
Cross-browser development

Hi all, I'm developing a web application for a new service, starting from Firefox 3.5. The interface design is tableless, only using divs + CSS & performance-blessed practices. Now, while being compatible with Safari has taken just a small amount of time, IE is a pain. My question is: is there anything out there that could be used to...

Does IE8 have rendering bugs like 6 or 7?

Does IE8 have rendering bugs like 6 or 7? If I make my site render correctly in Firefox 3.5, will it look the same in IE8 or will additional changes / hack / etc... be needed? I want to make my site IE8 compatible. Do I need to do something extra for that? Update: 6 march 2010 Is there a possibility , I will have to add conditional cs...

Embedd .wav files in HTML page in all browsers (no controls)

Hi, all. I need to play few wav files on button click. I found solution working in IE but it requires QickTime plugin for firefox. Is there any other way? <html> <head> <script> function DHTMLSound(surl) { document.getElementById("dummyspan").innerHTML= "<embed src='"+surl+"' hidden=true autostart=true loop=false>"; } ...

How do I do OuterHTML in firefox?

Part of my code I get the OuterHTML propery "<LI onclick="TabClicked(this, 'SearchName', 'TabGroup1');">Name " so I can do stuff involing parsing it. There is no OuterHTML property in javascript on firefox though and I can't find an alternative way to get this string. Ideas? ...

Site slows for individual users, but they can switch browsers?

I've tried searching for this but it's pretty difficult to put into words. Basically, our site will run fine for most users without any issues. Sometimes though, those of us who use the site pretty heavily all day will suddenly get completely bogged down. Everything just spins in place. The site itself is still fine - everyone else c...

Browser-friendly way to simulate anchor click with jQuery?

I'm trying to simulate a click on an anchor tag using jQuery. I've been digging around StackOverflow and Google for a while and haven't found anything that works on all of the browsers I'm testing. So far, I've found this: $(document).ready(function() { $.fn.fireEvent = function(eventType) { return this.each(function() { ...

Accessing ASP.NET Development Server from another pc on the network

I would like to test my web app in other browsers. I have installed Virtual PC to do just that. the ASP.NET development server does not allow remote connections so the virtual pc (another computer on the network) cannot access the website. I found this post that was started but there was no solution. I understand that using localhost w...

IE6 _top links inside iframe between domains

I have a domain containing an iframe with contents from another domain. Inside this iframe are _top links. On IE6 nothing at all happens when you click them. I have prepared a minimal example of this. Please go to with IE6 to try it. Edit: this only seems to happen if security level is "high" (or may...

set scrollbar properties in firefox

Hello all, I want to set the color of my scrollbar and for it to work in firefox as well. I read that scrollbar's are not part of the w3c standard and therefore their customizing are not supported in firefox. Well, there must be some way to get it working. Does anyone how to do it? ...

How to fix Array indexOf() in JavaScript for IE browsers

If you have worked with JavaScript at any length you are aware that IE does not implement the ECMAScript function for Array.prototype.indexOf() [including IE8]. Not a huge problem because you can extend the functionality on your page with the following code. Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj, start) { for (var i = (start || 0...

Absolute positioned div and its content

EDITED: this first version was a false example with false assumptions! See below for new version! The Setting: I have 2 absolute positioned divs: <div class="menuSubBack">&nbsp;</div> <div class="menuSub"> <ul> <li>test1</li> <li>test2</li> </ul> </div> with the following styles: <style type="text/css"> .menuSub { pos...

Get the string representation of a DOM node

Javascript: I have the DOM representation of a node (element or document) and I'm looking for the string representation of it. E.g., var el = document.createElement("<p>"); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Test"); should yield: get_string(el) == "<p>Test</p>"; I have the strong feeling, that I'm missing something trivially s...

IE8 focus pseudo class and Sibling Selector

I have some mark up and I am trying to have the "hints for some input" light up when the accosicated text input has focus. I am trying to use the focus pseudo class along with a sibling selector. If i just use one or the other it works just fine. However, when combining them in IE8 it apears as if that style doesn't get updated when you ...

Heightened privilege selenium browsers on Windows 7 (x64)

I make use of *firefox and *iexplore etc. within my selenium tests to get around the issue of self-signed SSL certificates on my local machine. Unfortunately, now that I've moved from XP over to 7, this seems to have stopped working. I'm running the selenium RC server process as administrator, since that was necessary to get an IE insta...

Functional Requirements for the ultimate web development framework?

With the wide variety of web development frameworks that are available, there always seems to be a perpetual incentive to "try something new". Hence, some of us find ourselves trading one framework for another, never being entirely satisfied with the end results. Granted there will always be niches where a given web framework will serv...

Windows 7 rendering web pages differently than XP or Vista

Since switching to Windows 7, we've noticed that several of our web pages have slight differences. It mostly shows when looking at form elements (text inputs & submit buttons). They are slightly larger/smaller by a few pixels. This seems to be browser independent - we get the same rendering issues using IE8, FF3.5, and Chrome in Windows ...

Contents of iframe disappears after inserting it using jQuery.append

Hi, Please consider this code: <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; </head> <body> <div id="dlgDiv" style...

Find the exact height and width of the viewport in a cross-browser way (no Prototype/jQuery)

I'm trying to find the exact height and width of a browser's viewport, but I suspect that either Mozilla or IE is giving me the wrong number. Here's my method for height: var viewportHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; I haven't...

IE7 Display problem with parent & child background images

I'm having a problem with IE7 displaying a table (don't worry it's used for tabular data) where the table row has a background image which repeats on the x-axis and the table division (in this case a TH) has seperate background image, which doesnt repeat at all. Here's an example: Here's the CSS: <style> table, td, th, tr { border...

Ie 6, 7 and 8(Compatibility mode) issues

We have a site that works fine with any latest browser including ie8. But it has lots of issues with ie6, ie7 and ie8(Compatibility mode). We are using following doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; So it is not using quirck mode. Before i start di...