
banner appears off in osx browsers but it is fine in windows browsers

here's a live example tested in IE7, firefox, safari, chrome in windows 7 seems to be centered but in osX the banner is off! any ideas? is the original of the example that i have modified: Thank you Will ...

MooTools accordion won't collapse nested float in chrome&ie

While firefox manages, ie and chrome refuse to collapse the div any further than the height of the picture. Additionally (but minor), ie (properly?) wraps the text around the picture, while firefox for some reason i can't figure out has the text seem to float right. Thanks for any help! The javascript: window.addEvent('domready', func...

How to handle back button between IE and FF/Safari

I am developing a web site where I would like to be able to have content on a page change, and have the URL change as well. (i.e. changed into I have got it working perfectly in all browsers to change the URL hash, but the back button in IE redirects me to the URL before ALL the...

Accordion nonfunctional in Opera

While working as expected in all other browsers, opera refuses to tween the height of content. oddly enough, as i sat annoyed rapidly clicking it over and over again, if it's closed, and you select some text, and keep clicking the same spot long enough, sometimes it pops open. lol. seriously. ahh, it seems to sometimes open the first t...

How to specify your webpage's language so Google Chrome doesn't offer to translate it.

I have a page that Google Chrome insists on thinking is in French. Here's a snapshot of it: Note that I'm including a meta http-equiv tag to tell it that it's in fact in English: <meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en"> But it doesn't help. Is there anything else I can do to p...

Determining which JavaScript/CSS browser features are required

My website uses a variety of technologies, such as JQuery, new CSS definitions (e.g., moz-selection, -webkit-user-select), etc. The site works perfectly with Google Chrome and Safari, but has some quirkiness in Firefox, IE, and some of the other browsers. I want to write a script to check for necessary browser features but, with sever...

How to scan HTML and javascript files for cross browser compatability?

I'm looking for a tool that will scan my HTML and JS files and report whether the scripts are cross browser compatible or not. I'm not really interested in an online tool which I have to enter all my URL's. ...

Presentation Issue in an Unordered List

I'm having an issue with correctly presenting items in an unordered list. The labels are floating left and the related spans that are long in length are wrapping and showing below the label. I need a solution that keeps the related spans in their respective columns. In other words, I don't want long spans to show under the labels. Wh...

Have you ever used these css properties?

In what cases these are useful? table-layout font-stretch font-size-adjust orphans and widows marks clip ...

cross browser compatibility

HI All, I m a web designer and working in html and css so i m using linux machine as our company provide us, The problem is that when i am going for compatibility with windows it gets very problematic to me so plz tell me is there any site where i can check my web site in all browser of windows and mac where i get a good result as expec...

Recommended crossbrowser testing solution

Hi, When developing for the web, one of the saddest issue might be crossbrowser testing. Is there a great solution for testing both on IE6, IE7, IE8, Chrome, Safari and Firefox ? I tried some web-based solutions but it's not really usable when working offline. Thx Boris ...

how to use wmode=transparent in firefox ?

Hello guys, I made a webapp where I need html content to popup on top of the swf objects I have. I ended up using the swfobject setting wmode: "transparent" which works fine in all browsers (Chrome, safari, IE) except firefox. In firefox I can't click the flash buttons, i tried to remove wmode=transparent and, of course, I can click any ...

jqGrid flicker in IE when hover over certain elements in TD

The background color of the TDs are changed when javascript changes the class of the row to '.ui-state-highlight' There is a flicker when mouseout of DIVs and IMGs in the TD content, in IE, is there a way to prevent this flicker? ...

What do browsers want for the Content-Type header on json ajax responses?

I am returning some json which needs to be handled by javascript as the response to an XMLHTTPRequest. If I set the response's content type to "text/plain", all browsers but Chrome will accept it and pass it to my JS with no problem. However, Chrome will wrap the response in <pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;"> ...

Differently styled HTML elements in browser's default css is the only factor for the different looks in different browser of website?

Differently styled HTML elements in all browser's default css is the only factor for the different looks in different browser of website? Which can be solved by reset css Can we achieve same look with CSS only? Is there any other factors related to cross browser compatibility? ...

Will JavaScript evaluate a property's value if it's not part of an assignment statement?

I've come across a fairly obscure problem having to do with measuring a document's height before the styling has been applied by the browser. More information here: In Dave Hyatt's comment from June 27, he advises simp...

What trick will give most reliable/compatible sound alarm in a browser window for most browsers

I want to be able to play an alarm sound using Javascript in a browser window, preferably with the requirement for any browser plugins (Quicktime/Flash). I have been experimenting with the tag and the new Audio object in Javascript, but results are mixed: As you can see, there is no variant that works on all browsers. Do I miss a tr...

jQuery ajax-upload from not working in Opera and IE when with other scripts

Hello, I'm building a profile page where the user will be able to upload and remove profile pictures. There are some more scripts included on this page. I was unpleasantly surprised that not everything works in IE and Opera. They do work fine when separate. The url is . Can you please point me in what d...

Detecting a image 404 in javascript.

After a user uploads a file we have to do some additional processing with the images such as resizing and upload to S3. This can take up to 10 extra seconds. Obviously we do this in a background. However, we want to show the user the result page immediately and simply show spinners in place until the images arrive in their permanent home...

Getting URL of executing JavaScript file (IE6-7 problem mostly)...

Hey all, I've been trying to throw together a generic function that retrieves the absolute URL of an executing JavaScript file on a web page: Basically you get to call something like this: getScriptName(function(url) { console.log(url); // }); inside an...