
Table of contents: leading dots

What is a nice way to do leading dots in a table of contents with CSS? Example: Link.............Chapter 1 Link.............Chapter 2 Link.............Chapter 3 ...

Vertically flowing text with css

I would like to have a div with some text in it. But I'd like the text to flow vertically instead of horizontally. Like this; M y t e x t Any ideas on how to accomplish this with CSS? ...

CSS Issue in Firefox/IE

I'm working on a site's CSS and am running across an issue with the body margin section. If you look at this in Firefox and then IE, you can see the line isn't lined up right in Firefox, but it is in IE. (In the black header section). Here is what I have for the body tag, It's something with the margin and I can't figure it out: body ...

understanding logic of dijit css and styles

Hi, I am trying to use dijit.InlineEditBox. I have put the following code in my HTML, using the example in the dojo docs: <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dijit.InlineEditBox"); dojo.require("dojo.parser"); dojo.require("dijit.form.TextBox"); function editableHeaderOnChange(id, arg){ alert("detail...

"Look" of page changes a bit after uploading it to IIS - looks good on computer same IE8

No it's not a path issue...or else the site won't have a design. The website looks fine if I open it with IE8 in my computer. But after I upload it to IIS 6.0 two things change on positioning. I see a rendering problem. But if I open it with IE 8.0 on my machine it looks good, but opening it when uploaded to IIS , it changes a bit. Same ...

A label is not aligned with the rest of the labels of the form (FF 3.6)

Hi, i have this page. login: fer password: m Note: after logging you are redirected to another page. Then click on the link i mention again. I dont know why "Fecha de nacimiento" label is not aligned with the rest of the labels. Regards Javi ...

rotate and its properties

When using -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);; does its properties rotate with it or do they stay the same, for example does the margin top become the left, or does margin top stay at the top? Think it's me being stupid but having some...

Can I add an image to an ASP.NET button?

I want to add an image, instead of the default button. I already have a CSS class for the image, will this work? <asp:Button ID="..." CssClass=""/> I am trying it now, and the image is all scrunched up. Maybe it's a CSS issue? ...


Hi, Could someone explain to me what this portion of code means? repeat scroll 0 0 #F6F6F6; I have googled a lot and only found syntax to this part -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFFFFF, #EFEFEF) My code: background: -moz-linear-gradient(center top , #FFFFFF, #EFEFEF) repeat scroll 0 0 #F6F6F6; Thanks! ...

Overflow issue in IE 7

I need some help with CSS overflow in IE, namely IE 7. I want the nested div content to be hidden. <div style="width:100px; height:100px; overflow:hidden; border:1px dashed red;"> <div style="width:60px; left:80px; position:relative;">hidden stuff goes here</div> </div> It works fine in FF but in IE 7, the overflow content is n...

Reducing load time, or making the user think the load time is less

I've been working on a website, and we've managed to reduce the total content for a page load from 13.7MiB's to 2.4, but the page still takes forever to load. It's a joomla site (ick), and it has a lot of redundant DOM elements (2000+ for the home page), and make 60+ HttpRequest's per page load, counting all the css, js, and image requ...

How do you refer to more than one .css file in html?

I have a homepage.html and it refers to styles.css(makes a table). But I also want homepage.html to refer to styles12.css because in styles12.css I have the css for taps. how would I refer to two .css files? <title>Testing Css/HTML files</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> Can I just make another <link ...

Display image at point using jQuery

I have an image with a click event handler that captures the location where you clicked. $("#image").click(function(e) { var x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left; var y = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top; }); I want it so that when the image is clicked an image appears at that location on top of the image. How do I do this? ...

HTML divs can go outside browser window??

I was playing around with ASP.NET Web Parts which has a "drop down" div. It's all the way to the right of the page. When I click to bring it up, it goes off the window. Usually anything off the viewable area will trigger the bottom scrollbars. How is this possible? Edit: It's Internet Explorer 8. Below is the markup with some c...

Set border on first table row, w/o using a ID or class

I am trying to style a web app that we don't have the source code too. So I drilled down into the DOM, but right now the bottom border is being set on ALL the rows, I need only the first row. #tableID tbody tr td table tbody tr { border-bottom: solid 1px #cccccc; } Is this possible? ...

not able to do max width

Hi I have a page which has a content like this... <div id="content"> testingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtesting testingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtesting testingtestingtestingtestingtesting </div> How do i apply a max-width on it . I m using this code in the css #content { max-width:50px; /* f...

Clear float issue

I have a page with the standard navigation bar on the left and the content area taking up the rest of the horizontal area to its side. For modern browsers I am using table-row and table-cell values for the display attribute. However, for IE7 I included a conditional stylesheet that tries to float the nav bar. This works fine except when...

Overridding a:link

In my main CSS file, I have my a:link selector set to display links in White. a:link{ color: white; } However, I want links in another DIV (.menuItem) to be black. I am trying .menuItem a:link{ color: black; } can't seem to get it to work, so it's probably wrong.. Can anyone lend a hand on this one? ...

Avoid flickering on mouse over

Hi I have a simple link in a menu <a id="Home" href="Amico-Bio-Home-Page"></a> to which i apply the following style #Home{ background-image:url(../Images/Menu/home.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; border:none; display:block; height:70px; text-decoration:none; width:78px; float:left; padding:0 7px; } #Home:hover { back...

Why are IE6 and IE7 not completely showing this div?

I'm having problems in IE6 and 7 with a div that doesn't complete the bottom padding that is attributed to it, so doesn't appear to finish the div down to the white content area like required. Here's the coded homepage with the problem. http://qwibbledesigns.co.uk/preview/Softwear/ The div house's this content: Services : Design, Xht...