
footer overlapping content in IE7? :(

Hi, I thought I'd got this layout working thanks to the wonderful people taking part in stackoverflow, see here. Unfortunately though I've found an issue in IE7 (haven't checked in IE6!) - the footer is overlapping the content I've put the site up on my development server here. I hope I won't have to start again from scratch to get it t...

Will browsers request /favicon.ico or <link> first?

I want to set a favicon to be requested from a static file server instead of the main web server for performance optimization. If I specify a <link rel="shortcut icon" href=""&gt; but also have a /favicon.ico in my site root as a fallback, which will browsers prefer? Will browsers (and which?) still look ...

Favicon missing on select pages

This is the inverse of every favicon question you've ever heard. :-) I've got my favicon working on all pages and across all browsers, save 1 situation. The icon doesn't show up in Firefox and Google Chrome on my sign in page -- IE, Opera, and Safari pick it up just fine. The logic that builds the header is...

How to have 2 adjacents blocks without display:inline-block?

I have been spending hours on that...with no success. Since inline-block is not well-supported by IE6&7, I wanted to know if it is possible to have the same render using other attributes given by the following code : <html><head> <style type="text/css"> .img { float: left; width:17px; height:15px; display:block; background-color: #FD3;...

How to generate a right-click event in all browsers

A little context: The app I'm working on has a right-click context menu for certain objects on the screen. The current design as that each of these objects listens for a right-click, sends an AJAX request to get the context data for that object, uses that data to create a PopupMenu2 from Dojo 0.4.3 (I know!), and then generates a right-c...

A confusing problem with IE7 and styles being applied

For the life of me, I can not figure out why some styles are not being applied to an unordered list. If you view this site: in Firefox, you will notice there are circles down the bottom of the text that can be clicked to shift to different panels of content. Now, when you visit the same site in IE7, none o...

Is a "CSS Reset" necessary for cross-browser CSS?

I've been trying to come up with a decent cross-browser CSS framework for my next project, because my last one had a whole bunch of PHP/CSS hacks (horrible things like class="blah<?=isIe()?>"). I'd like to do it "right". I've looked at this question, which did not get a lot of interest, so I'd like to narrow this down: is a CSS reset nec...

On which operating systems or browsers are CSS font-family names case-sensitive

According to sitepoint (a source I typically highly trust) when specifying font-family names some Operating Systems/Browsers may be case-sensitive. I've typically always used mixed-case values but I'm wondering if lower-case values will work just the same? I don't have an overwhelming preference either way - but I'd hate for a page to ...

YUI Browser History Manager (or similar) with multiple IFRAMEs

I've got a page with an iframe that I'm trying to track the history with using the YUI Browser History Manager. I have two IFRAMEs on the page, one for the manager and one which I'm using to navigate. The issue I'm running is to is that after I've navigated the frame a few times and the back button is hit for the first time, the YUI ma...

Is there a 0-width way to prevent floated divs from collapsing

First, this issue is not about block elements collapsing when their children are floated. In fact the issue has nothing to do with clearing at all. The issue is this. Suppose I have a series of floated divs like: <div class="column">Column 1</div> <div class="column"></div> <div class="column">Column 3</div> With css: div.column {...

Are there any getter jQuerys CSS translation?

Hi all, jQuery's cross browser support is amazing. However I was wondering whether the following script will work in any browser or not. $("#block1").css('background','blue'); $("#block2").css('backgroundColor', '#0000ff'); $("#block3").css('background-color', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)'); if ( $("#block1").css('background-color') == $("#block2"...

Detect when mouse leaves via top of page with jquery

This Jquery problem has been bugging me for a while now. I developed a script, with one function detecting when the mouse leaves via the top of the page. Here is the code: $(document).bind("mouseleave", function(e) { console.log(e.pageY); if (e.pageY <= 1) { now = new Date(); for (i...

How can you create a cross browser css menu that doesnt require you to provide a style for EVERY LEVEL of the menu

I have a menu that will be automatically created in an page. I'm trying to use a pure CSS cross browser menu but how can i set it so that each subsequent child is autohiden/shown w/o having to define the style for each level of the menu. Is this the only way to accomplish this with css? Essentially im looking for a way to use c...

How do apps that image web pages work?

This isn't really a technical question so I apolgoise if I ruffle any feathers! How do sites like these image web pages in different browsers? i.e. Thanks all ...

Is there a way to condition a CSS styling to execute only on IE quirks mode?

I want to write a cross-browser widget, to integrate both to IE standard and quirks mode pages (FF is easy of course). Since I want to write the styling only once I would like to condition some styling statemets to execute only in quirks/standard mode. Is there a way t do so? As far as I understand, both the _ hack and IE conditional ...

How do i change html element id client side with JavaScript?

I am modifying the ID of an html div element client side with JavaScript. The following code works OK in Internet Explorer but not in FireFox. document.getElementById('one').id = 'two'; Can anyone tell me: a) Why this doesn't work in FireFox. b) How to make this work in FireFox. EDIT To clarify, i'm changing the element ID to refer...

Why does the base tag seem to be working in Opera and Chrome, but not in Firefox and IE?

I have a site where I use the base tag. All the links in the site are relative, and I set an absolute href so that all the links should be aimed at the right target. And it works in Opera and Chrome. All links in the menu works, all images and style-sheets are found. But in Firefox and IE they are not. And I don't get it! I can browse i...

How to make an empty anchor tag clickable in IE7?

Hi- I need to make an area within a background image clickable to generate an event for JavaScript use. So, I created an anchor tag and inside that I inserted some relevant text between semantically meaningless tags which I then made hidden: <a href="#"><i>foo</i></a> Then I gave the anchor tag 'display:block' properties, width and he...

javascript for searching Text in PDF File Open in Browser Window

Hello, can u help me in giving code for "javascript for searching Text in PDF File Open in Browser Window". ...

Cross browser test

Hello, I use Windows OS, how can I test websites in safari (Mac OS), it's possible to test online or another way ? Thanks ...