
Deploying a networked browser compatibility testing system.

I need to provide our web developers an easy and quick way to test their code on multiple browsers. Here's my current plan: Get a Mac Install Windows XP and Linux over VMWare Install all possible major browsers on these OSes, including on the Mac and the god-forsaken IE6. This will allow developers to use the system to test their app...

What browsers support "!important"?

Which browsers support the CSS !important directive, and what are the various quirks amongst the different browsers that do support it? ...

Does JavaScript code suffer severely from cross-browser compatibility issues?

Is it in general very hard to port JavaScript code to another browser platform? ...

Google Chrome: Focus issue with the scrollbar

I am using jQuery 1.3.2. There is an input field in a form. Clicking on the input field opens a div as a dropdown. The div contains a list of items. As the list size is large there is a vertical scrollbar in the div. To close the dropdown when clicked outside, there is a blur event on the input field. Now the problem is: In chr...

DocumentFragment browser support

Today I stumbled on createDocumentFragment. I was wondering if the DocumementFragment is supported, and how, on the different browsers, expecially IE series. Anyone knows anything about this subject? ...

Dynamically adding more form fields in a table does not resize the height of the row.

On this page, I have a form to enter information about students on a given roster. Each student is listed in a table with a drop down box and a comments field. There is an "add another" button for each student, so that if the user wants to enter a second note about a student, they can. Clicking the button launches this javascript functi...

How to get FullName with path info in FireFox using upload control?

How to get FullName with path info in FireFox using upload control? With IE, I can get the FullName of a file with the full path info using upload control: <asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" /> In IE, the FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName is E:\iProject\Demo1\abc.jpg But in FireFox, the FileUpload1.Post...

display all ie versions under one application

I had an application/browser that would show me the website under different versions of IE I would select which version and it would display the page through the lenses of that version Not able to find the program, can you please point it to me ...

jQuery event.pageX/pageY inconsistent in firefox/ie

In trying to convert some of my JS to cross-browser compatibility, I've come across strange behaviour where I'm unable pinpoint the problem. I want to convert window.event.x (IE specific) using jQuery, so my code looks as follows: function someFunction(e){ var ev = $.event.fix(e); alert(ev.pageX); } This returns the correct val...

'innerText' works in IE, but not in Firefox

I have some JavaScript code that works in IE containing the following: myElement.innerText = "foo"; However, it seems that the 'innerText' property does not work in Firefox. Is there some Firefox equivalent? Or is there a more generic, cross browser property that can be used? ...

Can I use JavaScript to set the 'name' attribute?

According to SitePoint (and my own experiments), the IE implementation of "setAttribute()" is buggy and unreliable. Also according to SitePoint, the name attribute is read-only. Is there another way I can set the name attributes on elements? I need this for use with radio buttons. If possible, I'd like a solution without jQuery, as I...

preventDefault won't work on Firefox

I'm trying to prevent A HREF from actually opening the link, but to execute a script. I got the script part working, but it seems Firefox would just ignore this: $("#permalink a").click(function(id){ $("#newPost").fadeToggle; event.preventDefault(); var id = this.getAttribute('href'); $("#newPostContent").load(id); $("#newPost...

Hiding a table row without resizing columns or breaking layout

I want to fold a table so that some rows are hidden. I want to maintain the size of columns, so that they don't leap around when you hide rows (this happens if you use display: none; indeed, the table width can also change). I also want the table to reflow when the window size is changed, so that a table full of data uses as much space...

IE7 cause of "Text - Empty Text Node"

I'm using the IE web developer toolbar to troubleshoot an issue. A blank white space is appearing below a list item, and I can't logically figure out why. Using the web dev toolbar, I see that in example 1 below, a "Text - Empty Text Node" is being output below "Text - Google". Ironically, in the second, with a space manually inserte...

horizontal scrolling div not working in Safari

Hi I made this site a while ago in my table days but have just realised the horizontal scrolling dive doesn't work in Safari. #galleryscroller { overflow-x:scroll ; overflow-y:hidden; overflow:-moz-scrollbars-horizontal !important; height:138px; width:360px; } <div id="galleryscroller"> <table width="100%" border...

Processing XML with jQuery cross-browser

I am new to jQuery and am having cross-browser inconsistencies. I am trying to populate an HTML drop down using jQuery to parse the XML document. Eventually, I will swap the XML document with an HTTP call, but for now, I am doing a GET of the local XML copy. My approach works in Firefox (2 elements show up in the drop down) but IE7 isn't...

CSS with if/then browser logic

For browsers < IE7, I want to use a certain style attribute, while for other browsers I'd like to use another. Can I do this using a single css file, or do I have to do if then logic to include an ie hack css file? ...

Best way to program a plugin for multiple browsers

Hi, i was wondering what would be the best way to code a browser plugin that is for multiple browsers. Due to the fact that each browser uses other ways of implementing plugins there should be a library or something with the basic functionality and a wrapper for each browser. So, to be more precise, with which language the library shou...

Problem with <div> border around table in FireFox

I would expect this code to display a border around a table. It does in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox. In firefox it displays a horizontal line above the table. If I add anything else e.g. <br /> within the div the border is displayed correctly. It also works if I remove the align attributes. What is the reason for this behaviour?...

Default submit button style for form

Now I know this issue is over-talked about but I cannot seem to find a question that addresses this little gem directly so here goes... In Opera and IE when a form has focus the default submit input gets some sort of highlight. Like outline is when you have tab focused onto an element. However, unlike the tab one (dotted lines inside o...