There are a few ways out there in the internet to centre something on the screen via css (-ve margins, table-cell hack etc). I was quite happy with that until now when I wanted to use native gwt2.0 layout panels/widgets. Imagine you want to do a "loading screen" to show a spinning circle until the app tries to figure out where to send us...
HI guys.
I having a problem, although I dont understand why.
I am trying to add a backgroung image for a "a" element, but it would only show part of the image ( so if I have Home as value, whatever space home takes that is what is shows of the image, if the value is empty it wont show anything of the image).
Despite I have setted up th...
Why margin:2.5px does not work? at one situation in my code i want to give margin:2.5px in IE6 conditional CSS to solve IE double margin and my default css has margin:5px but in IE6 css margin:2.5px and margin:2px creating same margin. then how to get same margin on both browser?
This is code of default screen CSS
#newsHeadline LI ...
I have a wordpress site.
I don't know how this happened, but now it obviously has got a lot of spae to the right!
Can some of you see through the souce and see if you find anything suspicious?
It would be really appreciated! Thanks :)
Site: gone! :)
I remember reading a style guide explaining what the proper line-height should be for each element. I can't find it on google.
I would appreciate it if anyone could link me to such a guide, or perhaps explain it in an answer.
Edit: SORRY, please let me clarify. I'm not asking about how to use CSS to set line-heights, but what ...
CSS: is it possible to have a DIV that is both centered horizontally and fixed to the bottom of the browser? I'm using a set width and height for the internal div.
I've tried putting a div with position:relative inside a fixed outer div, and that aligns things vertically but then the outer div is not centered and I'm back to square one....
I'd like to make a (non-numbered or bulleted) list of items, where each item has some text that is adjacent to an image. It's important that the text be vertically aligned to the center of the image, and that there will enough top and bottom padding so that each pair of text and image do not vertically overlap. I tried using something ...
I have two div's which classes are left and right. left is floated to left and right div is floated to right, but float doesn't work, I don't know why... I can't setup width in left div because I don't know right div images width's. So it's need to be fluid...
here is page:
link removed. sorry
and here is page where it's work's.
HI all,
I am having a problem with my web page, because I have a wrapper around all element of the page (header,navigation menu and content) when the content expands due to the amount of data to display it would go over the wrapper without pushing it down, but on IE7 it does expand the wrapper.
It is driving me crazy, and I can not figur...
Im facing this problem for few weeks now. I dont know why if i make any changes to my css file it is not showing.Not showing in any browser.Please tell me how to solve this.
Hey Folks!
I've got a problem... I cannot localize the cause for the width-overflow...
Could anyone take a look at it?
I've already been watching out for reasons - but didn't find anything.
Thank you all!
On that page, and only that page im having a weird issue. Above the content box the words "all areas" appears on top of the other text. The string "All areas" doesn't even exist on the page (it did until i removed it for testing purpose). to make this even weirder this only happens i...
I'm using Flash builder, with flex 4 sdk,
I'm trying to create a DateField in which the TextInput component has rounded corners,
this is my code, for some reason it doesn't work, anyone knows why?
I’ve been stuck in the process of constructing a framework for a window to hold my web apps. With the help of JavaScript, the window will change its color, size, and position on the page. It is so much like GUI apps in Windows OS.
Borders must be custom, that is, they will change their color for that of the window, but will be s... on this page's example of nested Unordered lists <ul> list's code is not validating on W3C validation
this is a code of this page
<li>Item one</li>
<li>Item two</li>
<li>Watch, you can easily nest list item...
How can i simplify this code?
#user_panel .subscribe,
#user_panel .faves,
#user_panel .tags,
#user_panel .title,
#user_panel .calendar a,
#user_panel .item .content
I don`t want to write #user_panel all time. Any ways?
i have list like that:
where both type of listelements are there multiple times in arbitrary order.
Is there a way to format those li's differently? (different list-style-image) The only difference is that the one kind contains a link and the other one doesnt.
Ajax control toolkit auto complete dropdown displaying in random vertical positions.
Below is the css which I use currently
background-color: #fff;
border: solid 1px #444444;
margin: 0px;
padding: 2px;
height: 100px;
overflow: auto;
I have some parent catogories and sub categories in wordpress. I would like to have parent catogory as a main horizontal menu and sub menu as a sub category of that specific parent catogory. Both main menu and submenu should be in the horizontal structure. So on mouse over of the main menu will show the submenu. could u guys help m...
How to bring the read more link at the end of the post in the home page of my blog?
Basically in my home page, it display all the content of the post, i would like to limit the characters to display