
Performing client side XSLT when you only have the XML with an XSL reference tag

I have been wrestling with the following problem for a couple of days and need a bit of guidance as client side web development is not my forte! I have a Struts action that returns XML as part of the response, this action was initially called from the src attribute of an iframe which performed an xslt and turned the xml into HTML using ...

Javascript switch vs. if...else if...else

Guys I have a couple of questions: Is there a performance difference in Javascript between a switch statement and an if...else if....else? If so why? Is the behavior of switch and if...else if...else different across browsers? (FireFox, IE, Chrome, Opera, Safari) The reason for asking this question is it seems that I get better pe...

Javascript form validation only works in firefox

Hello, I am relatively new to Javascript so I'm hoping this is a simple mistake. I building a generic form validation function that is called on the form's onSubmit. The function loops through all the form's child elements, looks for certain classes, and analyzes the contents of the appropriate fields. If it finds something missing or er...

html clickable layout area. best practice

I am bad in html layout but I have to produce it :) I want to make big button on a page that is implemented as complex html layout with children tags (maybe - a bad idea). I can handle click event on boundary element with javascript but it requires javascript enabled. I can wrap boundary element with "anchor" tag but is doesn't work in I...

How to develop a site for multiple browsers these days ?

I would like to develop a site that works in all major browsers. I wonder what tools are available these days that may help me to check the functionality across browsers. I mean after I add some functionality to my site, I want to check it in all browsers. Are there any tools/software for this task ? I understand that it's impossible to ...

cross-domain javascript

I am producing a javascript-based widget. Nothing complex just a few document.writes... When I place it inline in the page it renders fine in all browsers. When I place it externally and load it via <script src=""/&gt; it fails to render in Firefox and IE but not Chrome. Anyone know why and a possible w...

Cross-Domain Cookie Problem

Hi Guys, I have a domain [my website] and a remote website which integrates an iframe from my domain [] with a piece of javascript. I want to share cookies across these domains [within the iframe]? How would I go about doing this so it works properly? I thought and are in the same-origin policy ? ...

Developing pages to take care browser compatibility

What are the things to take care, when developing pages to support browser compatibility? What I mean is, layout is not properly shown in all browser as required, but working well in some browser. I think this is the major issue to every one to achieve browser compatibility. ...

Table-layout:fixed rendering differences in Safari

Basically the problem I have is that in Safari/Chrome it is changing the width of my columns even though I have specified a) a width on the table, b) table-layout:fixed, and c) specific widths on my first row that when added with the padding and border values add up to the width of the table specified. In IE7 and Firefox 3 the table is r...

What could be the work around for this following issue (specific to IE)?

In IE, when user uses Export To Excel (downloading .xls file) functionality in my SSL website, following error message is popping up:- Internet Explorer cannot download file from server........ This is the exact definition of the issue here:- CAUSE: In order for Internet Explorer to open documents in Office (or any out-of-proce...

X-Domain and P3P Headers

Hi, I have a website and a domain at with a widget inside an iframe getting data from I want to allow x-domain cookies to be passed from to inside the iframe using ASP.NET My understanding is that - I can do this in IE using P3P Headers - such that the cookie is passed to the iframe and session | cookie d...

Cross browser window close event

Possible Duplicate: Close /Kills the seesion when close the browser or tab Is there a solution for cross browser event. I need to check if user closes their window and to throw an ajax request to my database to sign them out. I've looked everyone but most cases its not working in all browsers. Anyone have a solution? Or Alte...

What's the most concise cross-browser way to access an <iframe> element's window and document?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to access an <iframe> element's window and document properties from a parent page. The <iframe> may be created via JavaScript or accessed via a reference stored in an object property or a variable, so, if I understand correctly, that rules out the use of document.frames. I've seen this done a number...

Wordpress won't load in chrome but other browsers?

I have a website where chrome doesn't even load at all on wordpress. Any ever had this happen to them? site: ...

Unselectable text - Cross browser solution

Is there any equivalent for -moz-user-select / -webkit-user-select for IE6 ? I would like the text on my page not to be selectable in all major browsers. What is the best solution for that ? ...

Just when I thought my site was working right, it screws up in IE7

I thought I'd done quite well, my site passed XHTML1.0 strict validation and worked flawlessly in IE6 as well as looking fine in IE8 & Chrome. I glibly thought that it it worked in IE6 & 8, IE7 was bound to be OK. But on checking I see one of my has a scrollbar in IE7, the seems about 200% as wide as it should be... the content is fine...

Is IE 9 suite the best for web designers with css3 and HTML 5 ?

any one tried ie 9 test browser plugin :) ...

Embed remote desktop in browser

I would like to embed a Remote Desktop session within my browser. I must use remote desktop because my clients can't install any additional software on the server. Here are some problems that I can already foresee: 1) I believe that I can embed an RDP ActiveX control, but then all I could support is IE. And even then, IE lockdown may f...

jQuery overlay not working in IE6, Opera

Hi, I've been scratching my head for hours trying to figure this out. I have this page: On clicking 'Any Cuisine', a sort of overlay is supposed to open. It works fine in nearly all browsers except IE6 and Opera. In IE6 and Opera, the jQuery 'overlay' won't open. Anybody have any ideas why this mi...

Tools to make full web page screenshots in different browsers

Standalone tools or web services. Free or non-free. Tools with API or maven integration are appreciated. Thanks. ...