
Thoughtworks Cruise: Unit Testing?

I'm evaluating Cruise (NOTE! Not CruiseControl but Cruise (commercial)) for doing CI with an unmanaged MSVC++ 2008 project. I use GoogleTest framework for my unit test. I know that GTest can output its result as an JUnit XML or XML format. My question is, does Cruise support JUnit/XML format? How would Cruise know whether or not my unit...

Has any one use jameleon along with cruise control for testing Java GUI applications

I am looking for tool for java web applications as well as testing other components in a project. Just found a tool jameleon. Want to know whether I can carry on with this for developing automated regression tests. ...

Getting System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException while running nightly builds

Currently I have 2 virtual test servers(win2003). One is on which websites are deployed and other one has all the tests. I have setup all nightly build using When ever I run tests on nightly builds. Some of the tests fail saying 1. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESU...

BUilding Flex project with unit testing on cruise control

Hi, I have a flex application build with actionscript 3 on flex builder with unit testing on it using flexUnit4. I want to build this project on my cruise control and i don't know how? ...

How to pass server urls to Watir Ruby unit tests run by Rake under Thoughtworks Cruise

I'm currently building a suite of Watir tests for my .net web application. I have wired the watir tests into the Thoughtworks Cruise continuous build using Rake. What is the best way to pass a number of server urls to the watir tests so I can run the tests against a number of different environments? e.g. build, test, uat etc. Ch...

Cruise Control .NET force a task to run

How do I ensure that a given task always runs even if others fail? Say I have a task that installs an msi, another that builds a solution file, and then another that uninstalls an msi. If the middle task fails, I still want to uninstall the msi. ...

Publish MVC v1 C# application through Cruise Control

I am attempting to publish a 3.5 MVC website on my build server through cruise control. Having looked around on the net it appears you need to wrap the ASP Net Compiler. I was hoping that this task can be called through MSBuild. Any ideas on how this is done? ...

SVN commit using cruise control

greetings all, when trying to commit into tortoise svn using cruise control i am getting an exception [SVN commit: warn] source control failure (GetModifications): Unable to execute file [ c:\sand\doc\svn ]. The file may not exist or may not be executable. where "c:\sand\doc" is my working directory. In this dir structure nowhere i h...

SVN commit using cruise control

hi all, i am using cruise control to automate the svn commit process. but the execution of svn commit command restores the files which i deleted from my working copy. the way i am doing is. 1. delete some files in my working copy.( no. of files in my WC is less than no. of files in repository) 2. execute svn command using cruise contr... setting up build process msbuild and cruise control

Where do I start , I need to set up a developement environment using msbuild and continuious integration, NUnit etc. I am quite new to this kind of thing as it is normally already set up in most environments ive worked in. I am quite short of time as well and dont have have the time to read huge volumes in order to get an understanding (...

How to Detect Conflict/Overwritten Files in Hudson or Cruise Control

Hi, Lets say two front end developers are working on the same file just for changing a css propery without knowing each other.They both work in their own branch in the source control. First developer's css changed file deployed to the test system, and it is still in test phase. Before the first developer's change is approved and deplo...

How to implement cruiseControl in flex project Building

I need to deploy my project automatically using cruise Control .Please give a example ...