
Facebook Connect button question - please help.

<fb:login-button onlogin="window.location = '/custompage.html';">Connect</fb:login-button> That's currently my code for users to log in to my site. It's in FBML. It will pop up a box, the user then logs in. And then, it closes the new window, followed by a redirect to "custompage.html". Now, I would like to manually render my button ...

How to make a <div> appear in front of regular text/tables

I have been trying to make a DIV box appear in front of the text/tables that I have on a webpage. The DIV is made visible via a button press; but when visible it automatically moves the text/table downward and includes the DIV content above it. Can anyone help? ...

Prevent inline-block from wrapping on white-space: pre?

It seems Chrome is wrapping an inline-block element if it is at the end of a line even if there is a white-space:pre container around it with overflow: auto. Is there a workable solution to prevent this from happening without changing the content? <div style="width:400px;height:200px;overflow:auto;white-space:pre"> The span should be at...

Quirks mode rendering problem

I have the following html code snippet :- <html> <head> <style> body ul { margin: 0px; border: 1px solid black; padding: 0px; list-style-type: none; } ul li { display: inline; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; border:...

endless marquee

Ok I have this html <marquee scrollamount="6"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" ><img src="images/banner/03.gif" /></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" ><img src="images/banner/04.gif" /></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" ><img src="images/banner/05.gif" /></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)"...

How to get <pre> like behaviour, but ignore <br>

Hello, I have made my own custom little blog and well, I realized it was ignoring whitespace within code tags. Well, the generated code is like <div class="codebody"> Mycode<br/> other indented code<br/> othercode<br/> </div> my codebody class looks like .codebody { background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Courier new, courie...

Stretchy Footer

how would you make a footer container follow directly after the content and then stretch to the bottom of the page? The setup is: header-container is fixed 150px height content-container stretches with whatever content should be inside footer-container follows stretches for the remainder of the page. So far I either have the footer ...

Alternative to inline-block and its support with current browsers

So I am currently using inline-block for my site. I understand it's still relatively new (scope of 5 years). I was wondering if it's become okay to use it these days or if someone can recommend me an elegant hack, that would be awesome. Thanks for your time. ...

List Type Style

Hi there, a very confusing thing I'm facing here. Css ul { list-style: none; padding: 1em 0; margin: 0; } li { padding: 1em; display: inline; } li a { text-decoration: none; } .normalized-list{ list-style-type: disc; list-style-image: none; list-style-position: inside; padding: 1em 1em; } .norm...

How do I change the height of a container div to fit all dynamic content?

Hi, you can find an example of my problem here: http://la.truxmap.com/truckpage?id=buttermilktruck the text content can be whatever size, from 2 lines, to the multiple paragraphs you see in the example. what i want is for the container with the white background to expand to the bottom of the static google map (this map is generated d...

Is there a seamless newline?

When I use <br/>, there is some space between two lines. I want there is no vertical space between two lines. The line above is an image and the line below is text. I want to eliminate the space between both lines. <img src="../common/logo.jpg" /><br/> <span class="style2">A Comprehensive Online Workplace</span> I want there is no spa...

Why Float is better than position:relative and absolute while we can make layout quickly with position?

Why Float is better than position:relative and absolute while we can make layout quickly with position? and in this recession time, time is very important. when we make 2-col, 3-col or multi-col layout and then position other elements in layout divs. Most of the world favor in Float . Why Float is better than position:relative and pos...

Rounded corners not working in IE, CSS/DIV

Hi, My css is not working with Iexplorer, can someone explain me why this isn't working? The HTML <div class="myBox"> Content <div> The CSS: .myBox { margin: 0.0in auto; color: #FFF; width: 450px; height:450px; padding: 12px; text-align: left; background-color: #444141; border: 0px solid #4e4b4b; ...

Liquid Layout: How to

If I mark all my divs in percent, they fill up all the space nicely. I am facing 2 problems: a) Image sizes: How do I define image sizes so that they do not become larger or smaller than wanted as the window resizes b) Font sizes: How do I make the font size increase or decrease based on resolution - should this be done at all? (The pr...

css convert text

What is the CSS property that converts: all text to caps; and then to the original text itself? Thanks. ...

Print Stylesheet - Converting inputs to text

I've got a table that has some input (type="text") boxes in it, and I want these to show as normal text when printing. I have set up a media="print" stylesheet with input { border-style: none; } in it, and this removes the border so the content just looks like text, but the input is still pushing the width of the column to its actual w...

Is * {position:relative} a bad idea?

Is this going to cause me untold grief if I stick it at the top of my stylesheet? * {position:relative} ...

What are IE8 add-ons useful for web developer?

Does IE 8 have any other good add-ons/extensions/plugins other than "Developer toolbar", which is useful for web developer/designer/tester? ...

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> working with webkit?

Hi there, I ask this question because I'm not able to test it at the moment. Is it possible to make iexplorer 8 webkit (css based rounded corners) compatible with the following meta tag? <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" /> Any info would be great! ...

How do I hide the text links over a toggleable horizontal list with background images.

I'm trying to create a UL/LI horizontal list with background images only, with no text link visible. The reason for this is so that when I over over a list item, the background would rollover and when I click on it the current item would toggle. basically it is a horizontal menu with background images that can be toggled; mimicking the...