
vertical alignment of elements in a div

I have a div with two images and an h1. All of them need to be vertically aligned within the div, next to each other. One of the images needs to be absolute positioned within the div. What is the css needed for this to work on all common browsers? <div id=header"> <img src=".." ></img> <h1>testing...</h1> <img src="...

how to save a public html page with all media and preserve structure

Looking for a linux application (or firefox extension) that will allow me to scrape an html mockup and keep the page's integrity. Firefox does an almost perfect job but doesn't grab images referenced in the css. The Scrabbook extension for Firefox gets everything, but flattens the directory structure. I wouldn't terribly mind if all f...

How to insert a text-like element into document using javascript and CSS?

I want to use javascript to insert some elements into the current page. Such as this is the original document: <p>Hello world!</p> Now I want to insert an element in to the text so that it will become: <p>Hello <span id=span1>new</span> world!</p> I need the span tag because I want to handle it later.Show or hide. But now problem come...

Should Tables be avoided in HTML at any cost?

It is advisable to use tables in HTML pages (now that we have CSS)? What are the applications of tables? What features/abilities does tables have that are not in CSS? Related Questions Tables instead of DIVs DIV vs TABLE DIVs vs. TABLEs a rebuttal please ...

Inline displayed blocks form a single word in IE

The problem is that I have several "h2" tags that have a display:inline attribute, and on Microsoft's wonderful browsers the space between them doesn't appear. Is there a workaround? I know there is a "non-breaking space"   in HTML but I was wondering if one can make a space that may be a "breaking space". --- edit --- The website is ...

Why not use tables for layout in HTML?

It seems to be the general opinion that tables should not be used for layout in HTML. Why? I have never (or rarely to be honest) seen good arguments for this. The usual answers are: It's good to separate content from layoutBut this is a fallacious argument; Cliche Thinking. I guess it's true that using the table element for layout h...

How to set up the browser scrollbar to scroll part of a page?

I've seen this done in a few sites, an example is artofadambetts.com. The scroll bar on the page scrolls only an element of the page, not the entire page. I looked at the source and havent't been able to figure it out yet. How is this done? ...

Best way to implement a 3-column website using <DIV> tags?

I'm developing a 3-column website using a layout like this: <div id='left' style='left: 0; width: 150px; '> ... </div> <div id='middle' style='left: 150px; right: 200px' > ... </div> <div id='right' style='right: 0; width: 200px; '> ... </div> But, considering the default CSS 'position' property of <DIV>'s is...

div class vs id

When using divs when is it best to use a class vs id? Is it best to use class, on say font variant or elements within the html? Then use id for the structure/containers? This is something I've always been a little uncertain on, any help would be great. ...

What is the simplest and best tool for real-time tweaking of CSS in IE6, similar to what Firebug does for Firefox?

All front-end developers know the pain of coding for Firefox, then viewing our then mangled pages in IE6. IE6 is still widely used (it is, however disappearing slowly but surely... in a year and a half from the writing of this, it will be irrelevant as usage will be less than 1%) We usually used IE conditional comments to create separat...

What is the easiest or fastest way to make CSS render the same in all browsers

Making a web page display correctly im all major browsers today is a very time consuming task. Is there a easy way to make a CSS style that looks identical in every browser? Or at least do you have some tips to make this work easier? ...

How can you make a web page send to the printer something different than what's in the browser window?

Google Maps used to do this bit where when you hit the "Print" link, what would be sent to the printer wasn't exactly what you had on the screen, but rather a differently-formatted version of mostly the same information. It appears that they've largely moved away from this concept (I guess people didn't understand it) and most websites...

Is there a JavaScript PNG fix for IE6 that allows CSS background positioning?

I've seen a few fixes for allowing PNG images to have transparency in Internet Explorer 6, but I've yet to find one that also allows you to set the background position in CSS. If you use sprites, it's a deal-breaker. I've resorted to using GIF's (which are not as high quality), not using transparent images at all, or serving a completely...

Google Maps, Z Index and Drop Down Javascript menus

I've run on a little problem today: I have a JS drop down menu and when I inserted a GoogleMap... the Menu is rendered behind the Google Map... Any ideas on how to chance the z Index of the Google Map? Thanks! ...

YUI Autocomplete renders under other page elements in IE7

I'm working now on a page that has a column of boxes styled with sexy shadows and corners and whatnot using the example here. I have to admit, I don't fully understand how that CSS works, but it looks great. Inside the topmost box is a text-type input used for searching. That search box is wired up to a YUI autocomplete widget. Every...

Reference app relative virtual paths in .css file

Assume I have an "images" folder directory under the root of my application. How can I, from within a .css file, reference an image in this directory using an ASP.NET app relative path. Example: When in development, the path of ~/Images/Test.gif might resolve to /MyApp/Images/Test.gif while, in production, it might resolve to /Image...

css help with box models

I need help with the css box models. I have a problem with my website ucare-ph.org . The logo (temporary) is covering the main copy. Now I know someone can tell me the code to fix this. But what I really need is a resource or resources in books or websites that can give me a better understanding of the box model. The syntax is very eas...

How to stretch an HTML table to 100% of the browser window height?

I'm using a table to design the layout of my web page. I want the table to fill the page even if it doesn't contain much content. Here's the CSS I'm using: html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #container { min-height: 100%; width: 100%; } And I place something like this in the page code: <table id=...

Make a div fill the remaining screen space

I am currently working on a web application, where I want the content to fill the height of the entire screen. The page has a header, which contains a logo, and account information. This could be an arbitrary height. I want the content div to fill the rest of the page to the bottom. I have a header div and a content div. At the moment ...

Good asp.net (C#) apps?

Any suggestions for good open source asp.net (C#) apps out there which meet as many of the following:? Designed well and multi tiered Clean & commented code Good use of several design patterns Web pages display properly in all common browsers Produces valid html and has good use of css Use of css themes. Prefer usage of css than tables...