
Changing the title of a Tab in wx.Notebook

I'm experimenting with wxPython, I have a tabbed interface (notebook) and each tab is basically a file list view (yes, I'm trying to make a file manager) The file list inherits from wx.ListCtrl, and the tabbed interface inherits from wx.Notebook I'm just starting .. and I had it so double clicking on a folder will cd into that folder,...

Are tabbed interfaces confusing?

We are designing a web site and have run into some UI challenges that would be neatly solved with a tabbed interface. Users will interact with different elements of the site (there are some basic view/edit/copy/paste functions available) and having only one object in one tab visible at a time simplifies things quite a bit. We are, of c...

Tabbed user interface in C#

Hi! I want to create a simple tabbed interface app. I did it before in WPF using an usercontrol inside of each tab, and I comunicate with the principal form searching for a parent element (the form, or the tab control) How could I made the same in WinForms? Which element need I put inside of each tab? Thanks. ...

Tabbed document interface Microsoft Word 2007

Someone, back in the day (2001) wrote a script to create a Doc-Bar in Word XP that would allow for tabbed interface of open Word documents (thus saving precious Taskbar space): However, the links/script mentioned in the package have mysteriously disappeared. Does anyone ...

tabbed document interface in WPF using only on-board means?

I've seen two threads here about TDI & C#. Both of them didn't really answer the questions I have ... Since TDIs are pretty much like a standard nowadays, I can hardly imagine, that I have to buy a special control (like AvalonDock or SandDock). This must be possible with built in the tab-control(?) somehow! I don't need special feature...

Floated elements: Fill out the bottom line first

One project I'm working on uses tabbed navigation. Because the number of tabs is dynamically calculated, and can reach high numbers, sometimes these tabs (which are, in essence, <li> elements with a float: left; style declaration) overflow into the next line, Using [###] to display a tab, the end result looks something like this: [###] ...

How do I get a tabbed pane component in JSF 2.0 (Sun Mojarra)

Hi, I am learning/using JSF 2.0 (Sun Mojarra) now and I want to have a tabbed pane in my webapp (single tabs could named be General, Detail1,Detail2,...). How do I achieve this? I haven't found any documetation for this so far :( ...

Google Chrome tabs style UI in Delphi

I am looking for the easiest way to implement Google Chrome style tabs over Windows 7 glass, in a Delphi application. It would be great if I could hybridize the Google Chrome tabs style, and one element of the Ribbon style (the ribbon button, a round icon button), together, like this: ...