
Aligning a character to the top of adjacent letters

I wish to align a character in HTML to the tops of the characters next to it. The css vertical-align attribute seems to be what I want, but I'm having some trouble. Using vertical-align: text-top doesn't seem to do what I want, but I thought it should from reading the spec. Currently, I'm using vertical-align: 10% which is a reasonabl...

Pure CSS form styling with columns??!

I have a form that I need styled to have 2, 4, and 6 columns. I named my classes col2, col4, and col6 respectively. I am having a lot of trouble especially with vertical alignment and the columns themselves. Can anyone help with this? <div id="fieldset1" class="col2"> <fieldset> <legend>Living Room </legend> <div cl...

Image erroneously expanding to fill width of table cell, but only in certain contexts

I've got some HTML that renders just fine if it's in a browser window by itself. However, if I try bringing it up in a "lightbox" embedded inside another page using some Javascript magic, it renders incorrectly: the images I have inside table cells wind up expanding horizontally (but not vertically) to fill their table cells, despite th...

How do I position a div to upper left of page?

Hey all.. I am struggling with a CSS issue. I have a simple front page that consists of 4 divs. 3 of which are visible. The other is an overlay. <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="header">Header</div> <div id="overlay" visible="false"></div> <div id="container">Container</div> <div id="menu"> <input type="text" /> <inp...

Should my webpage compatible with Outdated IE6 still?

As a web developer, it is tough to do web design which is compatible with IE6. Is it required to make webpages compatible with css?. I heard the usage of IE6 is low. My question is, whether I should still check compatibility of the webpage that i make, in Internet Explorer 6? ...

How can I use JQuery so that when a user clicks on this, a sudden color appears?

<a href="/list" onclick="????"> <div> LOTS OF INFO HERE LOTS OF INFO HERE LOTS OF INFO HERE LOTS OF INFO HERE </div> </a> I have a div, which is inside a hyperlink. The whole div is clickable. When the user clicks on this big div, I would like the entire div to turn light blue, and then slowly fade into white. This will give t...

Future With HTML5 & CSS3

Hello, How much the HTML5 and CSS3 are going to elevate the time and effort used by both designers and developers using their current incarnations? Will it be a child's play? ...

How do I make a full DIV clickable with an anchor...but inside that DIV, have an input button that doesn't follow that anchor?

I tried this: <div style="display:block;"> <a href="/go" style="display:block;height:100%;width:100%;position:absolute;"></a> LOTS OF STUFF HERE <input type="button" onclick="runsomething();return false;"> </div> But it doesn't work. It does click to follow the anchor...but the button also follows anchor, which I don't want. Edit:T...

Is there any other use of <link> tag?

Is there any other use of tag? which is useful or it's only for to link css and favicon.? and what is the difference between <a href=#> and <link>? is link only can be placed in <head> ...

Block element text overflow problem in IE7

I'm making a "sort elements" web game using jQuery, HTML & CSS. While everything works fine in FF, IE8, Opera, Chrome, I'm having problem with IE7 wrapping words inside block elements. Here's how it looks in IE7 (wrong): Link (cannot post images as a new user) In IE8 the box with wrapped text would just expand to fit it whole in one l...

Looking for shared Qt stylesheets

OK, I'm using PyQt4, and need to "decorate" my program. and I want to use qss, it is simple, and easy to use/change. But I found there is no such site to share qss files, and I'm a programmer not a artist, so I won't try to write it myself. Are there any styles I can pick? ...

How do I set a width for the mobile AND the desktop?

Right now, the width of my DIV is 100%. It's great on mobile. It stretches, and it doesn't require the user to scroll left or right. It just "fits". However, on a big monitor...the DIV is stretched out, and all the stuff on float:left are to the left, whereas all the float:right are all the way to the right! I would like a style solu...

How to create a table with fixed layout?

Hai , I am using a html table for my website layout . when we press enter in one cell , the cell is resizing. I used css for fixing the table layout. table layout is not changing .But cell is resizing. .pageContent table { height:100%; width:100%; table-layout:fixed; } .pageContent table tr td { padding:5px 10px 5px 10px...

Jquery identification of program syntax

Is there any jquery Plugin:1.which can identify a programing language and highlight its syntax. ...

get loaded css between 2 div's as stylesheet.css

I'm trying to get a specific generated css for a area on one of my site's to use this css on the homepage from one of my site's. I used all types of soft and ff add-ons to get the complete css for that specific area ,however they not combine the css as 1. I still have to copy/paste , and have chance i get duplicated loaded css. My hope...

list background color

How to extend the background color of the Test2 to the left. ...

is there anyway to have a fieldset width only be as wide as the controls in them

it seems that fieldset defaults to 100% width of its container. Is there anyway that you can have the field set just be as big as the widest control inside the fieldset ? ...

Styling jQuery UI Datepicker differently per page

Hi, I'm using jQuery UI datepicker on my site and wish to have it styled slightly differently depending on the page it is on. However, I've got a little problem as the div containing the calendar isn't nested to the element which the .datepicker() function is applied to. So I cannot style it differently per page. Eg. <body> <div id="wr...

Extract divs with at least one class in BeautifulSoup

Supose you have a web page with a lot of this: <div class="story cid-8797378263432 l-es headline-story thumbnail-true"> where cid-nnnnnnnnnnnn class can vary. How would you get all the divs with BeautifulSoup? I tried: soup.find('div', {'class': 'story'}) but that didn't work. Seems to look for the divs with ONLY the story class. ...

CSS Fluid Layout with 3 columns

Hello, Column B in the layout below appears wrong. I managed to make a 3 columns layout using http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/layouts/item/css-liquid-layout-31-fixed-fluid-fixed/. However, this assumes that the fixed columns A and B have the same height/have the same vertical starting point. In my case B has another fluid div above. ...