
Should I use <button> or <a>, submitting a styled web form

For my html form, it seems that I'm unable to create cross browser hover and pressed states for <button>. I really want this as it creates good user feedback (and a polished look and feel). With <a> it's easy to do, but it breaks accessibility rules. What should I do? As requested, an example: <form name="contact" action="index.php"...

If IE8 is installed, how can I test IE6 and IE7 compatibility?

if IE 8 is installed "by accident" (by the Windows Update program), now the machine has IE 8. Does that mean it is safest to run 2 Virtual PCs, one with IE 6, and one with IE 7 to test our web app? ...

How can I make multi-line, vertically and horizontally aligned labels for radio buttons in HTML Forms with CSS?

Assuming the following markup: <fieldset> <legend>Radio Buttons</legend> <ol> <li> <input type="radio" id="x"> <label for="x"><!-- Insert multi-line markup here --></label> </li> <li> <input type="radio" id="x"> <label for="x"><!-- Insert multi-line markup h...

CSS Menu Displays Incorrectly in Safari

I have written a CSS menu for a site I am helping develop, and it displays correctly in both IE 7 and Firefox 3 (on Windows XP). The intended effect is that the drop down menus should be as wide as the widest element in them (but not wider). In Safari, however, they appear to be roughly twice as wide as they should be. I have no clue as...

creating a cookie failing with safari, chrome, ie but working with FF

We are using the following code to create the security cookie. Everything works fine in Staging environment, however in the production environment the following code is unable to create a cookie in Safari, Chrome or IE but it does create a cookie successfully in Firefox. anything that you guys think i am missing or is wrong in here ? pu...

Is there standard file names for Terms of Use / Privacy Policy?

Are there standard file names for Terms of Use and Privacy Policies? For some reason, I remember that Internet Explorer and possibly other browsers used to look for them on the current website, and display a little warning icon... ...

How is the default submit button on an HTML form determined?

If a form is submitted but not by any specific button, such as by pressing Enter using HTMLFormElement.submit() in JS how is a browser supposed to determine which of multiple submit buttons, if any, to use as the one pressed? This is significant on two levels: calling an onclick event handler attached to a submit button the data s...

IE problem: keyboard interaction with checkbox

I have an HTML table, and each row has a checkbox for selecting or deselecting its row. Whenever a checkbox changes value, I need to add or remove highlighting to the row and also ensure that the page's submit button is only enabled when at least one row is selected and disabled otherwise. The checkbox event handler is defined by the f...

How to run xampp in Microsoft Virtual PC's Windows XP ?

Firefox and IE 7 are installed. I use MS Virtual PC for testing website in IE6 it works oon live site but I use XAMPP to render PHP files but h.ttp://localhost is not working Virtually running XP with IE6. ...

Porting ActiveX control to run on multi-browsers

I currently have an ActiveX control which links in many c/c++ dlls. The problem is that we now need this control to run on browsers other than IE (most importantly Firefox). As I see it I have the following options: Write the control as a firefox plugin. This seems like it will be the quickest but would then tightly couple us to Mozil...

How to run javascript on the server

I'm writing an iPhone app that needs to interact with the Google Maps API, therefore I must user Javascript (please correct me if I'm wrong) to access the results and the route created. Since the Javascript support in native iPhones apps is quite poor and slow, my idea was to ask a remote web server to do the job for me. That server wou...

File data from input element

In Firefox 3 it is possible to access the contents of a <input type="file"> element as in the following. Assume a form with the following element: <input type="file" id="myinput"> Now the data of the file selected can be accessed with: // Get the file's data as a data: URL document.getElementById('myinput').files[0].getAsDataURL() ...

.innerHTML opera issue?

I'm trying to do : document.getElementById("header-text").innerHTML = "something interesting"; It's working fine with every browser except Opera (I'm running the latest version). Browsing the internet I found people saying that Opera does not support innerHTML. That doesn't sound right. Any pointers? Thanks Edit: Here is the id I'...

Do I need some kind of IE 6 hack for my page layout?

My site I am being told has some div shifting issues in IE6. We do not have IE6 here at the office, but I do use the Firefox render tool to view a screenshot si I get the general idea. I am on a Mac and can't see the same issues as my client. Could someone take a look at the site in IE6 PC and tell me what they...

jQuery javascript custom sort procedure works in Firefox, but IE doesn't seem to get it... (copy-paste example code)

Hi, i've built this sample code based on a real problem I have in an application. I've got a custom sort procedure to sort jQuery arrays. A container contains a list of items with special attributes. For sorting: Loads all items in temp array Clears the container Sorts the temp array into a new array Append sorted items to containe...

How best to convince people to upgrade IE?

I recently asked a question that got shot down for being too strongly worded. I'm having another go today because it's something I really am concerned about and I really do want feedback and ideas from the smart people on SO. IE6 isn't quite the bane of my existence, but it's close. I'm a web-developer and spend too much time fixing thi...

Why doesn't this Javascript work with Opera or Chrome?

Hi All, Thanks for reading. I have several scripts that are built similar to the following: scriptone.js function FunctionOne(){ // Do a bit of work... // Include a second javascript file, scripttwo.js // that contains a function called FunctionTwo.js var scrb = document.createElement('script'); scrb.type = 'tex...

Two divs with fluid content floating next to each other. IE 7 Not displaying the correct layout.

The Case I have two floating divs next to each other. Both have "fluid" contents and I want them to stay next to each other unless they touch. Then, I want them to be stacked. The problem is that my fluid content (like text or a list) crumbles in IE 7 as soon as the two divs touch. On top of that, this only happens with some IE 7 versi...

How do you check the browser's user agent in a JSP page using JSTL, EL?

I need to check the browser's user-agent to see if it is IE6. However I shouldn't use scriptlets (we have a strict no scriptlets policy) to do this. Currently I use <% String ua = request.getHeader( "User-Agent" ); boolean isMSIE = ( ua != null && ua.indexOf( "MSIE" ) != -1 ); %> <% if( isMSIE ){ %> <div> <% } %>...

How to make sure the CSS work fine with all browsers without eye testing on each broswer?

Making CSS for one website to support for all browsers in different version is really difficult. Especially, it needs to have different browsers set up. I just wonder is it possible to test the CSS and make sure it works with all browsers without open each browser and manually check the layout? or Is there any quick or standard way to d...