
What's the danger in not specifying widths for a floated element?

My understanding is floated elements must have their widths specified, or else unpredictable rendering may ensure. Is this true/false? Is it acceptable to float elements like DIVs and not specify widths? ...

inline javascript are interrupting the load of the html

I want the html are fully loaded then execute the inline javascript because this script stops the load of the html document. To try to solve this problem I put the inline javascript code at the end inside a div then i use the jquery .append method $("#subhimedia").appendTo("#himedia"); This works and appends the inline js that i...

How do i show either the stop or reload button but not both at all times in firefox

I put this in my userchrome.css in my profile directory. #stop-button[disabled="true"] { display:none; } #stop-button:not([disabled]) + #reload-button { display:none; } but only the 1st line works not the 2nd one. ...

Is it really a big improvement for a webpage to minimize HTML, PHP or CSS files or it doesn't make any big difference?

I saw this HTML minifier in Ajaxian and it made me wonder if its really a big improvement for webpage to minimize HTML, PHP or CSS files or it doesn't make any big difference? (assuming that they are 100 lines long in average) ...

jQuery - Tabs - Need a little help/direction.

Once again, I have a question about jQuery, but I'm doing my best to learn, but sometimes tutorials don't give me everything I need. I'm trying to make a set of tabs work, however, nothing seems to be working.. Here's the code I'm working with: HTML: <!-- TAB SECTION --> <div id="tab_container"> <ul id="tab_list"> <...

how to set my 'div' element full of screen(width),when iphone Change direction,it also full screen(width)

and set the 'height' 1/2 of full screen. this is my code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" manifest="/m?manifest=1"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="v...

Should we try to use css sprite as much as possible?

Can we use whole page design jpg file as css-sprite without slicing? ...

Conflict between display none and the scrolling text what can instead of using display none

<div id="side_forums_pane" class="side_pane" style=" ;height:350px;width:260px"> <%= render :partial => "/about/forum" -%> <p id="forum_logins" align="center" class="style2"><br> <%= link_to " Register |",{:controller => "usersforum", :action => "new"}-%> <%= link_to "Login",{:controller => "usersforum", :action => "...

CSS horizontal menu links issue

I've got a simple (horizontal) CSS menu list with a problem. The links in the list are only active up to a certain point, for example menu item four in my list doesn't work, 1, 2, and 3 are fine. By not working I mean both 'hover' and hyperlinking actions are gone. It's got something to do with the 'float' and 'overflow' attributes, if...

Line height for Fire fox

I have one problem I dont know either its my mistake or Firefox bug I have a text box in which the value is dynamically generated through python. The value in the text box should come in middle its work properly in IE and Chrome and but in Firefox its not working. Here is my code for CSS: #query { margin:0px; padding:0px; width:...

display:none and scrolling text

There is a conflict between display:none and scrolling text. What can I use instead of using display:none? <div id="side_forums_pane" class="side_pane" style=" height:350px;width:260px"> <div class="jscroller2_up jscroller2_speed-19 jscroller2_mousemove" style="height:250px;width:260px;"> </div> </div> ...

Order of loading images in html and css

Hello, can I programatically (or, as we're speaking about html and css, semantically) decide in which order should images load? I want to make background image load first and then call som javascript upon $(window).load, is it enough to leave it on browser (e.g. body-background is on line 40, other images are later in css file) or do I...

CSS - Multiple images in one and using CSS to determine a background

If you don't know what I mean, check this image out: Multiple images I want to know how it works, CSS yes, but exactly how does it all work out when using a background using this image and then it is all cut all exactly what it is supposed to do - when determined as a background for this image. Would be interesting for me to know how ...

HTML layout help with floating box

What CSS is needed to create such an HTML layout: +--[li]---------------------------------------------+ |+--[div]-------------------------------------++---+| || A label with some text, truncate if necess…||BOX|| |+--------------------------------------------++---+| |+--[div]------------------------------------------+| || Another label,...

How to get the perticluar image from large set images in one image using css

How to get the perticluar image from large set images in one image using css e.g. Jquery ui icons having one large image but using css class it retrives only perticlar image icon. ...

Using buttons instead of <a> with pseudo classes - is it wrong?

On the page there are links displayed with CSS as buttons: HTML: <a class="button" href="#">Button</a> CSS: a.button { display: block; position: relative; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: $00f; } a.button:hover { background-color: $f00; } I have some main ...

jscroller up and jscroller endless

please help me to find a solution on this coding <div id="side_forums_pane" class="side_pane" style="display:none; height:330px;width:260px"> <div class="jscroller2_up jscroller2_speed-19 jscroller2_mousemove" style="height:105px;align:left;left:2px;right:2px;width:160px;overflow:hidden;"> <b style="text-decoration:underline"...

Centering images php

I'm trying to center an image in php. I'm currently using this line of code echo '<img src="newimage.jpg" width="110" height="120" class="centre">'; However, this seems to have no effect. I've also tried using something like this, img.center { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } <img src="newimage.jpg" al...

Cross Browser Font/Color Issues - Chrome/Safari

Hi, Hoping someone can assist as to what I maybe doing wrong as my css (style) for the website all looks fine in Firefox but in both Chrome and Safari, my fonts are coming out looking black color instead of the grey color as is, in Firefox. Can anyone pls assist as to why the fonts/color are different in Safari and Chrome - it looks li...

javascript dom-injected elements don't pick up css-styling in IE

I'm having the weird problem that after having javascript inject some dom-elements the css-rules defined for those elements are not obeyed in IE7(i.e: styling for these elements doesn't happen). (firefox and chrome work fine, others not tested) Things I tried: - cleared the cache - no other css-rule takes precedence (no 'more-specific...