I have the following HTML chunk:
<span class='instruction_text'>
Line 1<br>
Line 2
And the CSS declaration of instruction_text is:
.instruction_text {
margin-left: 70px;
font-style: italic;
color: #555;
The first line has a 70px margin as expected, but the next line starts with no indent. How can I make ALL of t...
I am creating a dialog like in this page:
(click view source)
on the bottom is the div that gets placed in the dialog. The dialog works perfect when called by the javascript but the dialog is apparent at the bottom of the page when it loads. (minus all the styling that gets appli...
The example shown allows you to view the source and even has a theme selector at the top right. But how do you apply a theme to your own code?
Is it good to use float in table less design? What is the pros/cons of float in the context of table less cross browser compatible design? Is there any the best practices guidelines for cross browser compatible tableless design?
Like happens to all of us sometimes, I inherited some crappy code I have to fix.
We need to center our pages on widescreen machines, so we have a master page layout div like so:
height: 100%;
I removed most of the detailed attributes...
I want a widget that allows users to add a request if that request hasnt already been added, or vote for a request if it has already been added. when a user adds a request, i want it to immediately appear as the first element of the list, like what would happen to your timeline if you made new tweet. ive tried to look for a jquery plug...
Is it OK if everything looking OK but HTML and CSS are not valid , for CMS Admin/control panel?
Should we only consider Web-standards for site, not necessary for site-management tools?
for example
I am interested what column widths you would suggest for two-column and three-column websites.
For example if we consider two-column layout (total width 1000px), some possible widths would be:
Which layout is best for usability, possible ad placements, widget integration?
Is there a 3rd party API for the sole purpose with which I can replace relative URLs in the source HTML and CSS into absolute URLs, keeping in mind the fact that the source contains a mix of relative and absolute URLs. For those thinking twice about this question, the String Object's replaceAll() method has some shortcomings.
When i use this code
<!--[if IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ie6.css" type="text/css" />
<!--[if !IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="not_ie.css" type="text/css" />
IE 6 does correctly use the specified stylesheet but all other browsers ignore both when they should be using the one that basically states, u...
Ok so i want to make my border css only applicable to ie8 or earlier (as in not ie9 when it comes out).
purpose: so that in ie, the missing dropshadow will be replaced with a border:
the * hack doesnt seem to be working? im testing in ie8 locally...
input, textarea{
*border: 1px solid #000;
Hello everyone,
I've got a bit of a complicated set up. I specialise in XSLT which I write for 3rd party system. All CSS looks fine in the browser. Now that system provides a button that converts my generated HTML into MS Word 2003.
However, table borders don't convert as they appear in a Browser. There are lots of tables and they have...
I have got a div [projItemsContent] that varies in height based on the contents,the problem i have got is that there are two other divs [projItemsLeft,projItemsRigh] that i want to have the same height as projItemsContent div. Any suggestions please?
Click here to see what I mean.. What could prevent these two from sitting directly atop each other like that. At the moment on my site I have to use margin-bottom:-22px; to get the effect.
And of course, it doesn't work in IE...
Thanks :)
Hoping someone can assist with the issues I am having, trying to position this ajax-loader gif file bottom banner centered on all the main browsers - mac chrome/ffox/safari and windows ie8.
Pls see this tutorial at:> tutorial
The CSS in this tutorial for the ajax-loader is positioned at the top right corner of the banner (see demo...
I have a menu composed of a single image (e.g., sprites). In order to display the hover image, I simply move the background image down. I'd like this effect to be controlled by jQuery and animated.
This is a sample menu item.
<li id="home"><a href="#"></a></li>
This is what I'm toying with. I'm very new to jQuery and a...
For example:
like target = "_self" in XHTML and position:static in CSS
Hey, Basically i have an issues (in IE6) where the last three characters of a line of text in a div are being repeated further down the page even though they are only in the HTML once.
please see the numbers in black, its always the last three characters that get repeated, so strange.
I have neve...
My navbar doesn't line up in IE... how can I fix this without using Javascript...
Also it has to be able to work on all resolutions.
And it has to validate in strict.
I have 4 tables that need to scroll, they are set up as follows:
Table2(Horizontal Scrolling)
Table3(Vertical Scrolling)
Table4(Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling)
Table1 Table2
Table3 Table4
The tricky part of this is that Table 3 and 4 need to keep in sync as this is a listing of data broken ...