Is flexible layouts hard to make and maintain, time consuming than fixed width layout?
Is flexible layout means only to give width height and font in em or %?
What is main benefit of flexible layout to the desktop and mobile users?
And if we make flexible layout then should be give images width and height in em or `% also to images sc...
I have this simple:
<script type="text/javascript">
<div id='message' style="display: none;">
<span>Hey, du har fået +1 points, du har nu <u>2929</u></span>
<a href="#" class="close-notify" onclick="closeNotice()">X</a>
And i have a design on my site. When i use this, it w...
I'm trying to stop a table that has width explicatly declared not to overflow outside of it's parent div. I presume I can do this in some way using ‘max-width‘, but I can't seem to get this working.
The following code (with a very small window) will cause this:
<style type="text/css">
#middlecol {
width: 45%;
Hello, this is my first question asked here a stack overflow.
I have a problem that has been bugging me for a bit now.
When I have a page loaded with multiple buttons on the page the first button in the HTML Markup seems to get this think border around the button.
I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I've read many forums that ...
Ok, may be you think this dup question but I swear its not. lol
You have a file that outputs as such:
<div id="first">1</div>
<div id="third">
<? $i = 3; echo(i) ?>
Which outputs:
Now if I want to have an output as below:
Well, I was hoping I could put Arabic/Farsi version of 1,2,3 instead of '?'. This ...
I have just a regular piece of text in a <p> tag inside a <div> tag. But only Firefox displays it correctly.
Firefox breaks the lines between the words. All other browsers break the line mid-word which makes it difficult to read.
Here is an example of what I mean:
Firefox (working):
This was busy in it was I was here. Let
him as bei...
Shouldn't both be removed? or is it means we should use <small>? Why <big> is removed but <small> is not? What is the problem with <big> which is not a problem of <small>?
Is it good to not to use any TAG which is not supported in HTML 5, If i'm using XTML 1.0 strict now?
These elements are not supported in HTML 5 but in XHTML
acronym big tt
then if future when i will change my doctype to html 5 then i would not need to replace or change any code to pass validation?
this is also accepted as valid code ...
In this list (these are HTML 5 supported) tell me which tag is presentational and which is not. I found many different views on many articles , if some think any tag is presentational but some don't think.For example: in HTML 5 specification they don't think is presentational.
On a dynamic site of mine I faced a problem that consists in the following:
In Internet Explorer 6 after changing the size of the div element with the help of JavaScript, its child elements that are 100% in height do not refresh right away (ie. do not stretch to their new size) but only when the parent div is clicked. It seems to me tha...
Is there any pros to use HTML 5 doctype <!DOCTYPE html> even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag? Is there any benefit to replace XHTML doctype with HTML 5 doctype even if i'm not using any new HTML 5 tag?
or in new projects which i'm going to start?
or it can create problems in any type of functionality if i 'm using any thing XML rel...
Hey people.
I remember seeing a tutorial somewhere that talks of how to style your input forms in a more “usable” way.
Essentially, you have a placeholder value and when you enter the input, it hides the hint so to speak.
Now, just to be clear: I don't want the hint (placeholder value text) to disappear on focus, but rather to go ligh...
What is the actual meaning of separation of content and presentation?
Is it just mean to avoid inline css?
Does it mean that the design should be able to manipulated without chaning the HTML?
Can we really make any change in design from CSS only?
If we want to change the size of
images then we will have to go to in
HTML code
If we w...
What is the benefit of writing meaningful css .class and #id names? Do screen readers speak to help the user understand the meaning and purpose of content inside the tags?
I have seen many vertical multilevel menus, but all of them goes below the screen bottom if they lie near the screen bottom. I want them move up instead of going down just like tool tips work.
I am testing a website on Chrome, Firefox and IE using
#foot_links1, #foot_links2, #foot_links3 {
position: absolute;
margin-top: 55px;
margin-top: 14em;
color: #02102f;
font-family: Arial;
#foot_links1 {
left: 335px;
#foot_links2 {
left: 630px;
#foot_links3 {
left: 830px;
in a CSS fi...
When I use the following CSS:
input[type=button] {
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid black;
font-size: 15px;
height: 20px;
padding: 7px;
with this HTML:
<input type="button" value="Foo" />
I expect to see this, so the total height becomes 36px:
1px border
7px padding
20px content (with 15px text)
7px paddin...
There is a lot of buzz about HTML5 and CSS3. How do I know that it's time to get started with them and use them straight away in my projects or how far are we from using them?
I don't want to apply the rules of:
Graceful Degradation
Progressive Enhancement
I know if this is the case, then we can use them today.
I am developing paintbrush application in javasript using Canvas Object.
I want to change my own mouse cursor when the mouse pointer comes inside Canvas object.
How to load my own icon?
I have a web app which is currently not rendering in IE. For the time being, I want to check for IE and display another page for IE visitors. How can I do it? Do I need javascript or PHP?