
Charset tag making all pages scripts run twice.

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $stigConfig['charset']; ?>" /> How can this line of code make my full page reload twice... ive been looking threw all my site and finaly after 2 days... i narrowed down to taking this line out and my sites no longer runs its header scripts twice. dont i need a cha...

:nth-child is not working in IE

Hey guys Ive searched for my specific problem and can't find it... I hope any of you guys can help. Im trying to get nth-child to work in IE - now Ive read that you can do it with Jquery, how do I implement jquery in this instance? Im also using this Lib item ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js It works perfectly i...

Help with Collapsible Divs (adding image for show/hide state)

Hi there, I'm using this script for collapsible divs... http://www.harrymaugans.com/2007/03/06/how-to-create-an-animated-sliding-collapsible-div-with-javascript-and-css/ Everything's working fine but I need to add an image for show/hide state. When the div is showing the header displays an "open" arrow...when closed it displays a "cl...

JQuery theme builder CSS issue

For some reason the hover attribute is not working. When i put my mouse over the button, it doesn't change to the color I specified in the CSS. Here's my relevant CSS: .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #dadada; background: #d7dfff url(images/ui-bg_highlight-...

jquery theme builder question

The button I created from the JQuery theme builder is too big. How can I resize the button and text while keeping everything in the same proportion? Here is the button CSS: .ui-button { display: inline-block; position: relative; padding: 0; margin-right: .1em; text-decoration: none !important; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; zoom: ...

Unordered List In IE 7

I'm having some trouble getting the following page to display properly in IE 7. It works fine in IE 8, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. The only problem is that in IE 7, the width of the unordered list causes the list items to unnecessarily wrap to the next lines. Any help will be very much appreciated. Oh, also I noticed that by ...

Box model confusion - border/padding on form input field inside a table element?

I colour code of different form input fields, according to what their contents should be (mandatory/option/string/integer/float/etc) by using background an dborder. I would like to have a table showing a key to this, with an example of each. However, some of them are only distinguishable by their borders (e.g, red border on a field whic...

How to make margin collapsing work with input type=button/submit?

Consider following code: <p style="margin: 30px 0; padding: 0;">Some text some text some text some text some text some text some text some text</p> <p style="margin: 30px 0; padding: 0;">Some text some text some text some text some text some text some text some text</p> <input type="button" value="Button" style="margin: 30px 0; paddin...

Creating hover effect in HTML from visio diagram or JPEG file

Hi All, I'd like to know if it is possible to achieve this scenario for my web design, I've got company ITIL diagram that I'd like to make it show the hyperlink to a file download for each respective box (mouse hover / over effect) should I create a HTML table for this or create image mappings from the VISIO diagram .vsd file ? so wh...

How to remove space between columns in BluePrint CSS framework?

Hello I am using blueprint css framework when using the following code: <div class="container showgrid"> <div class="span-12">left column</div> <div class="span-12 last">right column</div> </div> you will notice that there is a small space between these columns! is there any way to remove that space? Thanks ...

Comment immediate after closing DIVs in IE

I remember IE will have some problems in layout when a comment is placed immediate after closing DIVs E.g. <div id='header'> </div><!--/header--> I forgot which version of IE will be affected, anyone can point me to the right direction for this bug? Thanks. ...

Make Text Stretch 100%

So, I said this might be possible to my client, and i said I'd research it and let him know. Anyways, with JS or a CSS hack, is it possible to make text stretch 100% of the window? What i mean by this is, how can I make the title of his site, no matter the window size, fit exactly 100% inside the window by dynamically changing the font s...

Combining two selectors in CSS3

Is there anyway to combine two selectors? such as: #div:hover:not(.class) Thanks Joel Edit: I understand this work as I wrote. However, how can I achieve a "hover" effect for a "LI" element , but exclude the hover effect when the mouse is over a certain "DIV' inside the LI? E.G. <li>Hello <div id="#no-hover">Bye</div> </l...

jCarousel images not displaying in jQuery slider

I have a jQuery sliding panel that is not displaying a jQuery carousel within it. Example: http://www.warface.co.uk/clients/warface.co.uk/ Click Show Dashboard to display the Sliding Panel. I have the buttons (previous/next) displaying but not the carousel. I have added the carousel below also for example. I have the CSS for the slid...

Inset shadow effect

How to make this inside shadow effect with CSS? So far I got this http://jsfiddle.net/yX26J/. How to apply shadow only left and top? ...

drupal expandable hover menu

Anyone know of a decent way of making drupal menus exapandable when the user hovers over the parent menu item. ...

Relative positioned child whithin a relative positioned parent disappears in IE7

Hello all, For few days i'm looking for a good solution for my problem, but with no success. Here is my code: <ul style="list-style: none; position: relative;"> <li style="float: left;"><span style="position: relative; left: 5px; ">one</span></li> <li style="float: left;"><span>two</span></li> <li style="float: left;"><spa...

IE hover/focus/active anchor and span, no javascript

Hi there, currently trying to create the best anchor with background image, hover and active stages. Here is what i have for this moment. It works fine in all browsers except in IE if I press on span (15px left side works fine as it is anchor). Here is example link text . Any ideas? I want to keep current code, no absolutes, no javascri...

How to control border height?

I have two div, one on the left and the other is on the right. Now I want to divide this two div with a border between them. But the border with full height looks bad. I want to control the height of the border. How could I do this? ...

Printing landscape html->pdf using abcPDF

Hello I am trying to get a PDF generated by abcPDF from html output to print the first three pages in portrait and then switch the fourth page to landscape. I have been able to get the html to switch into landscape for the fourth page by applying this class to a div that is the 4th page: .PageLandscape { width="100%"; height=...