
Lightbox scrolling issue with IE7 & 8

The lightbox that i am using works great with all browsers except for IE. In IE, its giving me triple scrolls. http://obliqueinteractive.com/demo/monster/ CSS code for the iframe: #wrap { float:left; width:800px; height:500px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; } #content-wrap { float:left; width:700px; padding-left:50px; } Why...

webkit css transitions

Trying out some webkit transitions on a site and have come across a problem. The hover state on my links adds a 1px border and decreases the padding so that the positioning stays the same. Works fine normally, but not when I add the transition. Obviously, as I'm only making 1px changes, it happens abruptly, but it doesn't happen at th...

CSS ID Selector not working but Class Selector does

I am having a problem in that a style is not being applied when I used an "ID" selector (#btnOK). However, if I use a class selector (.btnOK, by changing the "#btnOK" to a ".btnOK" in the CSS file), the style is applied. Any idea why? The style IS also applied in design mode, but not at run time. It's findingf the css file, else, the c...

Jquery datepicker css problem

Hi, I have a problem with the CSS of the datepicker, I downloaded a default template for the UI, but it's different when I use it on my page. I've read that the template uses em so that the size is relative to my page. What can I do to make it the size of what is in the demo without changing the css in the theme that I downloaded? ...

All About.... Z-Index?

This property make me confuse. well.. i searched in google: What is the z-index? The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order. Note: z-index only works on positioned elements (position:absolute, position:relative, or position...

Chrome open selectbox set cursor to text

Hi, Do you know why Chrome sets cursor's shape into the "text" one, when over an open selectbox ? If I set the CSS to: select { cursor: pointer; } It sets the cursor when the mouse is over the selectbox, but when you click to open the list, it comes back to the "text" shape again. Do you know how to change it to a pointer or somet...

how can I create overlay div to fit the rest of the screen

How can create overlay div with black background lets say, I have an anchor that fires div to popup, here is the anchor: <a href="#" title="Open online form" id="open">Suggest</a> Here is the css of centered div : .centered { width:55%; position:fixed; left:18%; height:200px; border:2px solid red; display:none; } $("#op...

Automatic Rows & Columns with CSS

I have ~170 small, square elements in a div, I'd like them to arrange themselves into however many rows they need to for the width of the div (which will change with the width of the browser). <div id="container"> <div class="sq"></div> <div class="sq"></div> <div class="sq"></div> </div> I know I could do: #container .sq { flo...

Radio buttons and label to display in same line

Why my labels and radio buttons won't stay in the same line, what can I do ? Here is my form: <form name="submit" id="submit" action="#" method="post"> <?php echo form_hidden('what', 'item-'.$identifier);?> <label for="one">First Item</label> <input type="radio" id="one" name="first_item" value="1" ...

Empty block elements (ex: <div>s) are rendered differently in Chrome and Firefox; when does it happen and who is right?

This page renders differently in Firefox and Chrome. Code <p style="border: solid 1px red">Test test</p> <p style="border: solid 1px red">Test test</p> <p style="border: solid 1px red">Test test</p> <div style="margin-bottom: 1em; overflow: auto;"></div> <p style="border: solid 1px red">Test test</p> <p style="border: solid 1px red">Te...

CSS for hiding a HTML element, keeping its with and height?

I need a CSS snippet for hiding a HTML <div class="my"> (with quite a lot of contents, including text and other divs), but still reserving space for it. Is there something better or faster than div.my{opacity:0;}? ...

CSS: Nested elements without explicit width and word wrap

I am trying to position a caption below an image without explicit knowledge of the images' width. I would like the caption to extend to the full image width, but not to stretch the parent elements' witdh and wrap the lines instead. I would like to avoid using javascript (reading and applying widths to elements) or using max-width:123px ...

Change or swap the CSS of multiple HTML elements at once

I have about 100 <span class="foo">, 100 <span class="bar"> and 100 <span class="baz"> tags in my document. I need to implement the following operations in JavaScript: Change the background all foos to red, all bars to green, all bazes to blue. Change the background all foos to green, all bars to blue, all bazes to red. Change the back...

Align Div To Bottom of Parent Div

This is the page: http://joe-riggs.com/chip/ Im developing with FF havent even tried to fix ie yet, I want the nav links to be at the bottom, like this: http://i.imgur.com/cYERA.png At some point I want to add the black lines,they are just there for reference. Thanks- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "htt...

How to activate a CSS property according to a variation in PHP code or URL direction?

I change the language in my site using PHP arrays and lang?=. When the user clicks a link to change the language of the site I want this link to keep "pressed" or change to a different color, so the user knows in which version of the site he/she is. How can I activate a CSS property in this situation? common.php: <?php session...

CSS/Javascript: dynamic multiple columns

hi, I need to build a dynamic multiple columns view for the content of my website (I'm using drupal as CMS, if can be useful info), with the following features 1) the columns width is fixed (OK) 2) the columns number depends on the window width (OK) 3) the elements has not fixed height (important, not fixed yet) 4) the content shoul...

css renders with strange characters.

Hi friends, I have an index.html and global.css files. When I open these files at Coda, Textmate, etc. , everything looks fine. than I try in firefox, index.html loads css from right path, but it doesnt take effect. than I tried to see css code from firefox, and I see signs like; ॵ氮扵汬整筰慤摩湧㨰‵灸‰′㕰硽畬⹢畬汥琠汩筬楳琭獴祬攺摩獣㭰慤摩湧㨲灸紮摲慷汩湥筢潲摥爭扯瑴潭㨱灸⁤慳桥...

GWT: animation and CSS style problem.

Hi! I have a simple animation on group of images, made with GWT 2.0. Images is situated on AbsolutePanel. Animation always goes on one axis (x or y). When the panel has no style, added by addStyleName(...), animation is fine. But if i set the style, wich contains "border: ... ;", animation become on both axis synchronously! How can i fix...

What to do with a big image that's slowing website loading down significantly

Hi I'm working on a website that's already been designed by someone else. The designer has used a big image (900x700 100KB) which contains a big logo right across the top, then the background for two columns. This image loads every time a page is loaded as it forms the basis for the website. What should I do with it to improve loading ...

How to overcome IE7 padding issues?

IE7 is driving me crazy. I know is a small thing, but I don't know what else to google, and I know I am missing something very small. <div id="spotlightHolder"> <div id="spotlight"> <div id="spotlightMessage"> <h1 id="spotlightTitle">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h1> <p id="spotlightDescription">Lorem ipsum dolor, con...