
Which web-safe fonts are more readable to eyes as a body text? Which web-safe fonts should not be used?

Which web-safe fonts are more readable to eyes as a body text? Which web-safe fonts should not be used? What should be the minimum font size of <p>body text</p> for better readability? What font size should we use for <H1/2/3/4/5/6>, <p> <ul>, <ol>? Should we use same font-size for <p>, <ul>, <ol> and <th> <td>? What would be the bala...

What is wrong with this simple javascript function to swap the CSS class of an HTML body?

I've been staring at this for too long. I've put alerts throughout and the flow is correct. The styles exist. The body starts with the "styleBlack" class. The condition of the if statement is met and the body's class becomes "styleLight". A second call meets the condition of the else statement but the innerHTML of mDiv does not chan...

Apply CSS styles to an element depending on its child elements

Is it possible to define a CSS style for an element, that is only applied if the matching element contains a specific element (as the direct child item)? I think this is best explained using an example. Note: I'm trying to style the parent element, depending on what child elements it contains. /* note this is invalid syntax. I'm using...

How to include all css kept in a direcotry?

Is it possible to include multiple css at once in html? Or to be precise, is it possible to include all css placed in a directory, in one go? like at present what we do is:- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./tabs_css/navigation.css"> i need something like:- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./tabs_css/*.css"...

png in div appears in Firefox, not in Iexplorer

Hi, Can someone explain me why the following css isn't working for iexplorer 8? .rounded_corners{ background: url(../images/achtergrond_homepage.png)no-repeat left bottom; display: block; left: 480px; top: 130px; z-index: 100000; position: absolute; color:#FFF; padding: 15px; width: 360px; height: 470px; } ...

Is it good for accessibility and usability if we only use web-safe fonts in website design?

Should we use default web safe fonts as much as possible, should try to make good design with web safe fonts only? Show we avoid fancy fonts in design which would be only possible with any image replacement techniques, sIFR, @Font-face, Typeface etc. for better site maintenance, accessibility, usability ...

CSS overlay troubles with google chrome

Hello, I'm using google chrome 5.0.307.9 beta under ubuntu 9.10 and it seems not properly render css opacity. Using "opacity: 0.5;" under both windows chrome or windows/linux firefox make my element half transparent, but this attribute seems ignored on linux chrome. This was working on previous versions. Any ideas about what's going o...

How do I stop iPhones from resizing my background images?

You can see the problem at myspace.com/dejaentenduband on an iPhone, the background image is shrunk by what appears to be nearly 50% I haven't had this issue on on other browser. I'd expect the background to simply be cropped where it doesn't fit the screen. Since it is unusual behavior, and apple must realise this, I'm hoping there i...

List html and float IE !

Hello, Normaly i always manage to fing a soultion with my css problems. But it's driving me crazy. I trying tu place my list correctly on wordpress (sidebar widget). (i tried divs, but still doesn't work under IE). so here is the html code and some screenshots <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www....

In which direction are CSS selectors validated

I remember watching a video a while back online that was a talk given by an engineer at Yahoo and in it he mentioned that CSS selectors are read, by the browser, right to left and not left to right. Meaning #body .header .links a would actually pull out all anchors on the page filtering those with a parent of class links that had a paren...

clean up css automaticly with dreamweaver or other tool

Hi, It's not really a coding question, but I don't know where to ask it elsewhere. I'm looking for a tool to clean up unused css selectors. I know this tool Dust-Me selectors, but I want it to clean it automaticly. Can anyone help me with this? ...

One page web apps and inline javascript and CSS

We've built what is called a one page web app(a single html page + ajax) In the pursuit of shaving as much http calls as possible, we bundled the JS and CSS in 2 files. Meanwhile we took a look at the way Google Buzz for mobile is built and there are some interesting points: inline SCRIPT and STYLE no external JS and CSS data:images ...

Displaying query result in a HTML table in PHP

Hi All, I need to display a table in a web page. The data from the table comes from database which I can query using mysql php library. I am looking for a template/example of how to come up with a nice looking table (I am not good at front end design :(). Any link/example/references will be appreciated. Thank you. ...

I can't get a div position related to the rest of my website.

I expierencing something strange. Prob it's easy, but my css knowhow stops here. In the dark part, the middle part with the text in it isn't relative to the rest of the website. I knew that it had something to do with being a div related to an other div. I tried this, but it doesn't work. http://www.coldcharlie.nl/test2/ This is the c...

Can't make wmode: 'transparent' work on sIFR 3

I've been trying to use sIFR to change some text in my webpage. It works fine until I try to get it to use a transparent canvas. The code I'm using is as follow. I have no idea to fix it. I've seen a lot of people make this questions about wmode: 'transparent' and it all seems to work but mine. Can someone give me a hand??? Without the ...

problem with internet explorer showing html input button which is hidden

I have a vb.net program that has a web browser control, and we all know that it is using the web browser in the computer before internet explorer. And my problem is, it doesn't recognize this css code: <style type="text/css"> @media print { input[type=button] { display: none; } } I used that to make the print button invisible wh...

HELP Please - CSS Width Problems on IE8

I'm very new to website development, and don't know much about HTML or CSS. I do know however that the template that I've chosen to use from my hosting site is problematic on IE8, but I don't know how to fix it. The main content box where the page's text goes is slightly more to the left than centered. I don't know how to get it to matc...

CSS: positioning absolute divs in a relative div container (IE bug)

Hi guys, i have the following markup (i have stripped out the content by the way) <div id="playArea" style="position: relative"> <div class="widget" id="widget2" style="position: absolute;width:153px;top:282px;left:243px;" ></div> <div class="widget" id="widget8" style="position: absolute;width:278px;top:-2px;left:44...

How to keep Input and Image elements on same line.

I have a table with many columns. One of the columns contains a cell that has 'input' and 'img' elements in it. When the table has plenty of room the 'input' and 'img' elements appear on the same line. When the table gets squished it the two elements end up on different lines. I would like to ensure that these two elements never end up o...

Why Doesn't IE7 recognize my css padding styles on anchor tags?

My site is working fine in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera, but for some reason IE7 is not recognizing css padding on any anchor tags. I can't figure this out. In IE7, if you look at the tabs that say "exclusives|popular|recent comments" on the homepage http://revolvermag.com, you'll see that there is no padding getting applied. I'v...