
bubble chart like family tree

Hi to all, It is possible to make this bubble chart dynamically using flash or even css. If so, is there any other example or tutorial to achieve this. I will use this for networking purposes. Any suggestion would greatly appreciated Thanks in avance Tirso ...

How to make image fit in div using Jquery

currently, I having a page with the layout like this: ----------------------------- Header (100%) ----------------------------- | | Desc | | unknown size | | | | 200px | | Image here | | | | | | | | | ...

how to add css code on jquery ?

i have a part of css code, how can i add this css with jquery ? div#menu li:hover>div { visibility: visible; } ...

How to keep header footer size and resize only the main body part?

----------------------------- Header (100%) ----------------------------- Center margin auto | | Desc | |unknown | | | size | 200px | | | | | Image fit | | | | | | A | | | | | | | | ----------------------------- Footer 100% hei...

Issue getting footer to "stick" to the bottom of the page

Hi, I am having an issue with a worpress template, I am trying to get the footer to stick to the bottom of the page. I have found code to do this but on some pages there is a grey section between the footer and the body of the content. I have inspected this in firebug bug there seems to be nothing there. It only happens on screen wi...

How to set the <td> width of h:selectOneRadio

http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/help/12-TagReference/html/h_selectOneRadio.html How to set the width of h:selectOneRadio using the styleClass attribute, I would like to enforce a similar width for all elements within the above radio button group. ...

How to make my right-box float right...?

I'm trying to make this centred wrapper work fluidly with the viewport, but im having problems with placing the right-div. Here is how the html looks: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="left">Left</div> <div id="middle">Middle</div> <div id="right">Right</div> </div> And here is the (flawed-)CSS: #wrapper{ top: 0px; width:80%; margin: 0 ...

how to place content to the right of the fixed img with css 100% height (no width given)

How to place content to the right of the fixed img with css 100% height (no width given) Image is fixed positioned to the left. And I want the content to go to the right. I don't know the width of the image as it depends on the 100% height. Here is the code: pastie.org/830531 SORRY: (CSS) POSITION: FIXED!! ...

CSS Header and Footer are breaking on Zoom-in

Hi, I have just finished redesigning this site (www.imustsolutions.co.za) and I have a problem with the header and the footer when the user zooms in (Cntrl + in FF). Here is the problem: The background color of the footer/header does not paint to fill the rest of the screen (horizontally) when the user zooms in. What am I doing wrong?...

My Account link in most e-commerce sites . reason to have one before log in ?

I am developing a new e-commerce website in java. My index page has links such as Login etc. I had gone through other e-commerce sites such as ebay where they have option of My Account. My question is before signing in to the account ,why do they need this link My Account. what is the significance of this. can any web designer let me kno...

the best way to make a gallery page

hi, Just wondering if someone could tell me the best way to make a gallery page, cos at the moment I'm using images inside the html and as the page and images are getting more the page takes for ever to load, so I'd really appreciate it if you could tell the practice regarding different galleries on one page. thanks ...

Is it possible to print a html page with something stuck to the bottom of the page?

Subject explains... ...

IE7 Bug: CSS background hidden, shows on hover

I'm having a weird problem in IE7, the CSS background image (bullet) on some <li>'s are hidden and visible on others. When I hover over them though, they become visible. I tried adding position:relative on li but it didn't help. How do fix this? Screenshot: Thanks! ...

CSS font transparency

I would like to know if there is any way I can apply 100% transparency to text so that we can see the background picture of the page. i.e. imagine I’ve got a <div> with a white background, and a background image on <body>. I’d like to set the text inside the <div> so that the background image on <body> can be seen through the text, desp...

How to load cascading style sheet into C# object?

Hello, I am developing a web application, where i want to give freedom of changing style elements of css linked to a page via an admin screen. So I am wondering is there any way I can load CSS file into a C# object or into XML passable formate and update it from the admin screen inputs? Thank you, Krishnaraj ...

JSON as HTML data in Flex - Hyperlink Rollovers

I am using JSON to parse HTML data with customized html tags in Flex. Flex's support for HTML is pretty minimal, so I am wondering if it's possible to do a simple font color change rollover effect on these links. Currently I have found that Flex only supports a few HTML tags, but also supports CSS through Flex's whack CSS methods. C...

Is it ok to hide any things using display:none?

Is it ok to hide any thing temporarily or forever using display:none? in dynamic site where many component of page coming from different plugins etc and many time if client doesn't want any thing on page then i use dispaly:none to hide things from page . I do not remove thing from actual source because client can come back ask to enable ...

Parent category as a mainmenu and sub category as a submenu in wordpress

Hai, I would like to have a parent category as a mainmenu in horizontal view and child categories as a submenu that corresponds to the mainmenu. For example, Parent categories as Apple, Orange and Mango Sub Category for Apple is apple1, apple2, apple3 Sub Category for Orange is orange1, orange2, orange3 Sub Category for mango is...

Issue Implementing Colorbox Correctly in IE (all versions)

I've been pulling my hair out (and going way over allotted hours) to try and figure out why Colorbox isn't working properly on the following page: [link removed] I've set up a Colorbox test link on the very bottom right that says "Web Design By All Web Cafe", which should open up a small logo image. In Firefox, Safari, etc the modal be...

How to force a hover state with jQuery?

Please, considere this CSS code: a { color: #ffcc00; } a:hover { color: #ccff00; } This HTML code: <a href="#" id="link">Link</a> <button id="btn">Click here</button> And, finally, this JS code: $("#btn").click(function() { $("#link").trigger("hover"); }); I would like to make my link uses its pseudo-class :hover when the but...