wrap up html contents
if an html contains say <div>1222222222222234c dssdsdf sdfsdfsdf</div> how to wrap up the contents limiting to 10 characters and maybe after that we show (12222222..) two dots Thanks. ...
if an html contains say <div>1222222222222234c dssdsdf sdfsdfsdf</div> how to wrap up the contents limiting to 10 characters and maybe after that we show (12222222..) two dots Thanks. ...
Lets say I have a Label, Button, or TextArea object, that contains some amount of text. The way that things work by default is that text put in these objects will automatically word wrap around to the next line. Is there a way to disable this? I am aware that the CSS attribute overflow : hidden ; will stop the scrollbar from showing ...
How to align the second div(display_bar) to the center <div id="display" style="display:inline;font-size:150%;" > </div> <div name="display_bar" id="display_bar" style="margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width:125em;text-align:center;visibility=visible;display:inline;"> <img class="view_prev" src="first.png"> <img class=...
The Label, Button, TextArea, and TextBox (abbreviated LBTT from now on) are capable of displaying strings of text. Is there any way to look at a already sized LBTT object, and determine the number of characters that might fit per line of the given object. For instance, let us say that I have a textArea that is fixed in its width. Is the...
I was just playing around with a css ul for a menu. My initial css of #nav ul {...} did not work, but ul#nav {...} worked. What's the reason for this? Another similar question is what is the difference between: div.grey OR div .grey Notice the space between the two... ...
I want to put snippets like these inside of a few php files and then require them in my main page, instead of using "pure" css and js files. I mean, I already do essentially this for my HTML DOM. this: <script type='text/javascript'> var foo = <?php echo $bar; ?>; </script> or this: <style type='text/css'> .foo{ background-image:url...
pls chk this link dynamic link height problem now click on the text i would like to give specific gifts the inner div generated is not rendering properly in ie8. rest its working properly in ie 7, firefox,safari etc etc. This rendering is working perfectly in ie compatibility mode. ...
http://www.stumbleupon.com/ http://www.mixx.com/ Both of these websites have a background header stretched across the page while the content is centered and is covering like say 80% of the width, and that also perfectly aligns with the rest of the layout. I am particularly interested in these two sites, because the header has two back...
My site is affiliated in another site iframe. The hosted site got the iframe on fix height inside a span with a scroll (don’t ask why). I’m looking for a way to change the span scroll (with JS) from within the iframe (where my site is). I know it can be done because I use JqueryUI dialog with position:top (inside the iframe) which sc...
How to achieve it with CSS or HTML? <table class="banner"><tr><td>If you need many results, then post your task as piecework here. You only need to pay qualified results. </td> <td>Make money by doing piecework</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="publish.php">POST PIECEWORK FOR FREE</a><br/></td><td></td></tr></table> ...
I'm trying to have a list of images displayed horizontaly. It's kind of like a carousel except instead of using jquery and animations I'd just have a scrollbar <div class="playlist-wrapper"> <ul class="playlist"> <li> <img src='http://blah' /></li> <li> <img src='http://blah' /></li> <li> <img src='http://blah' /></li> ...
Hi there, Can someone explain to me why the bottom corners are not expanding with the div blockdark (height: 617px;)? The corners are only expanding till the end of the text within the div (container5) This is the css: .container5 {background:#666666; color:#fff; margin:0 15px;} .rbottom{display:block; background:#f57f20;} .rtop{disp...
Hi, I'm looking for a way to absolute position the four corners used in the following css style. I tried the following, but that wasn't the right one. .rbottom{display:block; background:#f57f20; position:absolute; top:500px;} This is the original css: .container5 {background:#666666; color:#fff; margin:0 15px;} .rbottom{display:bl...
Hi I have an ASP.NET application with a drop down list. How to disable a drop down list with CSS, so it appears grayed out? Is it possible to do this with only CSS ? ...
Hello, I have the following HTML which I'm using to create a rounded container using a left image, a right image, a gradient for the background of the container itself, and a bottom image which in practice is normally a "shadow" I have the following html, it has inline styles defined because it is being generated from a .NET control but...
Hi all, I'm trying to create a website and it's design is forcing me to use multiple backgrounds. I'm talking about a technique that looks like this <div id="left"> <div id="left_1"> <div id="left_2"> </div> </div> </div> #left{ width:235px; margin:0; padding:0; float:left; bac...
From this simple html. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Hello</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> .t1 { paddin...
On my website, I dynamically modify the javascript 'className' property of a DIV. However this is an extrememly expensive operation, as the DIV contains a lot of child nodes. Sometimes it takes up to 1.5secs. Is there a way of speeding up this operation? Like, hiding the content, performing the operation, then showing the content again?...
Hello, I'm trying to make the background of all tabs from a TabNavigator completely transparent (via CSS), but somehow I can't get this done correctly. This is what I've got so far: TabNavigator { tabStyleName: "tabNavTab"; fillAlphas: 0, 0, 0, 0; backgroundAlpha: 0; focusAlpha: 0; borderStyle: none; } .tabNavTab {...
I need to generate default Blueprint CSS files using a Ruby command in the Shell. However the column_width, amount and gutter parameters aren't coming trough. I think i don't understand the syntax... is this correct: ruby compress.rb -o /var/www/css/blueprint/src/ -p 70 15 12 for this documentation? joshua-claytons-computer:lib joshu...