
Copy/Paste in JavaScript?

I know this question was asked like a million times by now, but I couldn't really find a good up-to-date solution. I've implemented my own menu to provide the user the ability to Cut, Copy and Paste into my WebApp. But I'm not sure how to actually work with the clipboard on Firefox, IE, Safari/Chrome. Thank you for your help. ...

Why some javascript error only comes in IE not in firefox? how to know where is code creating problem?

Why some javascript error only comes in IE not in firefox? should i solve all IE javascript errors, if my site is working fine with it ? ...

XML cross-browser support

I need help getting the file to run in Firefox: I have tried adapting scripts so that my file runs in both IE and Firefox but so far it still only works in IE. (The file can be tested at - simply type the word Mike in the text box using IE (doesn't work in Firefox).The HTML document is: <!DOCTYPE html ...

Sending correct file size with PHP download script

I created a file download script in PHP, it works, but web browsers report the file as "Unknown Length". My code is as follows: function downloadFile($file){ // Set up the download system... header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: '.mime_content_type($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; ...

Capture hotkey in browsers

I'm doing SWF application which will run in browser. And I want to capture CTRL+F key pressing event when Flex application is in focus. In Firefox it works fine but in Opera and Safari browser captures event prior to Flex application and Find Dialog pop-ups. Is there any way for flex application to capture CTRL+F event prior browser? ...

Migrate an application from IE to cross-browser

We are in the process of migrating an IE application to Firefox. Do you recommend a tool that can automate to a certain extent this process. Perhaps this tool could help us identify code that is browser specific. Do you see this as possible? ...

How to inform users that his browser is not supported

Hello, I'm working at a small company and we are developing a web application. With the very few resources we have available, we can't afford to assemble the development team we would like to (we are only two people). The web app is becoming very complex over time and it is very difficult to keep progress with IEx, Firefox, Safari, and ...

What are the various browser data cache sizes?

Browsers render content after "enough" data has been received or once data stops flowing in (Content Length reached, for example). I want to slowly stream data to the browser; to do this, I have to work around this data caching. For example, instead of sending 40 bytes of JavaScript, I have to send the 40 bytes of JS followed by about...

Javascript working in firefox but not IE or chrome

I am using gwt with google maps api and i have a set of tabbed infowindows. in one of them i want to have a recent tweets script running. it works fine in firefox, but it comes up as blank in ie and chrome. heres the HTML that im putting in the tab: HTML recentTweets = new HTML( "<body>"+ "<div style='...

CSS style padding for an empty element

I'm generating a page for an upcoming portal site, and I've got an HTML element with some optional content. I'd like the element to not render if it is empty, but adding some padding to it causes it to render. How do I add padding to the content, but only if content is present? .someElement{padding-top: 5px;} HTML in question: <div c...

how to determine the opera browser using javascript...

Hi All, i want to determine that the browser of the client machines in opera or not using javascript. Thanks in advance Avinash ...

Get Selected text in browser programatically

Hi, From my windows application, i want to detect selected text in "Internet Explorer", Firefox and any other browser. Do you know what piece of code should i use in order to achieve this? Thanks, The idea is not to search for a text in IE, but instead "capture the selected text" in IE. By the way not only IE, but any windows applica...

Does the "overflow-y: scroll" property help prevent horizontal shift in Opera/Safari?

I'm using the following in my CSS to force a vertical scrollbar in Firefox: body { overflow-y: scroll; } Does this technique work in Safari and Opera? Some people say it does and some say otherwise. ...

GWT FormPanel not submitting in IE - works fine on FF, Chrome, Safari

I am using a simple FormPanel in GWT ( Once setting the action for the form, in Firefox, Safari, Chrome the submit method works fine while in IE (8) nothing happens when submit is called (I am submitting a form to paypal, not that it matters). I am on GWT 2.0. Is this some kind of known probl...

jQuery animation issue in Chrome

I was animating an a element in jQuery using jQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery color plugin. I was animating the 'color' and 'backgroundColor' properties at the same time. In IE8 and FF it worked just fine. Chrome animated the mousehover color and then stopped. The background stayed the same and the mouseout did not undo the effect as it should ha...

Is possible create 3D animation affect for any object in HTML for modern browser(IE8, FF3.5, Chrome)?

I just see some awesome affect at Advanced 3D Animations and Transitions that can work with IE6+, FF 3+, Safari 3+ and Opera 8+. They use framework that can create VML(or IE CSS Filter) based on browser. This framework idea quite like to Raphaël—JavaScript Library. But I found some syntax that should be unique style. Because they creat...

What are rendering differences between latest versions of Safari(windows) vs Safari(MAc) vs Google Chrome(Mac) vs Google Chrome(Windows)?

Should i check in all? or in any one is enough because all share same rendering engine Webkit. My question is related to HTML CSS rendering. I know one difference Safari for windows and MAC both have Font smoothing (anti -alisaing) Is there any other differences? ...

set clipboard content in any browser

I need to set my user's clipboard when they trigger an event on my webpage. I realize each browser has a different way to do this, so do you know of a library or code snippet that will achieve this cross-browser? ...

IE 7, IE 8 etc multiple tab browser session problem

Hi, I have a problem with all multpile tab browsers due to session object. I have a requirement that whenever user opens a new browser I need to show different values, so I thought of using Session as in IE 6 every browser creates a new session. But all other multiple tab broswers IE 7 and IE 8 and FF shares the session(If user has alre...

javascript to find memory available.

Let me make immediately clear: this is not a question about memory leak! I have a page which allows the user to enter some data and a JavaScript to handle this data and produce a result. The JavaScript produces incremental outputs on a DIV, something like this: (function() { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.inner...