
Sites with 1-column css styles

where i may found simple 1-column css styles? EDIT: templates like it - http://mashable.com/2007/09/13/one-column-website-templates/ but another sorry my english EDIT2: bignose, ok, thanks ...

What is the difference between learning HTML and learning a programming language?

I learned HTML and CSS about 8 months ago, and recently, about 2 months ago I started learning Python and Ruby. I find it much harder/time consuming to understand and be able to put Python and Ruby into practice than it was HTML or CSS. How is learning/understanding HTML and CSS, and being able to use them different from learning a prog...

javascript-based rounded cornered fieldset with legend

Is there any fieldset with legend that has curvy corners? I was looking on the internet for one, but too unlucky to find any. ...

CSS Change background parent of element

I have some problem that i want to change it with css <div class="a"> <div class="b"> <span></span> </div> <div class="c"> <span></span> </div> <div class="d"> <span class="e"></span> </div> </div> I want to change background of div.b and div.c by using span.e Please help me. Thanks ...

Selecting a div with same ID as the rel attribute of clicked link

Hi there, This is a two-part question. I'm using jQuery for a project and wanting to click a link and toggle the class name "highlight" to that link and also to the div with the same id as the rel attribute of the link. I then want to be able to link to the next div without the classname of "highlight". Here's the HTML for it: <ul> ...

How to get soft drop shadow in sIFR3?

like this ...

CSS Rollover button bug

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to create a drop down button and its almost working except one little bug. I have several big buttons that change background color when the user hovers over them and one of them, the language button, displays several suboptions inside itself when the user hovers over it. That all works fine except the language bu...

CSS - How can I center a div within a div?

I have an outer div that is 800px wide. I have an inner div that could be anywhere from 200 to 600px wide. I know how to center the inner div within the outer one if I set the inner one to have a specific width, but how do I center it since its a variable width? Is there a way to set the div to only be the width of the elements inside...

How do you align a block item to the right edge of its parent (with CSS)?

I am aware that you can center a block item by setting the left and right margin to auto. However, is it possible to align it to the right edge? And how would this be done? Edit: without using float: right (because it doesn't seem to work, at least not with <ul>'s) Edit again: Here is a snippet of the code: <td style='vertical-align:...

[CSS] The padding style applying to <img> in IE7 is separate from FF3?

Hi folks: I got a image like below with padding-right: 15px <td><img style="padding:0px 15px 0px 0px;..." /> <td><td>another image<td/> But the effect shows on IE and FF is a bit different. Is the way to measure is separate? Thanks. ...

The textblock in a circle.

Prompt how to solve a problem, please. I have a div containing text. It is necessary that the text was in a circle. From what to me to start to solve the given problem? Can be methods javascript (on a site it is connected jQuery)? P.S. The decision should be crossbrowser. ...

Static content on Wicket application served from OSGi HTTP Service

I'm developing a web application that is going to be served from an OSGi HTTP service, I register it using a WicketServlet, and I don't know how to serve static files (CSS, JS, images and so). How could I mount a directory as a resource with the static content? Or should I configure the resource locator in some way? ...

How do I make a transparent border with CSS?

I have an Li Style as follows: li{ display:inline-block; padding:5px; border:1px solid none; } li:hover{ border:1px solid #FC0; } I need that when I hover over the Li the border appears without making the li's shift around. I sit possible to have a 'border' that's not visible? ...

How to apply style class for t:commandSortHeader in JSF?

In my application i am using t:commandSortHeader for sorting purpose, is it possible to change the default arrow thats is shown to some other image using styleClass attributes. If possible how to do that. Kindly help. ...

use viewdata to perform inline styles

Im populating viewdata with a bunch of css style properties. <span style="font-size:50pt; font-family:"<%= ViewData["font"]%>";"><%= ViewData["UserCopy"]%> </span> i want to be able to do something similar to the above. i.e use the style put into viewdata and use them on inline styles. how can i do this? thansk ...

CSS style guide question

What are the best practices with respect to styling HTML elements using CSS? What's the preferred granularity for styling HTML elements? i.e., do you have lots of div.searchbox input div.searchbox p div.searchbox p.help OR input.searchbox p.searchbox p.searchboxhelp Which css code is considered easy to maintain? Is using grid ...

My button background seems stretched.

Hi, I have a button as made for you to see here. Looks fine,right? Well on the live site, euroworker.no/shipping and /selectAddress it seems stretched. Renders fine in Chrome, IE and Safari, I thought it might have been a FF issue, but loaded the fiddle into FF and seems fine. Quick ref CSS and html: #fortsett_btn { background-im...

IE8 positioning, nightmare!

Well hi, guess what, I have an IE positioning issue! This is in 8, so god know what's going on in the other versions (checking later) Both the boxes call the same class, why is IE being so difficult? Here's how it's meant to look: And here's how it does look: CSS: (removed comments for ease of reading) div .roundbigboxkunde { ...

How to align text at bottom in <p> with <img>?

This is the code. I want to align text at bottom <p style="background:#eee;font-size:1.3em;color:#022662;height:116px"> <img width="174" height="116" src="#" style="margin-right:10px;float:left"> <strong>Text 1</strong>, <br> text 2, <br> text 3 </p> added example to test http://jsbin.com/ubiji/2 ...

question about css display and Jquery Hide function

hello does Display:none or jquery Hide function speed up my website, i mean i'm developing a website where i have a DIV but it's not always needed so if a give him CSS property Display:none or using jquery .Hide will that speed up my website ? if not how to do that? Thanks ...