
CSS div#id what for?

Hi, in some CSS code I found out this type of selector div#someid Is this formally correct? If the answer to (1) is YES, what's the need for the div selector before the #someid, shouldn't the id be unique in a valid web page? Thanks! ...

IE horizontal scroll problem

When scrolling the div the table cells move, but the cell text stays in the same position relative to the page. The cell text should scroll along with the cell even though it's in a relative div. The problem can only be seen in IE (IE7 at least). The sample behaves correctly in Chrome and Firefox. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ...

CSS: background absent when scrolling horizontally

OK I have backgrounds set up like this: HTML <div id="container"> <div id="content"> CONTENT HERE </div> </div> CSS #container { background:url(image.gif); } #content { width:800px; margin:auto; } So the idea is for the content to be within an 800px box, while the background for the content spans 100%, I ha...

Adding JavaScript, CSS and others to a WebPart using WSPBuilder

Hey there! So, I'm trying to do what I thought was a simple task... But I'm not getting anywhere... All I want to is to get some .js and .css files loaded by my WebPart. I'm using VS2008 + WSPBuilder. I've googled a lot about this but I couldn't find a decent answer. What I would like to know: Where in the directory structure should I...

Adding shadows or textures outside a div? - CSS

Hi folks, I'm trying to add textures and shadows outside div elements in a webpage, without using "wrappers". Any suggestions? These are a few examples: Help would be very much appreciated! ...

paragraph "<p>" padding not applied

The following three pieces of code behave exactly the same: <p {padding: 0 15 0 15}> A paragraph of text here... </p> <p> A paragraph of text here... </p> <p style="padding: 0 15 0 15"> A paragraph of text here... </p> How do I get the paragraph indented on both sides? (I tried 15px instead of 15 (EDIT - but only on the first tw...

How to position an element 2px to the left of another, centered, element.

I want to position a button 2px to the left of a title span on my master page. The span can vary in size, and is centered in its containing div. How can I do this? EDIT: Here is the code: <asp:CheckBox ID="FavCheckBox" runat=server style="display:inline-block" oncheckedchanged="FavCheckBox_CheckedChang...

jQuery offset() not working in some browsers, on some computers

I have a problem positioning an element in certain browsers. I'm using the jQuery autocomplete found here. The div containing autocomplete values should be directly under the text box, and line up perfectly. The code sets the css left property of the div by using the left property generated by $(textbox).offset(); After un-packing th...

Two column layout, navigation div on the right, solution from previous thread didn't seem to work

I tried the solution from this thread, but I must be missing something because it doesn't work: <div style="float:left;margin-right:200px"> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nis...

CSS problem with list elements in Chrome & Safarie (no problem in Firefox or IE)

I'm looking for suggestions for debugging... I'm kind of at a loss right now. If you view this site in Firefox or IE, it will look fine... check it in Safari or Google Chrome and the text contained within the list elements of the sliding panel does not display :( http://theatricalbellydance.com/home/ Any debug suggestions? here is my...

jQuery - addClass or removeClass - Is there an append class?

I have css hover over images for my tabs and I'm trying to get the class to change from .how to .how_on when I click on the image HOW. My tabs are HOW | WHAT | WHEN | WHO | WHY I have classes for each (.how, .how_on), (.what, .what_on), etc... Can I make jQuery add _on to the original class name using click(function(){}); ? ...

IE6 - too much spacing appearing above h3, how do I get rid of it?

Example: http://bit.ly/dfjvmT If you take a look at that URL, you will see an <h3> labeled "Send Us Your Resume". Problem is -- in IE6, it has too much space at the top. It's supposed to be margin-top of 16px, but in IE6, it appears more like 24-30px. I have a reset.css file which has zeroed all margins and paddings, so it's not that. ...

Does css hover work on mobile devices?

Does css hover work on mobile devices? I have a css hover class which works fine on a regular web browser, but doesn't work on mobile browsers. Any help is appreciated. Sam ...

CSS Sprites - not only for background images?

Is it possible to use CSS sprites for "foreground" images - i.e. images that users are supposed to click on and interact with and maybe even print? Instead of using the CSS background-image property, instead you'd use... what? Thanks! ~S ...

Possible to control vertical source ordering with 960 Grid System?

Hi, I've understood it's possible to control the horizontal (columnwise) source ordering with the 960 Grid System. However, is it possible to do something similar vertically? If not, does anyone know of any grid system that handles source ordering vertically? Thanks, Jens ...

need DIV to expand its height to its children

Hi, I am trying to make my DIV's height expand to it's child elements. I have read some other posts, but have been unable to make the answer for those issues work for me. Here is a sample HTML the represents my problem. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <...

Why is the W3C box model considered better?

Why do most developers consider the W3C box-model to be better than the box-model used by Internet Explorer? I know it's very frustrating developing pages that look the way you want them on Internet Explorer, but I find the W3C box-model to be counter-intuitive. For example, if margins, padding, and border were factored into the width,...

[PHP, CSS, & ?] fixed width div, resizing text on the fly based on length

Let's say you've got a simple fixed-width layout that pulls a title from a MySQL database. CSS: #wrapper { width: 800px; } h1 { width: 100%; } HTML: <html> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <h1> $titleString </h1> </div> </body> </html> But the catch is, the length of the title string pulled from your MySQL da...

How to make a DIV auto height resizable even if the content is absolute?

Hi, i have a container div which is position:relative and the squares are position:absolute because i want to play with their positions. Like what you see, the container does not fit the content except if the squares are positioned in Relative, is there a solution for this? I don't want to just set the height for container because th...

Floating an inline element to the right of a div

I want to right-align an inline element to the right of a div. I have seen float="right" applied on a span to right align it but it seems semantically incorrect to me as floats are supposed to move "boxes" or block elements to the right or left of a container element. Is my understanding of Float wrong or is there another way of right-a...