
Django not displaying image in css

I have a django application.I have added image (url) in css,it isn't displaying the image. But when I used it as a html file,it is displaying the image.Should I set any url in settings.py for this? Source [shown here][1]. [1]: http://dpaste.com/164620/ ...

Floated elements: Fill out the bottom line first

One project I'm working on uses tabbed navigation. Because the number of tabs is dynamically calculated, and can reach high numbers, sometimes these tabs (which are, in essence, <li> elements with a float: left; style declaration) overflow into the next line, Using [###] to display a tab, the end result looks something like this: [###] ...

How to repeat a grid row?

Hi How do i repeat this, somehow the clear doesn't make the layout under eachother ?? <div class="grid_3 alpha"></div><div class="grid_2"></div><div class="grid_11"></div> <div class="clear" style="height:20px"></div> <div class="grid_3 alpha"></div><div class="grid_2"></div><div class="grid_11"></div> <div class="clear" style="height...

I can't select the text on my website, I think it's masked by some css

Hi, the title says it all, could someone take a quick look, why the text in the dark grey isn't selectable. I think it's masked by a invisible layer or somewhat, but I don't see it. The url: http://www.coldcharlie.nl/test/ Edit: I think it's the shadow part, I'll take a look at that first. ...

general style & CSS support in Silverlight

I have several Silverlight component which are going to be used inside the browser, is it possible to pass the styling from the page to the Silverlight components? I'm aware of 'initParams' in Silverlight and how these could be used to do this, but what I wanted to know is there any support for CSS and what is the preferred way to do st...

What is renowned as being the best IE PNG fix at the moment?

I've tried jquery.pngFix.js and pngfix.js and neither seem to cater for all issues. Any images that are anchored end up distorted with the former and the latter doesn't like positioned/repeating background images. Unfortunately the design I'm working on calls for PNGs to be used in the way I have done, so I'm not really sure where to g...

jQuery FadeIn loses transparency on IE

Hi, I'm having a design issue using jQuery FadeIn on Internet Explorer: I have a div which animates from the bottom to the center of the page, I needed to implement the effect that the div suddenly fades in and animates to the center of the page. I got that effect using jQuery FadeIn, but I lose the transparency of the div just on Inter...

Quickly repaint array of unicode symbols in JavaScript

I want to change background/foreground color of many symbols with the same CSS class. Right now I'm doing it with jQuery like $('back_COLORED').css('background-color', '#00FF00'), but this approach is slow when there are many elements with such class (>900). Seems it's because jQuery don't change CSS rules itself, but finds all element...

How to align a text/pargaph both to left and right in HTML?

How I can align a text/pargaph both to left and right in HTML? Like in the office programs. ...

How is the force reload of javascript/css done in Symfony?

After reading this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118884/what-is-an-elegant-way-to-force-browsers-to-reload-cached-css-js-files I would like to know if there is any built-in function or easy way in Symfony that automatically forces a reload by appending a random querystring or timestamp to the link when it has discovered th...

CSS speech bubble auto size?

/* Normal Bubble */ .bubble { width: auto; font-size: 0.75em; margin-bottom: 24px; } .bubble blockquote { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid #c9c2c1; background-color: #000; } .bubble blockquote p { margin: 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 21px; } .bubble cite { position: relativ...

jQuery - set div width to sum of it's children

Hello, I have following setup: html: <div id="holder"> <div> <img/> <img/> </div> </div> css #holder { width: 800px; } now, i want to make jQuery gallery and will move line of images to the left and right with negative margin-left of inner div. However, I have to tell <img/>s to float to left and set inner div's widt...

What's the preferred solution to fixing non-clickable content after applying an IE6 filter for pngs?

<div id="calendar"> <p>Text</p> <div class="section">blah</div> </div> I'm applying the PNG to #calendar, in IE6 I use filter but it makes the content not clickable - I believe the way around this was to force everything inside to be positioned ( eg position:relative ) and have a z-index + hasLayout but sometimes it doesn't work. ...

After applying Reset CSS <em>, <code> and other tags lost their default style

I found that I should be using Reset CSS file for making websites, but after I include it, all the <em> and <code> tags lose their style. <em> is not longer italic and <code> is no longer constant font. I fixed it by adding em { font-style: italic; }, but I can't possibly add this for all the tags that lost their style? Any ideas why? ...

How do I output compressed CSS from Compass?

How do I configure compass to output smaller or compressed CSS files? I tried compass -s compressed but that didn't work. ...

Redirecting to another web page after selecting a div class?

Hi, Not to sure how to do this one, I am using the jQTouch framework to develop a web app. I want to know if I can redirect to a different web page such as Google when selecting a div class using an anchored link. The purpose of this is that I want to use the animations built into the jQTouch framework to make the interface coherent. ...

specialize color for a single link

I'm trying to create a css menu bar that has all grey text with the exception of a single link, however every attempt I've made either produces all grey or all green link text. If you look below, EcoSolutions should be green and the rest grey I've included my latest attempt.... hopefully someone can put an end to my madness :D Thanks ...

Single huge .css file vs. multiple smaller specific .css files?

Is there any advantage to having a single monster .css file that contains style elements that will be used on almost every page? I'm thinking that for ease of management, I'd like to pull out different types of CSS into a few files, and include every file in my main <link /> is that bad? I'm thinking this is better positions.css but...

Css is breaking jquery cycle plugin

I've managed to use the cycle plugin for jquery to successfully make a rotating slide show with both a tabbed navigation tool, and a link whose information is gathered from the alt tags of the images. Both these elements work fine on their own, but when together it seems to break down. I've narrowed it down to a possible issue with the ...

jquery get styles from an id

does anyone know how can i get all styles applied to an id using jquery (so i can reuse it later in another tag)? something like css: div#myid{ width:100px; height:100px;} so i can later do something like: for (var parts in $('#myid').css()) alert ('all parts of the style' + parts); ...