
Get the browser viewport dimensions with Javascript

I want to provide my visitors the ability to see images in high quality, is there any way I can detect the window size (or better yet, the viewport size - see green area) of the browser with Javascript? ...

IE7 shrinking dropdown menu box

Hi. I have the following dropdown menu : <div id="dropdown_menu"> <ul> <li><a>Item1</a></li> <li><a>VeryLongLongLongItem2</a></li> </ul> </div> outer div has position: absolute, the links are highlighted. ('li' and 'a' should be of the width of the widest element in the list, so that a:hover will highlight the whole line - see ...

Cross-browser checking on file size at client side before uploading it to the server?

Client side validation is important to improve usability. Is there any cross-browser way to validate the file size before uploading it to the server. I am using file upload control. I found some third-party controls do that check: and

Why does Internet Explorer show this site centered versus Firefox or Chrome?

I have built a website and when my users load up the username and password user entry controls show left justified in the panel in Firefox and Chrome but Internet Explorer shows them centered in the panel. I want Internet Explorer to show left justified as well. How do I determine what Fir...

i have IE8 but some of my users have ie6

how is the best way to be able to simulate ie6 in my machine to see what user experience these users get. do i have to install ie6 or is there some other way to simulate it? ...

Cross-browser link to file on local system

I would like to make a link from a web page to a file on a local filesystem and make it work in all browsers (or at least in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome). For example, the following works in Internet Explorer: <a href="\\myserver\doc\info.pdf">Info here</a> but not in Firefox and Chrome. Is there a way to make a link that ...

Potential problems setting window.location.hash

Hello, I have some javascript code which, at one point, sets window.location.hash to a specific string. This works fine in Firefox 3, but I want to know if I will run into problems with this later, i.e. is this a cross-browser solution (IE6 included)? Also, I am using ReallySimpleHistory. Will this mess up its internal state? Thanks ...

JavaScript - Watch for object properties changes

I just read Mozilla's documentation for the watch() method. It looks very useful. However, I can't find something similar for Safari. Neither IE. Do you use this method? How do you manage portability across browsers? Thanks! ...

Is it currently "safe" to use arrows from htmlentities instead of arrow images?

In the real world, are there any issues with using the htmlentities in Grade A browsers for → right and left arrows per this link? Can everyone reading this page see these arrows ? Apparently if the character is not in your font set, they won't appear, but so far my work has been to english speaking audiences...don't the arrows come s...

input tag inside anchor tag with target _blank fires twice

In a html page, i added the following code <a href="" target="_blank"><span><input type="button" value="google" /></span></a> To achieve image button with sliding door technique, i happens to mark up like this. Now When I click the button, opens in two tabs in Firefox. IE didn't respond at all !!! Th...

Problem with IE using

I'm using the CSS framework on a site and have hit problems almost instantly with IE (7, though I assume 6 is no better). <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="design/reset.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="design/960.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="design/text.css" /> </head> <body> <div class="conta...

Debate on Speed compare: JavaScript, Flash, Silverlight, C++, C#, ASM

We are trying to compare 7 different programming technologies for browser based client applications. Please give your thoughts on this speed comparison. What will the future bring? Will HTML5 replaces Flash and Silverlight in the browser or will JavaScript always be too slow for any CPU intensive applications. Could Roozz plugin comp...

where is that tool where I can load IE6 and IE7 on the same computer?

where is that tool where I can load IE6 and IE7 on the same computer? testing for cross-browser issues. ...

Browser detection versus feature detection

I’m going to play a devil's advocate for moment. I have been always wondering why browser detection (as opposed to feature detection) is considered to be a flat out a bad practise. If I test a certain version of certain browser and confirm that that certain functionality behaves is some predicable way then it seems OK to special case it....

Cross platform CSS

Hi, I want to know does CSS behaviour changes with different operating system. My css is working bit different for vista and win xp proffesional for same version of browser. I was testing my application on vista + ie8 and xp + ie8. It worked bit different. ...

What is the cross-browser way to set a max height on a table?

I have a table where I set the height of the tbody #ml_container table>tbody{ height: 500px; overflow: auto; overflow-x: hidden; } The issue is that when the table has 1 entry, the 1 entry is 500px high in FF3. I would like the 1 entry to still be 20px (or whatever I specify). Another issue is that Safari doesn't even recognize this...

cross browser compability question

Greetings, I have designed a site that shows nice via FF or Chrome while fails to render with IE. I am looking for some kind of software inorder to find the parts that causes the render issue. Thanks ...

Understanding how browsers work

Recently I been doing some Web UI work, and it is frustrating to deal with all the compatibility issues, and the unexpected browser (FF, IE, Safari) behaviors. Event bubbling creating and destroying elements dynamically adding elements with behaviors (that did not initially execute) interacting with modals z-index I seek to underst...

What WYSIWYG editing component should I use for in-browser editing?

I'm looking for a good, WYSIWYG editor that I can integrate into my web pages enabling my users to edit letters, legal agreements, etc. without requiring them to learn a new set of commands or syntax or going crazy trying to remove a table or resize an image. I have read the relate questions. And I have used probably most of the better ...

IE Hangs on Second Time a Value is Passed to a Parent Window with Javascript

I've got an ASP.NET 3.5 web app where I am trying to return a string from a child window to a parent window. It works in FF, Chrome, and Safari, but IE is a different story. In IE, it works the first time through but when reopening the child and passing another string, the parent page hangs in the middle of the PostBack. For the paren...