
CSS in JSPX format.

Hi, I have some strange issue with CSS file.(I think) I have written CSS definition inside .jspx with custom tags, and they are working fine when the pages are being tested on Tomcat localhost. However, when I uploaded pages to my web hosting company, all the web page format gets screwed up. I am not sure why this is happening and wh...

CSS - Absolute positioning or float?

I've got a basic layout where the body div is set to a specific width. And with margins left and right are set to auto. Resulting in the div being centered. Now, when it now comes to positioning all sub elements within this div, is it best to use absolute positioning or fixed coordinates? These sub elements are basically columns of tex...

jquery show/hide breaks links

I'm making a vertical navigation menu using css and jquery to make the submenus hidden by default but clicking on a menu item expands it to show the submenus. <div id="navmenu"> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="welcome.html" target="content">Welcome</a> <ul class="hide"> <li><a href="other.php" target="content">blank</a> </li> ...

What is the CSS code to do page breaks for printing web pages?

What is the CSS code to do a page break when printing? Or better yet, is there some print CSS framework like JQuery is to web page DOM manipulation? I need to print web pages with control like Adobe PDF, but without using a third party plug-in. Prints need to be precise, like controlling what pixels hit the top of each page, (if we wa...

What would be some reasons to decide against HAML/SASS?

I've been reading up about HAML/SASS lately and I'm not quite sure why any one would not want to use it. It seems to be very easy to switch, makes things cleaner and more efficient. Update: What about using one or the other? Most of the complaints (the few complaints there are) I hear seem to be about HAML, would there be any probl...

CSS layout problems, floats, nested divs

Alright, I have received some helpful information on this personal site I am working on already. Somewhere in my jumbled mess of nested divs I have created some problems for myself. I have floated both that image and the text next to it inside another div and centered that div, which is fine. But in order to start a new paragraph belo...

jquery .css() problem ...help please

Hi , I have a such code just entering start part for you $(document).ready(function(){ //Dynamically size wrapper div based on image dimensions $("#tag-wrapper").css({width: $("#show_img").outerWidth(), height: $("#show_img").outerHeight()}); //Append #tag-target content and #tag-input content $("#tag-wrapper").appe...

Any good SASS parser for PHP?

I'm currently using a modified CSS Cacheer as an alternative but its syntax is somewhat vague and adoption is, well, abysmally low... Documentation is hard to come by as well. I'm looking to switch to SASS as it has a bigger user base than CSS Cacheer and better documentation. I am aware of phpHaml but it doesn't have support for SASS y...

CSS generated via PHP ignored in Firefox but works in Chrome, IE8

Hello i have a weird problem where css generated via php (stuck with a weird cms from an even weider programmer) is ingored by firefox 3.X and probably earlier. But the page loads ok in other browsers like IE7/8 and chrome. Also firebug doesn't see the css either but when i point my browser to the php-css-generation script it show me a ...

Right-aligned dual-column layout loses horizontal scrollbars

I want a layout with two right-aligned columns. So, I create the three divs (two columns and a wrapper): <div id="wrapper"> <div id="left"> First column </div> <div id="right"> Second column </div> </div> I float the left div left, right div right, and set the correct widths for all three divs: #wrappe...

Tool for CSS formatting

Is there a tool that can format CSS into a single-line format with indenting? #content-area ol {margin: 15px 0 0 25px; list-style: decimal;} #content-area ol ol {list-style: lower-alpha;} #content-area ul {margin: 0 0 0 5px; list-style: none;} #content-area ul li {padding: 0 0 0 20px...

Programatically extract pattern from image file and / or PSD

I often have to extract a pattern from a PSD to make an image to be used with XHTML and CSS. I have often just made a guess in Photoshop, and then had to correct my guesses a few time after. It seems cumbersome. Is there... Techniques for extracting a pattern from a Photoshop file with the selector tool? A Photoshop plugin perhaps th...

Css Thumbnail clear main image

If you look at the image gallery on this page you will see some thumbnails listed over a orange car main image. I can't figure out why they are appearing over the image I would like them to appear below it... The only way I can make it work is with BR's which I really don't want to do... http://c5.dealercontrol.net/events/ Thanks for a...

IE7-js: reapply fixes after DOM changes

I've been using IE7-js for a while and now I need to re-apply the IE fixes after DOM changes (eg. new elements added). How should I do so? I tried with the ie7-recalc.js script, but witouth success. ...

Positioning the div relative to mouse position

All, How to Position the following div relative to mouse position so that the mouse and div are not out ofsync at theend of the page.May be just like a tooltip which always sjows the perfect position at the end of the page.. <style type="text/css"> #div1 { width: 200px; height: 30px; background-color: #a9a9a9; color: #fff; position: ab...

Mark input field as invalid

How should I mark input fields as invalid (i.e. color, background-color, border, etc.) Currently, changing borders requires restyling of the whole input field, otherwise the border will change from the default browser styling (which is different for every browser). Similar, changing the background-color messes up the border of input fi...

CSS div positioning

I have div that contains 2 divs in it. One of the child divs has static height 2em, and I want the other one to vertically fill the rest of the space of the parent div. How do I do this? Edit: I need the parent div to fill the screen. ...

Div container overflow

I have a div that seems to not be wrapping its inner content http://c5.dealercontrol.net/inventory/p1 the div id="container" has a black bg and should be wrapping the inner content how can I get it to show the style around all the inner content... ...

Is @font-face usable now?

I have to use a fancy font in a project but I'd really like to avoid sifr and other ugly alternatives so I'm looking at @font-face. However, I'm really confused with several blog/sites offering different views on its usability. Is is ready yet? Which browsers support it today? Thanks ...

Sluggish behaviour with li:hover with Cufon

Edit: Found out that this happens even though Cufon isn't even applied! Edit2: My bad, looks like Cufon is creating the slowless afterall. However, removing the line where I replace the menuwrapper font style with Cufon still results in sluggish behaviour. So it doesn't seem like it's got anything to do with applying cufon to the lists t...