
JQuery tools overlay opens at the top of page instead of overlaying in IE, works fine in FF/Chrome

Here is the sandbox version of my site: To reproduce the error, hover over to the toolbar and go to Support --> FAQ. In Chrome/FF, this will work as expected. In IE, the background image will quickly move to the center of the page, but when its time to insert the div over the background image, its inser...

Dev Tools in IE6

I would like to use dev tools like FireBug or the elements built into IE8 for my IE6 testing. IE9 would provide this. Before creating an IE9 environment, I thought I would check here. Do any of you have a solution for this type of problem? ...

iframe created dynamically with javascript not reloading parent URL

I can't seem to reload the parent page from within an iframe even though the domain for my iframe and the parent page appear to be the same. The IFRAME was created dynamically, rather than in the HTML page source, so could that be the problem? The iframe I'm working with is here R3000_3 once you log in. You may ...

Browser compatibility; Before or after uploading website to server?

I am on the stage where I need to make my website cross-browser compatible. I need tips on how to get started. I have developed my website on firefox, so it works great with firefox. I guess I have to download a couple of versions of all major browsers now, right? Then just test each browser one by one? Should I do this before uploadi...

Is it okay to use zoom:1 in my css classes?

Whenever I find IE is displaying my website weird (different from chrome and firefox), I try putting a zoom:1 in the css class for the part that is being displayed weird. A lot of the time this fixes the problem and makes it look consistent with the other browsers. Is it a problem to use zoom:1? I know my CSS won't validate, but are t...

how do redirect values to other page without click event in html. Below code is fine IE. But Not in Mozila

I have implemented paypal in my web page. Process is 'given inputs are redirect to other page(2 nd page) which have to get that input and redirect to paypal page(third page). Here we submit data on first page. value pass to second page(in this page user interaction not allowed) after pass to third page.It works fine in IE . But Not In Mo...

CSS cross browser compatibility on Ubuntu

Hello, I'm currently working in web development and my default desktop is Ubuntu and I'm kind of happy with the setup and applications I got going. But I need to test web pages for cross browser compatibility while still being on Ubuntu. I have gone through hell trying to get IE7 or IE8 (with wine) to run on ubuntu and when they finally...

Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc)

As detailed elsewhere, and otherwise apparently well-known, Internet Explorer (definitely 7, and in some instances, 8) do not implement key functions, in particular on Array (such as forEach, indexOf, etc). There are a number of workarounds here and there, but I'd like to fold a proper, canonical set of implementations into our site rat...

CSS Differences Between IE and FF

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by asking a question that pertains to a project I'm working on. If you view my page here and view it in Firefox and again in Internet Explorer, the width of the main content boxes differs. In Firefox, everything aligns perfectly with the advertisement at the top of the page, but in IE, the width of the c...

script only works in IE

I have the following JavaScript for show running line: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //Change script's width (in pixels) var marqueewidth=800 //Change script's height (in pixels, pertains only to NS) var marqueeheight=20 //Change script's scroll speed (larger is faster) var speed=3 //Change script's contents va...

Why does this page look different between IE, Firefox & Chrome

Take a look at this html page. In Firefox it looks just like I want it to look, in IE it looks "a bit weird", and in Chrome it's all twisted. What non-standard HTML I am using that makes it looks so different between browsers? Specifically, how can I fix the Chrome & IE versions to look more like Firefox? Note that Chrome only goes ha...

PGP Encryption in Javascript

I'm looking to do some client-side PGP encryption in Javascript. I've found some GPL library scattered on the web, but for obvious reason, I cannot use that code due to licensing issues. I'm looking for some BSD-like license library that would accomplish the same thing. Anyone know of a library I could use? ...

CSS sliding doors technique for buttons, IE8 problem

Hello All! I used sliding doors technique, explained here: With only one exception, that I decided to add one more image for "hover" effect. My code works well for all browsers, except IE8 (and maybe earlier versions). a.submit-button:active and a.submi...

Which browser versions do YouTube and Google Apps support?

Hi. We're building a site and wish to build for the same set of browsers Google Apps/Docs and YouTube support. Though not recommended, they seem to be detecting specific browsers/versions vs. features/functionality. What's the best way to support a minimum set of browsers while displaying a message to the users of older browsers to upgra...

Where can I get the CUR files for the Firefox cursor values?

I'm using some of Firefox's specially-defined values for cursor, in particular -moz-zoom-in -moz-zoom-out -moz-grab -moz-grabbing In order to display these on other browsers, I'd like to deploy the equivalent CUR files — but I can't seem to find these online, or in my copy of Firefox. Anyone know where these are available? ...

Cross browser rounded corners (no image)

When converting PSD's into HTML or even HTML5 and CSS, how much more difficult is it to round the corners and make those corners consistent across all browsers, especially Internet Explorer? Assuming the corners were rounded with code, not images. ...

Fixing Chrome resizing behaviour

<div style="background-color:red;width: 300px;"> <div style="float:left;border:1px solid yellow;">AAA AAA AAA</div> <div style="float:left;border:1px solid green;">BBB BBB BBB</div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> Pasting the above HTML here: And then zoom out in Chrome, you will see tha...

Do something before closing the browser window

Hello, we have an web-application built in flash (it's actually just getting built :D) where is very important to be notified, when user closes his window. Since it's in flash, we do not worry about Javascript, we do not support non-javascript users. What is the safest (meaning it's 100% sure it gets called) X-browser way to call php ...

Cross Browser Testing on Virtual Machines - Issues?

I am part of an organization in which there is contention amongst some very competent folks as to whether or not testing cross-browser behavior for JavaScript intensive web applications on virtual machines (for IE6/7/8, FF2/3, Chrome on XP/Vista/7) is reliable. This is using VMWare server on a Linux box host. While the discrepancies se...

Difference in css position IE/FF, how to solv my problem?

Ive made some divs and it works as intended in firefox: But not in internet explorer 8: Anyone have a tip? structure is like this: <div id="imgntxt"> <div id="imgntxtImg"> <div id="imgntxtNav1"></div> </div> <div id="imgntxtText">text</div> </div> imgContainer gets a image a...