
How do I find out the size of a browser application window including the border, header and footer?

I am looking to create a fullsize window using javascript but I am having difficulties trying to take the actual size of the window into account. I can get the resolution of the desktop but if I set the windows width and height to that value, it is not 100% correct as it does not seem to be taking into account the size of the border for ...

Images from Database Loading Glitchy

I'm getting weird issues with ie and firefox when showing image datatypes stored in a sql server 2008 database. Before the images are finished loading/caching there are white lines that flash upwards through them. It is not how images normally load in firefox or ie, any ideas? ...

What is the best service for cross-browser screen shots?

I have a website that I'd like to monitor for display problems in various browsers (mainly Internet Explorer.) I know that and provide this as a service. Could anyone recommend the best way/service to do this? ...

Popup and change location at the same time...

Basically here is my code (Authenticator.jsp): window.location.replace("Login.html"); // replace method also takes care of history ("Main.html", "Welcome logged in user"); Expected behaviour: We basically open the Main.html in a popup once a user has logged in. The current window must point to Login.html and main should ...

Browsers issues

Hi guys, I am having a cross browser problem with IE 7 and I have decided to go for a different style sheet for it. Could you please advise me what is the best way to call IE7 when used? And keep of course the other one for all the other browser. Many thanks Francesco ...

Does Firefox add any proprietary values when I add a border (like IE does with hasLayout)?

I have a doosie of a layout problem that looks like a browser bug. It manifests only in FF3 (haven't tested ff2). It only shows up on the first load of the page. If I resize the window it behaves properly. It goes away when I put a border on the problem element, and comes back when I take the border off. No other properties change. ...

neon-glow effect in IE8

The following css creates a nice neon-glow effect around text { text-shadow: 0em 0em 0.3em white; /* assuming a dark background */ } However it doesn't work in IE7/8 For a reference, compare this page in Firefox and IE Is there a way to get a similar effect in it? ...

Why doesn't my JavaScript XML processing code work in Safari?

I use the following code to open an XML document. It works in Firefox and IE, but fails in Safari. Any idea why? function crearObjetoXML(archivoXML){ //--- IE. if(window.ActiveXObject){ xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.load(archivoXML); parsearXML(); //--- FF. }else if(...

What is the difference between Browser , Rendering engine and user agent?

To make cross platform and cross browser website application what is the role of user agent switcher? Is user agent different thing then rendering engine? and if some browser use same rendering engine then do we need to check on every browser or one is enough? ...

JS: mouse coordinates relative to an element

Is it cross-browser to catch the mouse coordinates relative to a div box with this: pos_x = event.offsetX?(event.offsetX):event.pageX-document.getElementById("thebox").offsetLeft; pos_y = event.offsetY?(event.offsetY):event.pageY-document.getElementById("thebox").offsetTop; ...

Javascript: document.execCommand cross-browser?

I just stumble on a piece of code which I never saw before (granted I can't call myself a JS expert): document.execCommand('Copy'); which seems to copy the clipboard contents to the element in focus. Q: Is this functionality available cross-browser? Edit 1: I found this interesting link. The page shows a compatibility matrix for do...

print out paging with css | page-break-before:always; cross-browser issue!

Hi friends, I have an issue about print paging. you can see my code below. it is not making page break for the print preview :( any idea what can be the problem? Appreciate helps! HTML Code <h1>header text</h1> <p>Lorem Ipsum jhdfb jdhbg sdfgshdbfgkjhsdbgkjhbs d sdgf</p> <div class="pagebreak"></div> <h1>header text</h1> ...

jquery / javascript setting width fails

Greetings! I have encountered this problem: Depending on numbers from I want to create a bar chart. Interestingly it works very well in IE8 set on quirks mode, but fails everywhere else. I cannot really say where the error is and I hope that someone here can help me. I am using jQuery, but using getElementById() and

Problem with jQuery live and IE

I'm having some trouble with jQuery and IE. I've narrowed it down to this: jQuery("#missionDashboardRoleFilter").live("change", function(){ alert("called"); }); <select id="missionDashboardRoleFilter"> ... This is working fine in Firefox, Chrome, Opera... but (obviously) not in IE6. I'm not sure what to do... any idea? ...

Intercepting call to the back button in my AJAX application: I don't want it to do anything!

I have an AJAX app. A user clicks a button, and the page's display changes. They click the back button, expecting to go to the original state, but instead, they go to the previous page in their browser. How can I intercept and re-assign the back button event? I've looked into libraries like RSH (which I couldn't get to work...), and I'...

Workaround for currentStyle in Safari

Accessing an html element's current style using Element.currentStyle only exists in IE. Is there any easy workaround for Safari or other non-IE browsers? ...

Will (variable or {}) work crossbrowser in Javascript?

The if(variable) clause in the following constructs checks if list/array is not null/undefined, to avoid an exception: if (list) for (var k in list) { ... if (array) for (var i = array.length; i >= 0; i--) { ... But JS syntax allows expressions like null || [] undefined || {} So I can make code shorter by on...

How do I detect support for contentEditable via JavaScript?

I've been searching for this for a couple of days now and so far, the best I can come up with is checking the list below. I really don't like to check for support based on User-Agent, especially since it can be spoofed. I've also heard of at least one instance where the list below is incorrect (noted below). Is Internet Explorer? Is ...

is JsonP working with Opera, Chrome & Safari ?

Hi, On a web site that I am building , when you log in (because the database is on an other server), I use json padding to check if the user as the right credentials. It's working flawlessly (ie7,ie8 & FF), until I tried it on chrome, safari & opera where it's a complete disaster. $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "jsonp", u...

Is there a way to make a website go full screen (WITH user click)?

Hi all, A client wants me to create a website that can go to fullscreen when the user clicks a "View in Fullscreen" button/link. The solution I've seen posted here and elsewhere:'', 'title', 'type=fullWindow, fullscreen, scrollbars=yes'); seems to work spottily across browsers. Is there a better/more comp...