
Non-Flash, Cross Browser Movie Player Recommendations?

I am looking for a prettier solution than standard embed code and would like a good css styled, or javascript movie player that is stable and tested across all the big browsers. Can anybody recommend some good ones they have experience with? ...

Cross-browser CSS

How do professional web designers create cross-browser CSS? Is it generally done by hand, or are there toolkits that can streamline the process, like YUI does for JavaScript? I'd prefer to stay away from WYSIWYG editors like DreamWeaver. Thanks! ...

Is there a cross-browser method to bring a popup window into the foreground?

I have a chat in a popup browser window. This chat page (ASP) checks for new messages every 10 seconds. I would like to bring this popup window to front when there is a new message. I tried with "window.focus()", but this work only in few version of IE. Are there other options to achieve my goal? ...

JavaScript event.keyCode constants

When testing a JavaScript in Firefox 3.5, I have access to constants such as KeyEvent.DOM_VK_D, but not in Google Chrome. Is there a cross-browser way of accessing these constants? ...

Why does my embedded youtube video work in FF, but not IE?

Hello, I'm using the following code... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="**URL**"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="**URL**" type="application/xshockwave- flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> to display a youtube video. It works in Fire...

Formatblock cross browser compatible alternative

Hi I'm using the jhtmlarea html editor in a webb application. Now during testing I found out that it doesn't work properly with setting headers (h1-4) since it uses the execcommand with "formatblock". According to this page this isn't supported by for example IE7 and testing has shown that it also has issues in Safari 3-4. This is a...

Overriding the F1 key in FF, chrome, ie. Is F1 on ie8/chrome on keyup and in FF on keypress? What about <tab> in an input field?

I'm creating namespaced events with jquery. When I use the following function with code=112, a function, bool=false, everything works fine in FF and the F1 key submits to my function and the event does not bubble up to open the firefox help in a new tab. function bindKeyFunc(code, func, bool){ $(document).bind('keypress.' + code, f...

Always using google chrome frame meta tag for standard compliant page, is good idea?

Hello, I was thinking to add meta tag always in all the websites. That will trigger google chorme frame to load for users who already installed. I can see the benefits but is there any concerns or facts that I should know before I do that? Testing in google chrome is enough or testing in google chrome frame explicitly required? Thank...

How can I get browsers other than IE to accept file urls?

It is not uncommon for our intranet web applications to link to publications, documents, or other resources from our shared network file servers. In the past, we've had little trouble fashioning links such as the following: file://fileserver1/folderofgoodies/rules.pdf \\fileserver1\folderofgoodies\rules.pdf The reason we had no troub...

Fading script will not work in IE?

Hi, I'm pretty new to Javascript and have been trying to achieve some fading effects on a website. I've managed to hammer together the effects I want and everything's working fine on Firefox & Safari. However IE doesn't like it. The first script to change the background colour works but the second script to fade in the content does nothi...

Alternate for window.opener

I am trying to access javascript variable in the parent window from the child window like this. window.opener.jsvar = 'something'; This is not working sometimes in IE 6.x But it is fine in firefox/IE 7.X Do we have any alternative for window.opener? ...

jQuery only working in Firefox - event model issue?

Hi I'm no jQuery expert but managed to get the effects running I required for my WordPress site frontpage at View in FF and all works fine; the other filters reset to 'all' when one option is selected, and the correct thumbs are faded out/retained. In IE or Safari, nothing... I built on FF and Safari on M...

How can I prevent the backspace key from navigating back?

On IE I can do this with the (terribly non-standard, but working) jQuery if ($.browser.msie) $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 8) window.event.keyCode = 0;}); But is it possible to do in a way which works on Firefox, or in a cross-browser way for a bonus? For the record: $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (e.k...

Forming URL from string and variables

Hi, I am working on a PHP script that automatically displays an image based on certain elements (which don't matter for the sake of the question since that part works perfectly fine.) Out of the browsers I have tested it in, the images are correctly displayed on Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. However, they do not appear...

Please help! Website isn't displaying correctly in IE7

Hey All, I recently designed a site in Drupal and it is perfect in FireFox and Safari, but wont' display correctly in IE6 or IE7. The site might be NSFW, but it's just a Pickup Artist Website: Could someone point me in the right direction of what to fix? I'd be very grateful. Thanks, Nick ...

about cross browser testing

Excuse me. Currently, I am finding the remote access service that is fast and allow us to install program temporarily such as unity player, fiddler2, etc. to debug for web site. Previous I find but I get it not quite responsive for the remotely accessed machine even when I am using local VNC there. May I ask...

IE6 website display problem (background or padding issue?)

I'm trying to get a website to display properly in IE6 and IE7. Here is a screenshot of how it looks in IE6. IE8, Safari, Firefox, etc. all display this site correctly. Could someone give me a hint as to what is causing the distortion in IE6? If you want to take a look at the page source, the site is: Get the CSS ...

Weird line showing up in Internet Explorer on Vista

A client of mine is saying that there is a line showing up in Internet Explorer on Vista. I only have Mac and XP machines so I can't see what she sees... I've attached a screen shot she sent me: The website address is: Any ideas what could b...

window.href for all browser

How can i replace window.href="someurlhtml" for firefox and IE support ? ...

css problem: Absolutely positioned parent and float:right child stretches

In IE6, IE7 and FF2 the .outer div below is stretching out to the right edge of the document. Here is a complete test case: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <style> .outer { position:...