
page will not align center

Hi there. I have got a css problem. http://www.luukratief-design.nl/dump/parallax/index.html I cant get this page to align center. Before i get the answer to use "text-align: center;" on the body, i already did. The page 100% validates (CSS and HTML). Please help, never had this before. ...

Wrapping ID's in CSS Classes?

Hi Guys, I am relatively new to CSS and wondering whether its possible to "Wrap" ID's so you don't have to repeat them over and over ? i.e. #home { some stuff } #home .header { some stuff } #home .sub_header { some stuff } Is it possible to "wrap" the .header and .sub_header so I don't have to keep repeating #home all the time ? ...

how to remove unwanted space between rows and columns in table

how do I remove the extra space between the rows and columns in the table. I've tried changing the margin, padding, and various border properties on the table and tr and td. I want the pictures to all be right next to each other to look like one big image. how should I fix this? style.css table { border-collapse:collapse; } i...

how to get main div container to align to centre.

HI all, I have allways been wondering how other people get to align to the centre the main div container as the only way I manage so far is adding to the css file the following: *{ padding:auto; margin:auto; text-align:centre; } I have seen other pages using: *{padding:0px;margin:0px} but I cant see where or what do they do, to centra...

How to override disabled hyperlinks styling?

Is it possible to override the styling that is applied to a hyperlink if it has the disabled="disabled" attribute? It's currently greyed out. Not bothered about making it an active link, just want to change the font, color, etc. UPDATE : Must work in IE6, IE7 & FF UPDATE : It's worse than I though the html is <A id="someId" disabled>...

Problem with flash and displayed div

Flash banner block up authorization div. Currently it looks like: I want it to be: ...

Height of div 100%

Hello. I want to make a div 100% height, so basically the full screen. This, so that the background streches over the whole page. I don't want to add the background to the body, since i want it so that if i comment out the wrapper, the page is full width. (which works by the way) So basically my question is: how can i make the wrapper...

How to create a layout with 2 menu bars in css?

I have next markup: <div id="lefttop"></div> <div id="leftbottom"></div> <div id="central"></div> I need markup as shown on the picture below: ...

Using jQuery to select items that have style "visibility:visible" or "visibility:hidden" NOT "display: none"

How do you select only visible elements using jQuery? jQuery selectors :visible and :hidden only respects display:none as really hidden? NOT visibility:hidden or visibility:visible. I understand they are not technically hidden because they still take their space. I just want to know their state so I can check checkboxes that are visibl...

DIV positioning with position:relative

I have a page layout, where I have to set the position of a div relative and top:-30px The DIV is positioned relative and top:-30 exactely. But the following DIV then 30px distance at the top. Is there a way to fix this problem. ...

CSS Pie Charts?

Does anyone know how to create Pie Charts just using CSS(3 if needed) and HTML5? ...

CSS using negative relative positioning issue

Hi. I have a header, mainbody and footer. Header and mainbody are properly styled. Now for footer I want to make it appear behind mainbody, so I used: z-index: -1; position: relative; top: -60px; This gives the desired result, but I get an extra space of 60px at the bottom. How do I clear this extra space? ...

how to style the scrollbar of on iframe?

Is it possible to change the style of the scrollbars of on iframe? i tried to style it by using the following code but it doesnt seem to work html{scrollbar-arrow-color: #252604; scrollbar-highlight-color: #BFC097; scrollbar-shadow-color: #ffffff; scrollbar-base-color : #000000; scrollbar-track-color: #E2E1D4; scrollbar-face-color...

Is it necessary which thing comes first in source will render first, always?

Is it necessary which thing comes first in source will render first? and other thing will wait to render above element then they will start to render? like if header and sidebar comes first in source then will main content section will always render after header and sidebar.? Does rendering of html element fully depend on source order?...

full page width borders, centred content, best way?

A lot of the designs I am working on just now require that the page be centred, i use margin:0 auto; width: 955; Each main section has a div with a bottom border, which in this layout would be 955 in width in the centre of the screen. I want the actual borders to be the full width of the page however. What is the best way to do this, ...

center a div in css (text-align is not the answer)

Hi im trying to center the newsslider (in the div bottom-container) in this page: http://www.luukratief-design.nl/dump/parallax/index.html I already have text-align: center; Still it does not work. any suggestions? ...

SVG as oversized website background

I want to build a fixed width website (say 960px, to pluck a number at random) aligned to the left, but with a background which is wider than this and that fills the space to the right if the user has a screen wider than 960px. This is easy using a background image: body {background:url(myreallywidebgimage.png) 0 0 no-repeat} #wrapper ...

HTML select element with fixed width and scrollbars

This is probably a basic CSS question, but I am not fluent in CSS and just seem to be going in circles. Here's what I have in English: I have a fixed width select element of 400px. The text for each of the options does not fit in that 400px width. I don't get a horizontal scroll bar, it just cuts off the text. How do I get the scroll b...

Changing parent element using CSS

When I have <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="bla">link</a></li> </ul> how do I make the LI-tag change a property (e.g. list-style-image) when is hovered (a:hover)? ...

XSLT vs MVC vs CSS for flexible mobile/normal layouts

I'm building a new front end for an existing forum project, and I'm undecided on the best route to take for the user front end. The project will be built in ASP.Net 3.5. The requirements are as follows: 1) User selectable themes/templates must be supported - I have forum goers who will want to contribute forum themes, so the layout sys...