. So, here's what happens: I ...

prevent IE to tamper with page code ?

Is it possible to prevent IE (7 or 8) to change the underlying code of a page ? My page, built with Dreamweaver, consists of a table with 5 images; each of these is a link to a larger size one. In FF or Chrome, the page displays exactly as planned. In IE, only the first image displays. All other have the "broken img" icon. The code reve...

Debugging Websites in Various Browsers

I am having my first foray into website design and I am learning a lot. I am also now seeing why web developers are not a huge fan of developing for Internet Explorer. Nothing seems to work how I expect. However, since the website has to work cross-browser, I am spending time looking at it in Firefox, Chrome, and IE. Something that i...

Degradation of skills as a result of JavaScript libraries

I'm struggling with the value of knowledge between JavaScript base functionality and JavaScript libraries. While I understand the underlying concepts used by many of today's popular libraries (JQuery as an example: $.ajax, $.animate, etc), I find that the more I rely upon these libraries, the less and less I actually know about JavaScri...

Google Maps Rendering markers and map center differently in Internet Explorer

Hiya All, I have a strange problem with Google Maps showing differently in IE and the rest of the browser world. I'm testing in IE8 and in IE8 Compatibility view, both show the same, but Safari, FF, Chrome all act fine and as expected. The page i'm working on is this: at the front are two place ho...

Some Google Map Markers not showing up in Internet Explorer but show up in all other browsers

Hiya All, I have a Google Map on our site that has a list of markers which are brought in using the following code: $(".map-overlay-right").click(function () { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map-holder')); $("#map-holder").fadeOut('slow', function(){ var gmarkers = []; map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()...

Testing tool for browser/resolution issues

I just looked at my site ( on a laptop and the background images used along the top and top-right looked horrible -- very grainy and striated. It was IE8 on XP. I couldn't check the screen resolution, but it didn't look like anything out of the ordinary. I'd like to know what typically causes such striation, and als...

Strategy to start supporting other browsers

We have a web application that only supports IE6 and above. It is an old application and majority of the user base was using IE. At the time of development no one paid attention to cross-browser support. If you open the site in Firefox, the UI is all skewed. We are planning to start supporting Firefox now. What is the strategy we should ...

What is the best practice for writing bookmarklets

I am writing some bookmarklets for a project that I am currently working on and I was wondering what the best practice for writing a bookmarklet was. I did some looking around and this is what I came up with javascript:void((function() { var%20e=document.createElement('script'); e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); e...

Issues parsing XML with jQuery in IE6

I'm trying to extract values from xml using jQuery in a cross-browser compatible fashion. I'm not having any issues doing this in firefox, but unfortunately this also has to be IE compatible. My jQuery code looks like this: $(document).ready(function()) { $.get("file.xml", {}, function(parseRefreshTime){ alert('This line is execu...

IE 7 Debug Issue - Script Error Popup

I am building a site that will not work in IE6, intentionally. IE7 Is the oldest supported IE browser for my site. I am having a problem in IE 7 when you arrive at my site. A popup says: Script Error Line 55 Char # Error: 'cms_ims' is undefined. Then you have to press continue running scripts, yes. Anyone know whats causing this in my...

IE 7 Debug Issue - mystery <li> indent on first line

I am building a website, In IE7, you will notice that in the footer, the first line of list items are indented a little bit. Does anyone know what CSS fix I need for this? THanks ...

IE7 image loads when it shouldnt

Hi, I am building a site, and one of my pages is causing a bit of a problem in IE7. You can view the site here: I wrote a jquery script that basically loads a success image if the contact fields have an entry, and a fail icon when they are empty. It works perfectly in all browsers, but in IE7, an imag...

innerText gives error in mozilla firefox (count words and character of html)

I want to count number of words & number of characters in html text (TEMP), and while doing that i want to skip HTML tags and html keywords (ex. &nbsp;) suppose i am getting HTML text in my JavaScript function as var TEMP=; // where'<p>BODY&nbsp;Article By Archie(Used By Story Tool)</p>'; i have done this...