
Communicate with the local machine from a web page

Hello. We have a web application. There are physical devices that we need to be able to communicate with, and we have access to all of our clients computers to install whatever software we need. Now, for the question: Is there a way to make this browser-agnostic? As in, not requiring ActiveX controls? One of my ideas was to install a c...

Load Balancer and Port Headers ASP.NET MVC

Hi Guys, I think I am having Same-Origin problems with javascript being served and I think the problem relates to load balancer. Here are some of the headers I am getting for some javascript Host , value: Referer , value: User-Agent , value: Mozilla/5.0 Http method: GET tempUri.Host: www.referre...

Fix for iframe calling location.href

I'm trying to embed a mapquest direction page such as

JSONP & jQuery Chunking

Hi Guys, I am wanting to utilize JSONP for a project with x-domain scripting but little concerned with the 2048 character limit in IE. Does JSONP support "chunking" automatically if character size exceeds 2048 ? If yes, does anyone have any examples they can share ? Thx ...

AJAX XMLHttpRequest POST X-Domain

Hi Guys, I am sending an AJAX request using POST over X-Domain for a widget we are producing for our website. The problem we are facing is that this is getting blocked. My question is - for "modern browsers" [Chrome, Safari, FF, IE8] - it is my understanding that setting "Access-Control" headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www...

What are the rules for cross-domain AJAX requests for dynamic local content?

If I'm using a .NET WebBrowser control, and I dynamically populate the HTML, JS content, what exactly are the rules for AJAX cross-domain requests? I know I don't technically have a domain since it's local content, but I'm not sure how the browser handles this. ...

Cross-Domain + iFrame Question

Hi Guys, We are creating a "widget" for our site and wanted to ensure we have got this right. I realize this all relates to X-Browser permissions but little worried about how this works with like Cookies and permissions ? ...

AJAX, Subdomains and the 200 OK response.

A non-hypothetical but abstracted situation: I have a domain, from which I'm making an AJAX POST to Examining the XHR object, I see a response header of 200 OK, but no response text - I even get a response 12B long, which is the exact response (a 12-character string) that I'm expecting - but the response text ...

javascript to determine if page on remote domain has changed

Hi, I am trying to find a client-side way to determine if a page on a remote domain has changed. I can't load the page in an iframe and examine its contents due to same origin policy. So I tried using .getResponseHeader("Content-Length") and .getResponseHeader("Last-Modified") but apparently these are also restricted by SOP even tho...

Javascript permission denied. Not cross domain?

I'm working on a web app that very rarely returns a Javacript permission denied error when attempting to access document elements. I'm well aware of cross-domain issues and I am actively pursuing them as a possible cause. My question is: are there other possible causes for a permission denied exception? Just want to make sure I'm look...

Rails, REST Architecture and HTML 5: Cross domain requests with pre-flight requests

While working on a project to make our site HTML 5 friendly, we were eager to embrace the new method for Cross Domain requests (no more posting through hidden iframes!!!). Using the Access Control specification we begin setting up some tests to verify the behaviour of various browsers. The current Rails RESTful architecture relies on t...

Cross domain javascript to access localhost. Possible?

Hello, for one reason or another I need for javascript to access a webserver on the localhost. This localhost webserver is under our control so we can have whatever software running in it. How would you do this? I've seen things like YQL but this accesses another domain from the internet. This kind of access causes a lot of problems wi...

Cross domain issues getting Facebook Connect working

Hi all, I'm having trouble setting up a pretty simple site that I want to use FB Connect. Nothing crazy with popups, iframes, etc on my end, just have a FB login button on the page. I'm getting a cross-domain error after following the instructions on FB's tutorial:

Which Java Web Framework allows Cross-Domain Javascripting (http proxy) ?

So just a quick intro, I am starting to explore Vaadin, and it's absolutely perfect. Previously, I was juggling PHP, Perl, Ruby, and Jquery for designing rich client web application. It didn't work out too well, as I've burnt out from trying to fix cross browser issues (aka get-it-to-work-on-IE-damn-it), handling server-side, client-side...

cross domain DOM access and manipulation in Java ?

In my Java app, how can I incorporate the browser (which loads and renders URLs) in Swing and access it's DOM and manipulate HTML ? How can you embed such browser in a Rich Internet Application and access it's DOM ? More specifically, Vaadin ? Is there a HTTP proxy class that can load an external URL, and render it to the user ? This w...

stop accessing website content from other domain

Hi, how can i stop accessing my website content [like image,swf,pages etc.] from other domain? suppose my server has a myflash.swf file in my server with live url . i want this flash can't be accased by any other domain using the live url. is it possable? thanks in advance. ...

Cross domain ajax back button

Hi. I was searching for a way to implement back button in an ajax application (nothing unusual) as there are plenty of articles that cover this topic. But... But of course there are many restrictions. So my problem that is still not solved is regarding back button in IE6,7. More specifically it is regarding back button when you displa...

How to make cross-domain AJAX calls to Google Maps API?

I'm trying to make a jQuery $.getJSON call to the Google Maps Geocoding webservice, but this doesn't work because of cross-domain security issues. I haven't been able to figure it out online, but I've read a bit about Google Javascript API or JSONP, but so far no clear answer... Could anyone enlight me? Thanks! ...

Under what conditions can I access the HTML-DOM of a child IFrame from the hosting website?

What can cause my website to not have access to a child IFrame's DOM via Javascript? Are there cross-domain restrictions in place? Does HTTPS play a role? ...

cross-domain javascript

I am producing a javascript-based widget. Nothing complex just a few document.writes... When I place it inline in the page it renders fine in all browsers. When I place it externally and load it via <script src=""/&gt; it fails to render in Firefox and IE but not Chrome. Anyone know why and a possible w...