
Safari and ASP.NET AJAX PageRequestManager.add_endRequest Function Not Always Firing

Here's the background info first. ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site with AJAX Extensions 1.0. I have a weird issue that only occurs in Safari and I can only assume Chrome as well since they both use WebKit. I also use jQuery in the site, but currently the reference to jQuery is only loaded on one page so I don't think this is the issue. I have a f...

Sophisticated Pseudo-Clipboard Operations In A Browser

I would like to implement a Pseudo-Clipboard in a broswer-based application. This is the cycle. The user can select or manipulate an 'object' which is a collection of graphical artefacts displayed on a screen. When they [CTRL][C] I want to be able to persist a representation of those artefacts to some persistent store such that when t...

is there a framework to build plugins for firefox, chrome, safari and IE at the same time?

I am trying to write a plugin for our company and want to use HTML, JS and CSS to build them. Is there a framework so I only have to build my plugins once and not have to build one for Firefox, one for Chrome, one for Safari and so on. Jetpack and Google Chromes extension engine seem very close to each other is there a framework or a com...

Enter key press behaves like a Tab in Javascript

I'm looking to create a form where pressing the enter key causes focus to go to the "next" form element on the page. The solution I keep finding on the web is... <body onkeydown="if(event.keyCode==13){event.keyCode=9; return event.keyCode}"> Unfortunately, that only seems to work in IE. So the real meat of this question is if anybody...

AJAX responseXML errors

Hi, I've been having some weird issues when it comes to make an AJAX request and handling the response. I am making an ajax call for an xml file. however when i get the response the xhr.responseText property works fine in firefox but not in IE. Another thing is that I am trying to access the xhr.responseXML as XMLDocument, but it tells ...

HTML 5 - Early Adoption Where Possible - Good or Bad?

This question was inspired a bit by this question, in which the most upvoted answer recommended using a feature from HTML 5. It certainly seemed to be a good method to me, but it made me curious about using features from a future spec in general. HTML 5 offers a lot of nice improvements, many of which can be used without causing proble...

Finding the client's timezone and culture via web service.

I have a .NET web service. It serves AJAX requests from web users. I would simply like to know how to automatically get the user's timezone... Not current time offset, but the actual timezone - like, Central Standard Time is -5:00 right now, but Eastern Standard Time will be -5:00 once daylight savings is over. I want to differentia...

Programmatic way to temporarily block specific Web Sites?

I need a way to programaticaly block and then later unblock specific websites based on their domain names. I only need to block browsers (so http & https would be sufficient, I guess?) but not just Internet Explorer, it should also work for anyone trying to run Chrome or Firefox too. This needs to work on Windows XP and be usable from ...

What is the Rolls-Royce way to deploy a Java applet?

I know how to deploy an applet using applet, object, embed tags and JavaScript, but I'm after the best approach (in terms of end user experience). Sun suggests using the applet tag, and a mixed embed / object tag on the same page. What I am considering is the following: Cross-browser support. Fallback to download page if incorrect Ja...

HTML Layout, ASP.Net, Browser Difference.....there had to be a better way

OK first of all let me say i'm not much of a design guy. Most of the work i do is usually on the backend/infrastructure (WCF,DB,Buisness Objects). We don't have a formal web designer unless you consider someone with a communication major who uses frontpage type programs to design web pages a web designer. I know basic HTML of course but ...

Event for when user switches browser tabs

I'm looking for an event which will fire whenever the user switches away from the page to another tab, and another event which fires when the user switches back to the tab again. window.onblur and window.onfocus don't seem to work correctly across all browsers Is there a proxy I could look at in order to synthesize this event? ...

Why are arrow keys, tab, etc not received by input field's onkeypress handler in some browsers?

I'm building a text input field specialized for entering and editing times. One of the parts of the functionality calls for various ways to focus on the different components of the time (hours, minutes, seconds), which I indicate through a text selection. Direct selection is possible with the mouse and this is working great. The other fe...

Dealing with Firefox and Internet Explorer's Differences

Hello, This question is because I just found out that my site is looking ok in IE7 and in IE8 with compatibility-mode, but in FF it is all screwed up. What would be the best way to go about it. Separate CSS files? Thanks, Richard ...

Making website compatible across most browsers

I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to ensure cross-browser compatibility. I have done a bit of research and learned a few interesting things such as the fact that Mozilla/Firefox can't handle a class that has a name starting with a number. Is there a way to make a CSS work for any browser or is it better to just develop mu...

Linux Firefox Spaces Things Differently

I am having trouble with Linux spacing of things, in multiple APIs. Thoughts? On the linked page below, there is a button with a magnifying glass on the map - in the upper left corner - directly to the right of the Home Map button. In Firefox 3 on Linux, this button appears to be on top of the Home Map button. On a Mac or Windows machi...

What are the best practices for cross-browser web sites?

(I'd like this to be the definitive community wiki. I seeded it from my own answer to this question.) Specify Everything A lot of cross-browser issues amount to this: you didn't specify something, and different browsers make different assumptions. Therefore: Declare a valid doctype Your doctype tells the browser what rules you'll be ...

Globalization, cache control, and HTTP dates in browsers

I am in need of education about browsers and how they send up dates in HTTP headers. I am worried that I will not be able to do a string comparison if the user has a different browser or localization. Currently, I have code something like this to handle requests: DateTime dt = getLastModified(someResourceHandle); if(Request.Headers["I...

Book or website which lists browser compatibility for all CSS elements?

I am looking for a resource (book or website) which lists all the CSS elemenets' compatibility with the major browsers. It has to include information for IE8 & FireFox3 (Chrome not too important). The ones I have found do not mention IE8 so I need one that's up to date to include IE6, IE7 and IE8. For example, if I want to use 'border-...

HREF on <a> not being followed in IE8 after onclick event?

On the following page, the orange "Buy Topo Map" link will open a page in IE7 (and Firefox and Safari), but not in IE8. The link is in the top-left. I am using the following code to create the link: var a = dec('a'); a.className = 'jLink'; = 'bold'; = '#CC5500';...

form.submit() not working in IE8 - "class not registered"

Does anyone know why the last line of this function, form.submit(), throws a "class not registered" error in IE8? //capture the map dimensions and submit the form to fetch a GPX file GMap2.prototype.downloadGPX = function(input) { var form = input.parentNode; form.swx.value = this.getBounds().getSouthWest().x form.swy.value = t...