
background-image in div – Google indexing?

I've a list of empty divs and dynamically inserting a background image – so at first, their background-image: url(); property is completely empty. With some event, it's background-image url loads into the previously empty background-image: url(); tag. The url of the appearing background-image is temporarily stored in the "alt" tag of the...

Images disabled on populating data

function a() { var r1 = '<div id="title_t" style="display:inline;font-size:150%;color:white;" > </div><div name="btbar" id="bottom_bar" style="position: absolute; margin-left: auto;margin-right:auto;;">' ; r1 = r1 + '&nbsp&nbsp<img src="first.png" " />'; r1 = r1 + '&nbsp&nbsp<img src="prev.png" />'; r1= r1 + '<label id="c...

Sticky headers in complex web form (a la iPhone)

I'm designing a complex web form (for trained users, not drive-bys) that has many sections, many of which contain subsections. The form could become quite long, depending on the situation. Usability would be greatly enhanced if (sub)section headers would remain visible until the (sub)section has completely scrolled past. For example, wh...

jQuery code for sliding div (accordion)

I am looking for some good jQuery, XHTML & CSS code to achieve the effect as seen in the following image: http://i48.tinypic.com/a3o4sn.jpg Obviously this is a static image, what is supposed to happen is the text and the transparent background is hidden, and when you put your mouse over the image it slides up into view and down again o...

Why can't I click on this link with a nested image in IE7?

Open the following page in IE7 and try clicking on the image within the category boxes: http://www.southwestmedical.com/category/Diagnostic-Products/354 As far as I can tell, I'm not doing anything outside of the scope of (X)HTML/CSS, why am I not able to click these? ...

Why aren't my z-index declarations working?

I have a menu uses nested unordered lists to give the appearance of a secondary dropdown menu. This is working well for the most part. I recently refactored the CSS code to make it cleaner and easier for me to understand, but now I can't seem to get the secondary (dropdown) menu to appear behind the top-level menu. Both elements have pos...

CSS Background Image Problem with IE7 and IE8: Gradient is a Solid Color?

I have the following design that I am trying to slice and code: http://www.astigmaproductions.com/ap.jpg After slapping some content together to get the layout to work, I checked it in Firefox, Chrome, IE6, IE7, and IE8. I didn't see any issues with the layout, but I noticed that IE7 and IE8 take a graident background image and show it...

CSS text styling

Is there a way to style the first word in tag differently than the other words in that tag? For example, say I had this snippet of code: <h4>Worpress Quick Tip Of The Week</h4> Is there way I could style the word "Wordpress" differently than the other words using css? I know I could just put a span with a unique class around the word ...

css editor (for admin integration)

Can somebody suggest me a CSS EDITOR (web-based editor), to integrate in CMS (C#, .NET) ... for HTML there are a lot, but for CSS, i can't find. THANKS ...

Making wrapper div extend to same height as content divs

Hi folks, I have a wrapper div with a min-height set. Position is relative and display is block. I have two column divs floated left and set to inherit min-height. When I have lengthy content the background color of #wrapper never extends to match the content in the column divs. Page is here: http://youngimaginations.dreamhosters....

Navigation and the Case of the Missing Drop Down

I created a nice little menu with mouseovers and a drop down menu. The navigation code is simple: <ul class="menu" id="menu"> <li><a href="#" class="menulink" id="home">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="menulink" id="about">About</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Our History</a></li> ...

Shadowbox.js: black text on black background with welcome message on window load.

Hey, I am using the Shadowbox.js example code to show a shadowbox with the message "This site is still under construction!" on page load: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="shadowbox.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="shadowbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> Shadowbox.init({ // let's skip the automa...

How to create block that is not resized to parent's width?

I have such a situation: <div> <a href="#"><img alt="" src="img.jpg"></a> </div> div { width: 200px; } a { display: block; width: auto; } What I expect is the minimum required width for "a" element given - the width of an image in this case. But instead I got "a" with width of 200px. How to prevent this resizing? ...

What in my HTML/CSS/javascript would be causing a strange gap on the right side of the screen?

I currently have in development that's having a problem where there is a gap on the right side of the screen. There is a horizontal scroll bar even when there normally wouldn't need to be, and when you scroll about 10-15px to the right there's a gap running down the right hand side of the site. I do HTML/CSS development all the time and...

I can't get this picture in the background of my div

Hi, the title says it all, Can someone point me in the right direction? I don't see why I can't get the black_bottom.png as background in rounded corners. This is the css: @charset "utf-8"; /* CSS Document */ html, body { color: #444141; font-family: 'trebuchet ms' !important; font-size: 12px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 100...

Javacript show/hid div and change a css class based on which div is visible?

Hi - I have little piece of javascript to show/hide divs based on which link is clicked in a list. Its not very eligant, but it works fine. What I'd like to do is to assign an active state the a list item depending on which div is showing. Here is my JS and HTML: var ids=new Array('section1','section2','section3','section4'); functi...

dropdown unsorted list css - vertical issue

hello I have a css script for unsorted list (vertical) drop down list that has two problem- 1. in ie7 it shifts. 2. the first sub menu, the top positions is not leveled with the main level. (the second sub menu is fine). here is the code : #nav, #nav ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; list-style-positio...

Including style sheets for different browsers without JavaScript

I have a utility that scans through my css file and embeds images as base64 to reduce the amount of requests made to the server. Unfortunatly, IE does not support this. I know how to include IE specific style sheets using conditional comments, but what about FF, Opera and Webkit? I don't want to give IE style sheets that it doesn't use....

css - dropdown (option, select)

I have been able to control the width of the option etc. However, you know that the selected option gets highlighted by making background blue and text-color white by default. That blue background is not covering the entire width of the selected option. The blue background is covering the entire text though. However, I would like it to...

How can I embed a webpage within another and isolate CSS

I need to embed one webpage within another, the inner page will be wrapped by a <div> and not contain the html,head title or stuff like that, however the inner page can contain <link>'s to css that I dont want to affect the outer page I currently fetch the html with ajax and insert it into the outer dom, to workaround the styles conflic...