
Why does having a transitional doctype, cause my javascript to fail in WebKit and Opera Browsers

Hi all I am trying to get a mouseover script to work, when there is no doctype set the script works fine in all browsers I test, but the site looks like a dogs breakfast However When i set the doctype to transitional (it has to be this doctype) Firefox and IE8 (&compat mode) work fine But Opera and the webkit browsers can only displa...

Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites javascript

Is there any Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites javascript. Searched for some list but none is working. Can you please suggest any ? ...

Array.sort Sorting Stability in Different Browsers

What is the stability of Array.sort in different browsers. I know that the ECMA Script specification does not specify which algorithm to use, nor does it specify whether the sort should be stable. I've found this information for Firefox at which s...

3 div independently relative and top aligned

How to (top) align 3 div that should be relative to a previous div (but not between them)? I can't use floats or position:inline-block (if you set display:none on 2 divs the last one shouldn't move). position:absolute neither because there's a relative footer underneath. vertical-align:top doesn't work using spans - any workaround? I t...

Websites that archive cross-browser, cross-platform css/js bugs?

I'm about to develop my own browser inconsistency/bug compendium site but I'm wondering if I really need to - can we get a wiki of sites that do this already? I'm aware of a lot of them but I hope I'm not missing out on some major ones. I wanted mine to be more intuitive and social-like for most people, powered by tags and screenshots a... site looks completely different on IE, Firefox, and Chrome; why?

I'm doing css for a website. I send the html and css to a guy, he puts it into The problem is that the transfer didn't end well for my code and it needs some fixing. The problem is that when I look at it in Chrome, or Firefox, or IE8, I get three completely different renderings. I spent a good amount of time trying to fix a drop...

which is the best among jquery,moo tool and yui?

Hi Hi among the jquery ,mootool ,yui and glow have crossbrowser compatiblity ...

How to fix table's column empty space in firefox?

This is inline code of a .aspx page:- <table> <tr> <td>Some static data</td> <td>Text box control</td> <td><div id="div1"></div></td> </tr> </table> Third <td> has a div 'div1'. This div does not have any data most of time on that page. But sometimes i need to display some dynamic data there). Now problem is, if there is no data in...

Can someone help explain how the css3 calc() method actually works? I have been working on a library that converts some css3 methods into css2. One tricky part is math.. The proposal of css3's calc() method pretty much blew my mind.. I am able to add/subtract/divide/multiply pixels from ems or any other fixed unit, but I have no clue how you would add 10px to 60%...

How can I append and execute a script inside an iframe in a cross browser way (specifically IE!)?

Background: I need to load ad scripts after the DOM has loaded. Because many of the scripts use document.write() and other potentially bad functions to run after the DOM has loaded, I want to load the scripts inside an iframe. So when the ad needs to be shown, an event is triggered which does the following: var iframe = documen...

Why does this Javascript work in FF3.6? new Date("2010-06-09T19:20:30+01:00");

Here's the sample code: var d = new Date("2010-06-09T19:20:30+01:00"); document.write(d); On FF3.6 this will give you: Wed Jun 09 2010 14:20:30 GMT-0400 (EST) Other browers tested; Chrome 5, Safari 4, IE7 give: Invalid Date I know there is limited to no support for ISO8601 dates, but does anyone know what and/or where the differ...

Any generic CSS libraries for web development?

Hello I'm working on a web development project where i need to take care of the design and working of the application. I found it very hard to style my UI which should be compatible will all the prominent browsers. For example to align the text inside a div i gave text-align:center which worked only in IE and not in Firefox, Safari...

jQuery val() function and file input field in IE

I have a file inputfile <input tye='file' id='funPic' name='funPic' /> I need to get the name of the selected file, $('#funPic').val() in Firefox and Chrome gives abc.jpg where as IE7 & IE8 gives c:\xyz\abc.jpg Why is this? I need only the abc.jpg part. ...

Is there a cross-browser solution for getSelection()?

I need to make a comment mechanism in which user highlights a piece of text, clicks "comment this", and then does something. The Javascript code has to know not only the selected text (this is trivial), but also the anchorOffset, to know exactly from which to which character the text was selected. I've found a cross-browser solution tha...

force webpage cursor

According to w3schools The cursor property specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing on an element. However I found an elements cursor is not shown under certain browsers when working with a rich text editor, which uses an iframe. Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Konqueror work but IE/Opera do not. Is there a way to r...

Which CSS properties are supported by which browsers?

Is there a one-page reference wherein it's listed which browsers support which CSS properties? ...

IE z-index Issue

Looking good here in the result, but I can't achieve the same in IE. Is there any workaround for this? JsFiddle for this: Many thanks for your help! ...

Why are Google Map markers showing up on Firefox by not on Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer

Hiya All, I have a bit of strange problem on this page: it seems that the markers i want to display are showing up in Firefox but not showing up on Chrome/Safari or IE. I am not sure really where to start debugging this issue as there are no javascript errors. The code is in two parts. The first...

Weird resizing in every browser except IE

I've been coding my site and it looks perfect in IE 8 but when I view it in Safafi, Chrome, and Firefox. Everything is unexplicably smaller. How do I make the webpage look normal like it does in the IE 8 browser? My site is at : I've been messing with he code for days now ...

DOM methods and browser compatibility sites

Is there a site anywhere that documents all standard JavaScript DOM methods, events and properties and when they were introduced into the various browsers? I've used W3Schools' XML DOM Object Reference, but it's badly dated, it only tracks IE, Firefox, Opera and W3C, it's missing heaps of newer 'standard' methods, plus I'm certain I ran ...