
Hot-pluggable C++ library possible?

I'm looking to "hot plug" a library of C++ code. I'm interested in having this technique work cross platform between Linux/Mac/Windows. Basically I want to have the main program #include "StateMachine.h" which defines all callable interfaces. Then at runtime and DURING EXECUTION load and unload StateMachineLibrary.a to have my applica...

Cross-platform Python GUI suitable for taskbar (Win) and menubar (mac) functionality ?

I am fairly new to Python programming, and completely new to cross-platform GUI building (only previous GUI experience is through visual basic and Java). I've written some python code to screen-scrape data from a website, and now I want to build a GUI that will reside in the Mac OS X menubar, and in Window's task bar (i.e., the system tr...

Good cross platform functional language for library use in a C++ application?

What are my options in terms of a fast functional language for library use in a cross-platform Qt C++ application? It seems almost all languages (functional or not) have some way of calling C/C++ code in an easy manner. I'd like to go the other way around - write an application in Qt using C++ for stateful business logic, GUIs and stuf...

Cross-platform graphics 3D with .NET

I'd like to program a .NET app that provides a 3D render of an animated world. I'm coding on a Windows PC, but many of my target audience will be on Linux. There are a bunch of frameworks out there that look useful, categorised into high and low level as best I can: Low Level Graphics OpenTK Tao Framework seems to have been supersed...

What would be my choices for a cross platform OO programming language?

For my hobby and self-employed work I write games, and as of now i've only targeted Windows. I want to break the chains that bind me to windows (and also important: .NET) but I do not know which language I should use primarily for writing 3D games , I want to use DirectX on windows and OpenGL on linux so there should at least be a way t...

End-user-usable layout templating system

I'd like to build a cross-platform (linux and Windows at least) Python app that provides end users with the ability to create and modify layout templates for printed documents. These templates will be used to generate documents by merging them with the results of DB queries. It's important that the system be relatively easy to use and ...

What is the correct way to do this using TDD principles?

I'm new to TDD, and I'm trying to learn the right way to do things. So I have to make a javascript class for a web browser extension that stores the user's information to HTML5's localStorage (I'll call this class UserInfoStorage). However, I want to make my extension cross-browser compatible, and the way to interact with localStorage is...

Authomatic data change announcement from website without local application

Hello, I have a very interesting question (at least in my opinion). There is a website using PHP/Javascript/MySQL and users of the website want to get announcement of some data changes, like Yahoo Messenger shows you that you've got new emails, but without writing an application. Is it possible to make a feature for the website to make...

Cross-platform SQL date difference function or query

I have a table that has a datetime column and I need to retrieve records with a date within the previous hour, day, week, month etc. One constraint is that I need to support Oracle, MySQL, DB2 and SQL SERVER. Can I achieve this with one SQL query only? ...

Which technology to chose for massive IO operation server

I need to build simple server that reads (potentially large) xml files processes them in memory(eg transform them to a different xml structure) writes them back to disk. Some important aspects of the program: speed ability to distribute the server. That means placing (what does that mean) several such servers and each server will ...

Cross platform app. Need suggestions.

Hello, I need to develop an app to work on Mac, Windows and *nix. The app will have to deal with pretty big amounts of data, and will have to display big graphs (so some 2d drawing is required). Should I go Java? wxWidgets? Develop a version for each platform? Oh, and just out of curiosity, if I wanted to build this app for the Web, how...

Cross platform recursive file list using C++?

What is the most efficient way to recursively list files in a specific directory and its subdirectories? Should I use the standard library, or use some third party? I want this because I use v8 as a JavaScript engine, and I want to execute all scripts in some directory (and its subdirectories). If there's any built-in way to do that in...

Is there a way for a java program to know which platform it is currently running in?

Is there a way for a java program (or more specifically java in jsp) to find out which platform (windows or linux) it is currently running in? Thanks in advance. ...

Accessing struct members with array subscript operator

Let have a type T and a struct having ONLY uniform elements of T type. struct Foo { T one, T two, T three }; I'd like to access them in fallowing way: struct Foo { T one, T two, T three T &operator [] (int i) { return *(T*)((size_t)this + i * cpp_offsetof(Foo, two)); } }; where cpp_offse...

Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows?

(by all mean do re-tag with the relevant technology: I don't know which ones they are :) I'll probably come later with more detailed questions, about specific details but for now I'm trying to grasp the "big picture": I'm looking for a way to enumerate "real visible windows" on Windows. By "real visible window" I mean just that: what a...

Emulating/faking filesystem for testing C code?

I'm looking for the cross-platform way to test some features in my application which required access to the filesystem (to write and read binary data). In the real life my application running on Linux and store special data in /usr/local/etc directory. But main part of the application is cross-platform library and it should be tested bot...

Porting a C/C++ program into Android

I am attempting to put my C++ program onto an Android phone but have run into several problems with the library linking. It seems most of the useful information I find on this topic through google is outdated (motz) or simply does not account for the complexity of my program. I have been able to run simple C programs but fail when attemp...

CMake - Automatically add all files in a folder to a target?

I am considering switching a cross platform project from separate build management systems in Visual C++, XCode and makefiles to CMake. One essential feature I need is to add automatically all files in a directory to a target. While this is easy to do with make, it is not easily doable with Visual C++ and XCode (correct me if I am wrong...

Should I use secure versions of POSIX functions on MSVC - C

I am writing some C code which is expected to compile on multiple compilers (at least on MSVC and GCC). Since I am beginner in C, I have all warnings turned on and warnings are treated as errors (-Werror in GCC & /WX in MSVC) to prevent me from making silly mistakes. When I compiled some code that uses strcpy on MSVC, I get warning lik...

Cross-site strong secured authentication

There are two websites in different domains, in different server, with different databases, developed in different platforms, both for banking purposes. In the first website (I'll call it "A") the user (bank operator) will login with his credentials. The problem is: They need to put a "link" to the B-site into the A-site, and the user ...