
How to guess browser compatibility based upon DOM Level?

Is there a simple rule-of-thumb to know approximately which browser versions and upward will be compatible with a given DOM level? ...

Changing <a> link underline color

I wonder if there is any trick to solve this problem. I have my link as below text and want to change the underline color. This link contains in many lines which needs to change the underline color to be lighter than the existing one Using border bottom is not the way to solve this because multiple lines. are there any trick to solve...

Cross-browser tool

Recommendation for tool(s) that can automatically scan and detect code that will have cross-browser problems. Basically, any tool that can make cross-browser easier. EDIT1: I know of most of the browsers and the main rendering engines to be tested. This is not really what I am asking. I also know that it makes the most sense to, from ...

Web Browser Testing Software

I recently played around with Microsoft's new Expression Web SuperPreview. I like the concept of the software a lot, but there are some browser compatibility problems that keep SuperPreview from being a holistic solution. I have developed my own program for this that is working pretty well for me. Check it out: Browser Tester (.net win...

How do I build my website in Firefox?

Hello, Here's an easy question. How do I configure Visual Studio 2008 to build my webpage in a certain browser? I really want to build in all 5 well-known browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari), but right now I am having to right click the actual html files and open them in different browsers. In dreamweaver, there is a sim...

How to make a DIV editable cross-browser ?

Do you know how to make a DIV editable with JavaScript (cross-browser) ? Something similar to a rich textarea, but that uses an editable iframe. I need something similar for a DIV. I don't want to use a replacement textbox. ...

Good resources for cross browser ASP.NET website development

Does anyone know of any good resources for learning about cross-browser development in ASP.NET? Specifically, what causes a page to look different in FF/Chrome/IE, what are the gotchas when developing, how can this issue be addressed in a new project etc. ...

Good Cross-browser tri-state checkbox?

Hey guys, I'm looking for a nice tri-state checkbox controller in JS ? Got anything to recommend me? The states I'm looking for are Checked Unchecked Indifferent (Was never checked/unchecked) ...

What are the best way to know which CSS elements are supported by all browsers?

Anyone know where I can find it? ...

What are the main differences between browsers which web developers should be noted?

While making CSS for the website it is painful when sometimes it works on some browsers and some don't. I wonder if there any place I can find the existing problem which has been noted with experience developers. So I can have a list of noted problem while developing. What are the tricks? Where Can I find it ? How to solve it if possib...

IE not loading the whole page HTML source code

My blog loads normally on Google Chrome and FireFox, but not on IE, when viewing the source code I figured out that it stops reading html at a certain amount. at the end of the source code I find this </script> <div class='clear'></div> <span class='widget-item-control'> <span class I agree it's a big webpage (the last line is 1338) ...

Is there a reliable way to determine if a browser tab or window is inactive or not in focus?

I've got a javascript timer that is making XMLHTTP requests on a constant basis (once every 10 seconds). I'd love to be able to pause the timer when the window or tab loses focus. I'm fully aware of the onFocus and onBlur events on the window object, but they don't fire reliably across all browsers. For instance, in Safari, tabs don't...

Menu overlay positioning issue with IE

I've got a flyout menu on a site that I'm building. I'm using a UL nested within the LI. In Firefox it's working beautifully but IE breaks it. (The Pants & Shorts link is the only one with a flyout so far) Here's the site (a work-in-progress so it's not quite all there): If I set...

On what browsers does a <script> tag appended to the document get evaluated automatically?

On many browsers, if I do: var x = document.createElement("SPAN"); x.innerHTML = "<script>alert(1);</script>"; document.body.appendChild(x); no alert will happen. Are there any browsers for which it will happen? If so, which ones? ...

Website won't display on IE, but source code is viewable.

My website doesn't seem to display any element or content when viewed on IE even though source code is viewable, but on firefox and chrome it loads fine. What is up??? I don't remember ever trying to load my website with IE, so i can't confirm if it ever has worked with IE. Please help me debug =/. WADAFA!??! Tha...

Background animation problem with jQuery

I am creating a page that uses AJAX to switch content, and each of the 5 pages have their own background colour. Changing the page, makes the current background animate to the new one. I have 24bit PNGs with alpha transparency which overlay the background colours changing (it works alright). There is however, one small problem. On occa...

Handling browser native click before dom:loaded

Hi, I have an issue with Cross-Browser native events vs CallBack events. I have an HTML link "Click Me" with a given href="". On dom:loaded I attach a function to this link (to do Ajax Stuff). JavaScript code is loaded at the end of the page to follow YSlow Recommandation. Issue: If you load this page really quickly (pressing F5) th...

CSS centering issue in IE7

I cannot understand why my personal website does not center on the blog page in IE7. The centering looks fine on all other pages but for some reason on the blog page it shifts left. The layout looks to be the same so maybe it is an overflow issue, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas? Thanks! ...

Browser feature detection: spell checking?

All the decent browsers (Chrome, FX, etc) now support built-in spell checking. However the popular but rubbish axis of IE doesn't (not even IE8 - pointless 'accelerators': yes, much needed dictionary support: no). Unless you download an excellent free plugin, but you can't expect corp users to do that. Our clients want spell checking i...

Is it possible to implement cross-browser username/password autocomplete in GXT?

Last night, I did a quick spike to try and implement username/password autocomplete in my GXT application. By "autocomplete", I don't mean Ajax-style autocomplete, but rather browser-based autocomplete. The best information I found on this via google is in the following post: I...