
how to show section of a CSS sprite within a set position on the whole html body

hi there. I use sprite sheets for my css, adn they work great, however i want to have a section of my sprite sheet on the footer it is like a curved block and the left hand content boxes will come over the top of this a little. however i cant seem to get a section of a sprite as a background positioned at the bottom. now normally you ...

CSS sliding doors & sprites with tabbed navigation - not looking so tabbed

Hey, I'm trying to get this nav working nicely: http://www.moreheadplanetarium.org/redesign/nav.html I can't figure out why the background image of the "current" tab is extending behind the span of the link. It doesn't do this on the other states (normal and hover) - I've tested it with different images on those states because you can...

extending asp.net ImageButton to css Sprite

I'm updating my ImageButtons on my asp.net application to a WebControl that extends the ImageButton, which I called CSSImageButton. I've overridden the render methods so I can make them work with css sprites. I've managed to get the OnClick working and the OnClientClick. But some buttons have the OnCommand, and I can't figure out what to...

CSS Sprite now showing once uploadedhtr

http://www.keironlowe.host56.com/Website%20Testing/index.html At the bottom below the paragraph of text I have two images with hover effects one says Contact us and another says Jobs Available! These are there when I test the site on my local machine, but when I upload them to a server there not there when I load the page, the anchors ...

When CSS sprites would be good to use and when not?

In what scenarios CSS sprites would be good to use and when not? Is it time saver or only server request saver? I think bandwidth use will be same because image is same like ong big image but it's in a parts? When and where use of css sprite is a time saving(in work) option ? For navigation it's good for rollover pre-loading effect b...

Should I use a sprite-like technique for thumbnails on my website?

On a website I'm creating, I have about 100 various thumbnails (64x64) that get displayed at different times. On some pages, only 5-15 thumbnails may be displayed. On others, all 100 are loaded. I'm considering using a technique like CSS sprites to display the images. That is, rather than have image tags for each thumb, do something lik...

Is the browser caching CSS background images?

When I have the same image used for different elements (sprite images) I usually don't call that image again as this is a new HTTP request. I rather use: element1 { background: url(someImage.png); } element2 { background-image: inherit; } Is this saving HTTP requests? Or if the browser is smart and I can use: element1 { ...

Preload image CSS

Hi I have problem with a preloaded image on Firefox. On (webkit) Chrome/Safari it looks fine. Let's take a look. I have :hover load image the css file: .zz{background:url(../img/guzik_01_ofirmie_PL_A.png) no-repeat; height: 1px; width: 1px; position:absolute; } li#ofirmie{background:url(../img/guzik_01_ofirmie_PL_B.png) no-repeat; ...

Any examples to know about css sprites?

I know about css sprites.. Now i want some examples of css sprites.... How did you manage to get css sprites work? ...

Generating CSS sprites for dynamic images

I have a webpage which contains about 20 - 50 dynamic images (images served from a non-static source). These images are served through a servlet based on the request URL. This results in a request being generated per image, which leads to performance decay. If these images were static, I would create a CSS sprite and replace the 50 requ...

Sprite height limitation for CSS images?

I'm making a sprite and its reaching about 4000px in height. Is there a general size for maximum sprite height that is used within the graphics design community? ...

Css-sprite menu not working in ie

Why doesn't Internet Explorer render this .css sprite menu i made? Could someone shed some light for me as i am unable to find any error in the code. Html: <div class="menu"> <ul class="nav"> <li class="home"><a href="#"></a></li> <li class="element2"><a href="#"></a></li> <li class="element3"><a hr...

How do you center text and image in a table cell?

Here's a simple web page. I would like the text as well as the image to be vertically centered in the cell. I would like the text to the left of the image, but that shouldn't be a problem... Could you help? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html...

PNG encoded with multiple images + HTML usage

I got a PNG having multiple images encoded in it. How do I make use of all the images in a HTML, one for default, on mouse over use the other (I don't want to create different images and work). Are there any examples? ...

use CSS sprites for list (<li>) background image

Is it possible to use CSS sprites for the list background image? Normally, I render my sprites with CSS like this: .sprite { background: url(sprite.png) no-repeat top left;} .sprite-checkmark { background-position: 0 -24px; width: 24px; height: 23px; } .sprite-comment { background-position: 0 -48px; width: 14px; height: 14px; } <div c...

How can I scale an image in a CSS sprite

Hi, In this article, http://css-tricks.com/css-sprites/, it talks about how can I crop off a smaller image from 1 bigger image. Can you please tell me if it is possible/how I can crop off a smaller image and then scale the cropped off region before I lay it out? Here is an example from that article: A { background-image: url(http:/...

css sprite button is jumping around

Hello everyone, Does anyone know what is causing the sprite rollover to jump around It is I think more likely a photoshop question, but I am not completely sure. I hope to get an answer here anyway, since I think most webdesigners/programmers problably worked with photoshop also. This is what I want the rollover to do example 1 and ...

Making an input value text transparent, is it possible?

I want to make the text value for "Login Now" transparent off of the tag from which I am using the following... <input type="image" value="Login Now">, would I just make a background-color: transparent? ...

Drawbacks to using background-repeat only for colors?

So I need some custom colors on a layout, but I'm looking for a better way of doing it other than just slapping a giant picture with (background: url(something.jpg)) in the layout. Mostly I'm thinking of getting a color palette (i.e. from Adobe Kuler, colourlovers, etc.), getting a 5x5 sample of each color and sticking them in an array...

Sprite Fallback

I have a number of images on a page contained within a single sprite image, these images must be contained within the single sprite due to other requirements of the site. Whilst this is working fine in most browsers I have an issue on Opera Mini where it is not rendering the sprite at all and just displaying the whole image. Is there a...