
Invalid Algorithm Specified CryptoAPI

I am trying to decrypt something using 128BIT AES Decryption. When i attempt to calling CryptDecrypt i get an Error stating "Invalid Algorithm Specified". I get the same problem when using the library posted here: What can cause this error? I am using CryptoAPI along on vista64bit with...

cryptoapi windows 7 support

Hello Microsoft has introduced cryptography next generation (CNG) from Vista and server 2008 onwards. But my question is to know whether microsoft supports the old cryptoAPI(say for eg. in windows 2003 and windows xp, - crypt32.dll) in windows 7 and server 2008. Thanks Raj ...

Non Repudiation Via Microsoft's CAPI from browser?

Is it possible to talk to Microsoft's Crypto API from a client side application in a browser? What should I know? Where should I start? I am looking to make a dummy application where a user can write a message and sign it with his private key, all through his browser using CAPI. Thanks ...

Wincrypt: Unable to decrypt file which was encrypted in C#. NTE_BAD_DATA at CryptDecrypt

I am trying to decrypt a piece of a file with wincrypt and I cannot seem to make this function decrypt correctly. The bytes are encrypted with the RC2 implementation in C# and I am supplying the same password and IV to both the encryption and decryption process (encrypted in C#, decrypted in c++). All of my functions along the way are ...

WinHttp: How to use a temporary certificate store?

I have a C++ application that makes a HTTPS connection to one of our servers. In my ideal world, I would like the following to occur: App Starts App makes Windows trust the server's root CA (no GUI please, just system calls) App talks to server, does its work, etc. App makes windows forget about the server's root CA done I do NOT wan...

CryptEncrypt() API

is it normal to get the junk bytes at end of buffer when this function returns? ...

C# encryption, C++ decryption. Final few bytes failing on decryption.

My apologies for the length of the code I'm about to list. I need to encrypt the contents of an xml file on the C# end of my code, and decrypt it in C++. I'm using RC2, with RC2CryptoServiceProvider and CryptoStream on the C# side, with Wincrypt on the C++ side. Encryption seems to be working fine, it looks like such: public static ...

Window CryptoAPI: Can I choose the public exponent when generating an RSA key pair?

Using the Windows CryptoAPI, is there any way to specify which public exponent to use when generating a new key-pair (ie. 3 instead of 65537)? As a bonus question: how would I access this functionality using .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider? EDIT: My guess is that the answer is "No", but I would like to get confirmation. ...

Convert Windows CryptoAPI PRIVATE KEY BLOB to bouncy castle RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters

Is there any way (similar to FromCapiPrivateKeyBlob in Mono) to convert a Windows CryptoAPI PRIVATE KEY BLOB to RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters used by Bouncy Castle? ...

Importing a private-public exchange key pair

Hi I want to export a RSA 1024 private-public exchange key pair from Machine-1 to Machine-2. I am using cryptoAPI in XP. In Machine-1, i generated the key pair. I wrapped a session key which actually encrypts some real data. The key container name is "PAIR1". In Machine-2, i wanted to unwrap the session key with the private key(which ...

How to submit for Microsoft Knowledge Base?

Hi all, I've recently found a very nonobvious solution for a Microsoft CryptoAPI issue. Because of a read-only flag on the (seemingly unrelated) CREDHIST file, the whole CryptoAPI stack was wildly misbehaving, from CryptAcquireContext() upwards. For the greater common good, I'd like to see this documented in MS KB, where it belongs. Fr...

Using CryptoAPI to generate ascii cipher text.

Specifically what i'm trying to do is Generate a PassStub field for a Remote Assistance ticket. The problem is that my results look like binary data but somehow Microsoft generates printable characters. In [MS-RAI]: Remote Assistance Initiation Protocol Specification <16> Section 6: Microsoft says that the "PassStub" field "is encrypted...

changing password messing w/ named key containers under win 7

On some systems running Windows 7 where we've generated a key in a name key container, if we change the user's password, when we call CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey() we get an error CRYPT_E_NO_KEY_PROPERTY (0x8009200B). This doesn't happen on all boxes. We orginally thought it was something to w/ a domain machine not on the network...

CryptInit (Cryptlib function) failure in Xcode

I have put the libcl.3.3.dylib in /usr/lib folder and all the compilation and linking are done. However, i received a failure of CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM1 in CryptInit function. I get the libcl.3.3.dylib from "port install cryptlib" and copy them to "/usr/lib". It seems unusual for the cryptInit function to fail... hope you guys can help....T...

How do I sign my certificate using the root certificate

I am using certificate based authentication between my server and client. I have generated Root Certificate. My client at the time of installation will generate a new Certificate and use the Root Certificate to sign it. I need to use Windows API. Cannot use any windows tools like makecert. Till now I have been able to Install the Root c...

RSA Encryption on iPhone

According the discussion on the code seen below would do for RSA encryption. The datatype of the key ("public") is SecKeyRef. I will not be using the keychain, though, as I'm only interested in encryption where the key is public and is no secret. Is it even possible to use the crypto AP...

openssl versus windows capi

Which is better to use openssl or windows capi for ecnryption issues what is the pro and con list for both. and if it possible to write my encryptor program on openssl and decrypt it with windows capi with no problem or there are some problem with this. ...

Javascript digital signatures

To create a digital signature with the client certificate in javascript, there was a function: crypto.signtext() that doesn't work anymore What is the easiest way to do this now? ...

Invalid algorithm specified on Windows 2003 Server only

I am decoding a file using the following method: string outFileName = zfoFileName.Replace(".zfo", "_tmp.zfo"); FileStream inFile = null; FileStream outFile = null; inFile = File.Open(zfoFileName, FileMode.Open); outFile = File.Create(outFileName); LargeCMS.CMS cms = new LargeCMS.CMS(); cms.Decode(inFile, outFile); This is working fine...

BAD_UID error while exporting key in CryptoAPI

Hi all, I am writing a test application for Microsoft CryptoAPI. I want to export the secret key of one party using the public key of the second party, and then import that secret key as the second party's secret key (this sets up a shared secret key for communication). Here is my code: if(!CryptExportKey(encryptT->hSymKey, decryptT->hP...